

Research on the Legal Issues of Maritime Towage

【作者】 屈志一

【导师】 韩立新;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 第1章海上拖航的界定。海上拖航是指拖船对被拖物的拖带行为或服务,是一种内容非常宽泛的海上服务。通过对拖航性质学说的辨析,得出海上拖航合同是一种具有服务性质的有名合同,且按照具体情形的不同可分为具有雇佣特征和具有承揽特征的海上拖航合同。另外,在比较海上拖航与海上运输、海难救助港内拖航等其他海上服务行为诸多不同。第2章海上拖航的适拖义务。主要以海上拖航中承拖方与被拖方的适拖义务为研究对象,通过研究英国、美国以及我国案例,总结出承拖方与被拖方各自的适拖义务,并参照英国判例,从首要义务、绝对义务、谨慎处理说的角度考证适拖义务的性质,最后结合适航义务的举证责任程序,提出了海上拖航中适拖义务的举证责任分配。第3章海上拖航航程中的义务。拖航作业和拖航航行中,承拖方和被拖方之间义务的一般标准是尽到适当技能和注意。在此标准下,以控制地位为依据划分承拖方和被拖方之间的义务,并且分析了拖航航程中特殊情况——拖航受阻与放弃拖航中拖船的义务。承拖方和(或)被拖方对第三船的义务主要体现为尽到良好船艺和遵守航行规则。第4章海上拖航的损害赔偿。拖航作业中的损害赔偿具有一般性和特殊性,本章综合考查了针对拖航特殊性发展出的支配者原则、雇佣推定、控制原则和中国法的规定,分析承拖方和被拖方之间的损害赔偿与涉及第三人的损害赔偿中的责任分配问题。第5章海上拖航的责任免除。海上拖航中的责任免除包括合同约定的免责条款和法律规定的免责事由。该章对拖航标准合同中普遍存在的各种形式的免责条款进行了具体分析,如“雇佣条款”、"Named Vessel"条款,各国司法实践对于标准合同中的免责条款的效力一般不予认可。并从人为和自然力两个角度对法定免责事项进行了研究。第6章海上拖航的转化救助。拖航与海上救助存在密切联系,本章重点讨论拖航向救助转化的两个条件:一是不能被双方合理预计的情形使被拖物处于危险之中,二是产生的风险或拖船履行的义务不在合同的范围内。本章还研究了拖航转化为救助的情况下对原合同的影响,拖航合同中存在的特殊条款和承拖方过失对取得报酬的影响。第7章研究拖航的责任限制。认为海上拖航的责任限制,适用《1976责任限制公约》时具有一定的局限性;在英美,船舶的概念得到扩展,限制较少。英国是按照拖航船队中有过失的船舶各自的吨位分别限制责任。而美国法则区分索赔方和责任人之间是否存在合同关系,从商业目的的角度分析,进而产生了“船队规则”和“纯侵权”规则。我国海上拖航责任限制应在“船舶”的界定和拖船和被拖船责任限额的确定两个方面,适当吸收英美的合理做法进行完善。

【Abstract】 Chapter1, Defines the Action and Character of Towage at Sea. While analysing the theories on the nature the towage, it is concluded that the contract of towage which has characteristics of employment contract or work contract in accordance to the specific circumstances, is a service contract as well as a specially named contract. In addition, this essay also discusses the differences between towage and related behaviors, such as carriage, salvage and towage within a port, and proposes some suggestions on the related provisions in "China’s Maritime Code"(CMC).Chapter2, The Towworthy Obligation of Towage at Sea, mainly focuses on the towworthy obligation of two parties under towage contract. By studying the cases of United Kingdom, the United States as well as the cases in China, the essay has summed up the obligation of the tug and the tow. With reference to the United Kingdom cases, the nature of the towworthy obligation is analysed from the point of overrding obligation, absolute obligation and reasonable care theory. After comparation with the burden proof procedure of seaworthiness, the essay puts forward legislative suggestions for the allocation of burden proof of towworthy in towage.Chapter3, The Obiligation during Towage at Sea Voyage. During towing operation and towing voyage, the general standard of the duties between tug and tow is to excise proper skill and diligence, under which, according to the question of who is in charge of the towing operation, the duties are divided between them.Then special circumstances where towage is interrupted and termination of the towage is considered as to the duties upon the tug.The duties to a third party are embodied in the good seamanship and the navigation rules.Chapter4, The Liability to Damages of Towage at Sea.Analyses the liability to damages between tug and tow and involving third parties from the perspectives of the generality and particularity of liability in towage, in which the "dominant mind", presumption of servant relationship, control theory and the provisions in CMC are considered correlatively and particularly.Chapter5, The Exclusion of Liability in Towage at Sea. The exclusion includes exception clauses in towage contract and immunities in law. In chapter5, the essay analyses various forms of duty escaping clauses in towing standards contract, such as "employment terms and conditions","the Named Vessel" provision. Generally, the effectiveness of the exemption clause in standard contract will not be approved in judicial practice.The immunities in law mainly consists of man-made accidents and natural forces.Chapter6, The Salvage Transforming of Towage at Sea. Towage is in close connection with salvage and in certain conditions they may transform mutually. The transforming needs two conditions:one is the tow is in danger because of circumstances incurred beyond reasonable consideration by the parties, and the other is risks incurred or duties performed by the tug are out of the scope of the contract. The two parties’duty and right are changed because of this transformation and special clause in towage contract as well as the tugowner’s fault, which may affect the payment of salvage.Chapter7, Limitation of Towage at Sea. There is certain limitation in the application of the1976Convention on limitation of liability concerning Towage at Sea, while it is accessible in the law of United Kingdom and United States. In the United Kingdom, the responsible party is limited to the tonnage of vessels at fault respectively. In United States, they distinguish contractual relationship and tort between the claimant and the responsible party from a commercial perspective, and consequently, the "flotilla rule" and "pure tort" rule is applicable widely. At last it is recommended that the Chinese law related to the definition of "ship" and the calculation of limitation of liability should be improved by refering to the reasonable practice of the UK&USA.


