

Consensus and H_∞Filtering of Multi-agent Systems Based on Various Data-triggering Machnisms

【作者】 丁磊

【导师】 郭戈;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着信号处理和网络通信技术不断进步,数字信号控制方式在多智能体系统中得到了越来越广泛的应用。在实际应用中,数据信息传输主要采用时间触发和事件触发两种方式。前者的优势在于分析和设计易于实现,后者则有利于网络资源的利用。本文将分别在这两种数据触发机制下对多智能体系统一致性和H∞滤波系统地分析和设计。在对相关课题背景及已有文献研究成果进行分析和总结的基础上,本文完成了以下研究内容:1.针对一类带有Lipschitz非线性动态特性和马尔科夫随机切换拓扑的多智能体系统,提出了能够克服网络通信延时影响的采样一致性控制协议。利用李雅普诺夫泛函和弱无穷算子方法,得到了能够保证多智能体系统指数均方一致性的充分条件,并给出了拓扑依赖一致性切换控制器的设计方法。2.针对新的网络化多智能体系统结构,通过利用两个缓冲器来处理网络诱导延时所引起的异步数据问题,提出了一种新颖的能够克服时变网络诱导延时影响的网络化一致性控制协议。通过构建新的带有拓扑结构信息Lyapunov-Krasovskii泛函,获得时滞依赖网络化多智能体系统一致性判定准则,并在此基础上给出了网络化一致性控制器设计方法。3.为了减少智能体间的数据传输量,建立了一种新颖的带有事件触发数据传输策略的多智能体系统结构。以该结构为基础,提出了基于事件触发的一致性控制策略,从而使多智能体系统最终达到状态一致。通过引入新的平均数据传输率性能指标,给出了一致性控制器参数和触发事件阂值参数的联合设计算法。4.针对不同数据触发机制下的传感器网络,研究了分布式H∞一致性滤波问题。以时间触发和事件触发两种数据传输方式为基础,分别给出了相应的分布式H∞一致性滤波器结构,并设计了相应滤波器参数和事件触发阈值参数。

【Abstract】 The increasing technological advancement of signal processing and communication network makes it feasible that multi-agent systems tend to be operated by digital con-trollers widely in some modern applications. In this case, information transmission is usu-ally either time-triggered or event-triggered. The advantages of the time-triggered scheme lies in easy implementations of its analysis and design. The event-triggered scheme can benefit from some savings of network communication resources. Thus, in this thesis these two information transmission schemes will be respectively employed to investigate con-sensus and H∞filtering of multi-agent systems. Based on analysis and summary of topic backgrounds and the existing literatures, the contributions of this thesis can be concluded as follows:1. For a class of multi-agent systems with Lipschitz nonlinear dynamics and Marko-vian switching topologies, a sampled-data consensus protocol depending on topology switching is proposed by considering effects of communication delays. Employing Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional and weak infinite operator method, a sufficient condition, which can ensure exponential mean-square consensus of multi-agent systems, is derived. Correspondingly, the topology-dependent sampled-data consensus controller is given.2. By introducing two buffers to deal with asynchronous problem arising from network-induced delays, a new network-based multi-agent system framework is estab-lished. Under this framework, a new network-based consensus protocol is proposed. By constructing a novel Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional with graph information, a delay-dependent criterion for consensus of multi-agent systems is given. Based on this criterion, a sufficient condition on the existence of network-based consensus controller is obtained.3. A new distributed event-triggered transmission strategy for sampled-data consen-sus of multi-agent systems is presented. Under this strategy, an event-triggered consensus protocol is proposed, with which consensus of the multi-agent system can be achieved asymptotically. A co-design algorithm for obtaining the consensus controllers and the threshold parameters of event-triggering conditions in a unified framework is proposed. Numerical simulations illustrate that the quantity of sampled-data transmission can be sig-nificantly reduced by using the proposed strategy.4. Distributed H∞consensus filtering in sensor networks is investigated by adopting different transmission triggering mechanisms. Based on the time-triggered and event-triggered schemes, the constructions of H∞consensus filters are respectively given, and then a method is obtained to design the H∞consensus filter parameters and threshold parameters of triggering conditions.

  • 【分类号】TN713;TP13
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】368
  • 攻读期成果

