

The Research on Important Mineral Resources Protection&Rational Utilization Comprehensive Evaluation and Differentiation Management

【作者】 余良晖

【导师】 张寿庭;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 资源产业经济, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 随着我国工业化步入中后期,以铁、铜、铝等为主的重要矿产资源为国家经济发展发挥着越来越显著的作用。构建重要矿产保护与利用评价方法体系,探索差别化管理的方式方法,对人们正确认识重要矿产保护与利用现状,扩展相关学科理论探索方向,为政府主管部门研制科学的管理政策,增强重要矿产保护与合理利用的综合效益具有重要的现实意义。本文研究工作取得如下主要成果:1、以可持续发展理论、资源禀赋理论、资源经济理论以及产业经济学理论等为基础,在大量查阅相关文献资料的基础上,分析提出了“重要矿产资源”的内涵和3个基本属性;进一步提出了“重要矿产资源保护与合理利用”的理论内涵,并明确了“保护与合理利用”的内在关系。2、以系统理论为基础,构建了以资源子系统、管理子系统、技术子系统和市场子系统组成的重要矿产资源保护与合理利用系统模型;创建了重要矿产资源保护与利用的评价指标体系,制定了5项评价体系原则,评价体系的层次结构分系统目标层、准则层、要素层和指标层4个层次结构,共计32项评价指标。3、以层次分析与多层次灰色综合评价相结合的评价手段,对铁矿进行了实证分析。通过计算模型对27项指标进行数据测算,并得出:2005-2011年,我国铁矿保护与合理利用综合水平处在区间[0.5207,0.5718],根据度量标准判定其属于“较高”水平,说明我国在相关方面展开的工作取得了一定成效。4、通过变量因子分析,采用SPSS软件分析建模,构建了勘查开发型指数、违规开发监测型指数、成本效益型指数等3个铁矿保护利用评价指数方程。5、通过分析铁矿保护利用的差别化管理理论基础,提出了差别化管理的“细分原则”;构建了差别化管理的“三边”模型;并提出区域差别化、内外部分层组合、提高传导机制运行效率、监测预警体系等4个政策取向。构建了铁矿保护与利用的管理框架。进一步研建了铁矿区域差别化调控、差别化管理政策工具组合优化、差别化管理政策传导机制增强、差别化管理监测与预警体系4个模型。

【Abstract】 Along with our country into the late middle industrialization, mainly iron, copper, aluminumand other important mineral resources for the national economic development plays a more andmore significant role. To construct the protection and utilization evaluation method system andexplore the differentiation management methods of important mineral resources, which haspractical significance for people to have a correct recognition of the important minerals protectionand utilization status and extend exploration direction of related discipline theory; for thegovernment department to develop scientific management policy, strengthen the comprehensivebenefits of the important mineral resources protection and rational utilization. The following aremajor achievement obtained in this paper:1. Taking the sustainable development theory, resources endowment theory, resourceseconomic theory and industrial economics theory as the foundation, basing on the numbers ofrelative literature materials, proposed the connotation and three basic properties of importantmineral resources; further put forwarded the theoretical connotation and cleared the internalrelations of protection and rational utilization.2. On the basis of system theory, constructed system model of protection and rationalutilization of important mineral resources which was comprised of resources subsystem,management subsystem, technical subsystem and market subsystem; created the evaluation indexsystem, formulated the five principles of evaluation system, there are four parts of the hierarchicalstructure which includes target layer, criterion layer, element layer, and index layer, total of32indexes.3. Combining methods of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and hierarchy greycomprehensive evaluation to make empirical analysis of iron ores. By calculating the data of27indicators via calculation model, finally concluded that: from2005to2011, the comprehensivelevel of protection and rational utilization of iron ore in China is in the interval of0.5207to0.5718, which belongs to the "high" level according to the metrics, also indicates that we haveobtained certain achievements in the relevant aspects in our country.4. Through the variable factor analysis, using SPSS software analysis modeling, establishedthree index equations of iron ores protection and utilization evaluation: exploration anddevelopment index, illegal development monitoring index and cost efficiency index.5. Analyzed the differentiation management theoretical basis of iron ores protection andutilization, proposed the “principle of subdivision” and built the “trilateral” model ofdifferentiation management, presented four policy orientations of regional differentiation,inside-outside layering combination, improving the efficiency of the transmission mechanism andmonitoring&early warning system. Established the management frame of iron ores protectionand utilization. Further constructed four models of iron ores regional differentiation regulation,differentiation management policy instrument combinatorial optimization, differentiationmanagement policy transmission mechanism strengthen, differentiation management monitoringand early warning system.


