
秘鲁Don Javier铜矿成矿地质特征与开发模式研究及推广

Peruvian Don Javier Copper Deposit Metallogenic Geological Characteristics, Economical Development Model and Its Promotion

【作者】 吴斌

【导师】 赵鹏大;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 资源产业经济, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 Don Javier铜矿地处秘鲁南部古近纪-新近纪斑岩铜矿成矿带,是一个品位低、规模相对较小,开发难度相对较大的斑岩型铜矿。本文研究了矿床的成矿地质特征,提出了合理的采选、运输、销售综合开发方案,探索了该类型矿床的境外投资开发模式。通过对铜市场分析,预测了未来短期内铜需求量稳中有升。研究了Don Javier铜矿成矿地质特征,与同成矿带的其它超大型斑岩铜矿对比分析,提出了矿床具有赋矿岩浆岩时段集中、控矿构造上受深大断裂影响明显、成矿期次上在前期斑岩成矿并受后期斑岩活动破坏改造等共同特点。采用自然崩落法作为采矿方法、铜钼优先浮选,合理保护环境、便利的运输方案、矿产品销售回中国的综合开发方案,技术经济评价说明项目在当前条件下可行。运用SWOT分析法,对项目进行了内部优势、内部劣势、外部机遇、外部威胁分析,项目开发以期权方式整体收购为开端,以国内在隐伏矿体、深部矿体探测方面的技术力量为基础,凭借高效灵活的地质、地球物理和钻探队伍进行勘探,与内外知名矿业咨询公司合作进行高水平研究与设计;充分利用国产设备,采用科学合理的采选矿方法;尊重当地的法律法规和环保要求,实现属地化管理;充分利用秘鲁经济发展势头良好,投资政策及法律稳定,国家重视矿业发展及中秘关系友好,中国政策支持到秘鲁投资等机遇,形成了“勘探队伍自有化、人才培养复合化、专业设备中国化、管理与技术团队本土化、研究与设计专业化”的境外铜矿经济开发模式。针对Don Javier项目采取了正确评估资源风险等措施积极减小或规避风险,并提出正确认识资源风险在投资风险中所占的比重等8方面措施,为境外矿业投资和开发规避风险提供参考。

【Abstract】 Don Javier copper deposit is located in the Peruvian porphyry metallogenic belt ofPaleogene-Neogene era. The present studies the mineralization features and proposesa reasonable and comprehensive development plan including mining and ore dressing,transportation and sales, and it also explores the foreign investment and developmentmodel of this type of deposit. According to the copper market analysis, it forecaststhe short-term demand for copper remains steadily high. It studies the geologicalcharacteristics of Don Javier copper deposit, and by comparing with other super-largeporphyry copper deposits in the same metallogenic belt, it puts forward the followingcommon characteristics: the periods of magmatic rocks hosting minerals are close toeach other, the ore-controlling structures are apparently affected by deep faults, theearly porphyry mineralization is destroyed and altered by the posterior porphyryactivities. The economic-technical evaluation explains the viability in currentconditions by adopting the comprehensive development plan, which is using thecaving method and Cu and Mo preferential flotation, reasonable environmentprotection, convenient transportation solution and sales back to China. It employsSWOT method to analyze the project with respect to interior advantages,disadvantages, external opportunities and threats. The project development beginswith overall acquisition by option, based on the domestic technical strength ofdetection in concealed orebodies and deep orebodies, with the help of efficient andflexible geological, geophysical and exploration teams, carries out high-qualitystudies and designing in cooperation with domestic and overseas well-known miningconsulting companies; it will make good use of equipment made in China and adoptreasonable and scientific mining and processing methods; the local laws, regulationsand environmental requirement will be respected, the administration will be localized;it will take advantage of the following opportunities, such as Peruvian good economicdevelopment tendency, the national attention on mining development and the goodrelationship between both countries and national supporting policy of investment inPeru. It has formed a foreign copper development model “proper exploration team, composite talents and professional equipment made in China, managementlocalization and technical team and professionalized investigation&design as well.”For Don Javier project, proper assessment of resource risk has been taken to reduce oravoid risks, and measures in8aspects have been proposed in order to understandcorrectly the percentage of resource risk in the investment risk. It provides referencesfor risk aversion for overseas mining investment and development.


