

Research on Gold Resource Quantitative Prediction in Qingshui-songkaersu, East Junggar, Xinjiang Province

【作者】 邢俊兵

【导师】 陈建平;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地球探测与信息技术, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 论文以新疆清水-松喀尔苏一带为研究区,位于新疆准噶尔盆地东部,新疆东准噶尔卡拉麦里成矿带中西段。目前,研究区发现金矿床(点)多处,通过系统研究区域大地构造演化,地层、构造、岩浆岩分布特征,结合区内典型矿床特征分析,系统分析了区域金矿的成因模式,根据定量地学评价相关的地质异常理论,利用GIS与遥感技术,对研究的地质、矿产、遥感、化探及物探资料进行定量分析研究,实现了该区金矿资源潜力的预测评价,论文取得的主要研究成果如下:1.全面收集研究区地质、矿产、物探、化探、遥感等资料,统一整理后建立矢量化的基础地质数据库,为地质研究定量化提供基础。2、在工作区首次开展了基于美国WorldView2(空间分辨率0.61米)高空间分辨率卫星数据的遥感地质找矿工作研究,开展了金水泉一带矿化蚀变区(带)的空间特征提取工作,对于地质找矿工作的部署和开展、提高地质找矿工作效率具有明显的指导作用。3、针对研究区地质地理特征和不同遥感数据源的特点及不同岩性、蚀变类型及其岩石波谱特征进行对比分析,分别用波段比值合成、主成分分析、小波变换、混合像元分解、监督分类和生成彩色合成图等方法设计了多个方法组合,通过反复实验和对比,开展了基于ETM多波段遥感数据的不同类型矿化蚀变信息提取工作。提取出的矿化蚀变信息与野外实际情况具有较好的对应性。以小比例尺ETM遥感图像为基础,对全部工作区开展了遥感区域地质构造解译工作。4、对区内航磁、重力、化探原始数据进行处理,研究对比采用不同方法确定异常下限,分析确定并提取出与成矿有关的异常。5、对研究所获得的地质、物探、化探、遥感等地质异常进行定量化处理及综合分析,建立研究区找矿模型。基于GIS平台利用证据权重法和信息量法对清水-松喀尔苏进行金矿资源定量预测评价,圈定A级找矿远景区4处、B级3处、C级3处,预测远景资源量共计2703.5吨。

【Abstract】 Located in the eastern part of the Junggar Basin in Xijiang Province, Qingshui-Songkaersu region belongs to the middle-west segment of Kalamaili metallogenic beltand is chosen as the research area of this dissertation. Currently, lots of gold depositsand occurrences have been discovered in this region. By studying the characteristicsof regional tectonic evolution, stratum, structure, distribution of igneous rocks andtypical deposit, genetic models of gold deposits in research area have been analyzed.Based on geologic anomaly theory, geophysical, geochemical and remote sensinganomalies have been analyzed quantitatively to assess the gold resource potential inthis region by GIS and remote sensing technology. The main conclusions are listed asfollows:1. The regional data of geology, mineral resource, geophysics, geochemistry andremote sensing have been collected comprehensively to establish a unifiedvectorization basic geological database for geological quantitative research.2.Remote sensing prospecting research based on WorldView2(spatial resolutionof0.61m, the United States) has been carried out for the first time in research area byextracting the spatial characteristics of mineralization and alteration zones inJinshuiquan, which has instructive meanings for regional mineral resourceprospecting.3. Many method combinations have been designed by layer stack, ratio synthesis,layer ratio synthesis, principal component analysis, wavelet transformation, pixelunmixing, supervise classification and color composite image generation according tothe characteristics of geology and geography and a contrastive analysis of lithology,alteration and rock spectrum. Based on ETM multi-band remote sensing data,different types of alteration information have been extracted through repeatedexperiments and comparison. Regional structures of the entire research area have alsobeen interpreted based on small-scale ETM images. 4. The data of regional aeromagnetics, gravity and geochemistry have beenprocessed. The lower limit of anomaly has been determined by contrasting differentmethods and anomalies related to ore-forming process have also been extracted.5. Geologic, geophysical, geochemical and remote sensing anomalies have beenprocessed quantitatively and analyzed comprehensively to establish prospectingmodel for the research area. Quantitative assessment of gold resource inQingshui-Songkaersu region has been conducted and four A-order, three B-order andthree C-order prospecting areas have been delineated by evidence weighting methodand information method based on GIS platform. The gold resource is predicted to be2,703.5t.


