

Marx’s Outlook on Happiness and Its Comtemporary Value

【作者】 李水石

【导师】 秦龙;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 作为一套逻辑结构完整、逻辑条理清晰、逻辑论证充分的幸福理论,马克思幸福观不仅在马克思主义理论体系中占有重要位置,而且并对唯物史观、政治经济学、科学社会主义的发展和形成具有重要意义。马克思立足唯物史观,通过对人的本质和社会历史发展一般规律的科学分析,客服了传统幸福观对幸福本质认识的抽象性、片面性、直观性,建立了全面系统的幸福理论。作为对现实世界产生革命性影响的幸福思想,马克思幸福观一直是当代中国幸福思想的理论源泉,也是我国以实现人民幸福为最高目标的社会主义建设事业的重要理论依据。随着我国改革的进一步深化、以及由传统社会向现代社会转型步伐的加快,全面深入地解读马克思幸福观对于当代中国人幸福的实现具有重要意义。本文共分为五个章节。第1章绪论介绍本课题的研究背景、研究目的和研究意义,分析总结了国内外对本课题的研究现状,明确了本课题的研究思路与研究方法。第2章“马克思幸福观的基本概念与哲学根源”分析了西方幸福思想发展史上具有代表性的三种幸福概念的理论价值与理论缺陷,界定了马克思的幸福概念,归纳了马克思幸福概念的多重意蕴,梳理了马克思幸福观的哲学来源。第3章“马克思幸福观的历史演进”将马克思幸福观的发展与形成的历史过程分为萌芽、形成、确立和深化四个阶段,在每个阶段分别选取了具有代表性的马克思经典本文进行研读,并围绕着这些代表性作品论述了马克思幸福观的发展历程,剖析其思想转变的动因与内在逻辑。第4章“马克思幸福观的基本内容与特征”系统解读了马克思幸福观基本内容与逻辑理论思维形式,阐述了马克思幸福观的特征。第5章“马克思幸福观的当代价值”中分析了马克思幸福观在马克思主义理论体系中的地位和作用,回顾了马克思幸福观在中国继承和发展的历史过程,总结了我党积极探索实现人民幸福的成功经验,并从个人、社会、国家三个角度挖掘了马克思幸福观对于实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的现实意义。

【Abstract】 As a completely structured, well organized and fully illustrated theory of happiness, Marx’s outlook on happiness not only occupies an important position in Marxism theoretical system, but also has a great significance in the development and formation of historical materialism, political economics and scientific socialism. Based on the historical materialism, Marx established comprehensive and systematic theory of happiness to overcome the abstractness, one-sidedness and intuitiveness of traditional outlook on happiness through the scientific analysis of human nature and the law of the development of social history. As the thoughts which have revolutionary impacts on the world, Marx’s outlook on happiness has always be the theoretical source of outlook on happiness in modern China and theoretical basis of Chinese socialist construction. In modern China, with the deepening of reform and transformation from traditional society to modern society, comprehensive and deep understanding of Marx’s outlook on happiness has a great significance in achieving the happiness.This dissertation includes five chapters. The first chapter introduces the research background, research target, the domestic and foreign analysis of this theme. It also introduces the research approach and research method. The second chapter analyzes the theoretical value and defect of three typical definitions of happiness in the western history of outlook on happiness. It also defines the happiness in Marx’s theory and concludes the various dimensions of Marx’s definition of happiness. The third chapter divides the development of Marx’s outlook on happiness into four phases which is infancy, formation, establishment, and deepening stage. In each stage, Marx’s classic texts have been chosen and researched to understand the overall development of Marx’s outlook on happiness and to analyze the reason and logic of the transformation of Marx’s thoughts. The forth chapter introduces the main content and characteristics of Marx’s outlook on happiness. The fifth chapter analyzes the position and significance of Marx’s outlook on happiness in Marxism theoretical system, reviews the developing process of Marx’s outlook on happiness in China, concludes the experience from The Communist Party of China in achieving the happiness of Chinese, and explores the practical significance of Marx’s outlook in happiness in achieving the "China Dream".

【关键词】 马克思幸福观当代价值
【Key words】 Marxoutlook on happinessmodern significance

