

The Use of Natural Stone Material Radioactivity Level Investigation and Risk Assessment of Beijing

【作者】 张琴

【导师】 罗云;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 安全技术及工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 由于天然石材装饰效果高贵、华丽、纯朴、自然,近年来越来越多的被用来进行家居、办公、娱乐等场所的环境装饰。但是天然石材具有放射性,造成室内的污染,损害人们的健康,北京市目前对石材建材的合理规范及安全性没有明文规定和安全评估数据库。为此,本文针对北京市公众对天然石材放射性的认知程度和辐射防护意识水平进行现场调研,对北京市天然石材放射性核素以及氡析出率进行实地测量和分析,并进行风险评估,进而提出相应的防护措施和指导性建议,具有重大的意义。本文首先对北京市石材市场做初步的调研,通过对比、搜集相关文献,抽样选取北京市居民、石材市场工作人员进行问卷调查,获取北京市公众对天然石材放射性的认知程度以及防护意识水平。其次,通过实地调查和抽样选取天然石材样品进行放射性核素以及氡析出率检测,确定北京市天然石材的放射性水平。最后利用层次分析法在危险源、人、管理、环境等方面详细考查北京市某石材市场的风险影响因素并进行风险评估。根据问卷调查的结果显示,北京市石材工作人员和居民对天然石材的放射性认知程度以及防护意识水平较低。对石材放射性水平的调查测试的结果显示,19种抽查的石材样品中有3种是B类石材,非A类石材率为15.8%,低于全国的平均水平;另外,人均年有效剂量估算中有4种石材超过了1mSv/a,需要限制使用。根据氡浓度和析出率的测定结果显示:天然石材氡的析出率以及室内氡浓度与许多因素有关,不同种类的石材氡析出率不同,在北京市抽查测试的样品中,平均氡析出率为2.0410-3Bq/m2·s。通过本次的实地调查和测试,经过分析发现不同种类的石材以及石材的颜色深浅都影响氡浓度的大小和析出率,南方地区的石材辐射性较大,颜色深的石材危害性较大。然而北京却对有关石材辐射性危害的知识普及和培训力度不够,相应的政府部门也未对其进行严格的管理和监督,导致人们对石材辐射危害的轻视,这才是造成人员身体伤害的一个重大隐患,希望本次研究能够对相关政府部门完善天然石材市场的放射性监管工作起到一定的指导和促进作用。

【Abstract】 In recent years, more and more people are electing natural stones to decoratehomes、offices and entertainment arenas for the decorative effects of natural stoneswith noble, gorgeous, simple and natural odds.However, natural stones will beharmful to the human body due to their radioactive influences. Currently, a reasonablestandard of stone building materials and safety regulations havn’t been made. What’smore, safety assessment database was out. Therefor, we carried out a study which aimto the Beijing public awareness and the level of radiation protection after the sitesurveys. And radio nuclides of natural stones and radon exhalation rate wasanalysised, and risk assessment was operated. In addiction,appropriate protectivemeasures and guidances was proposed.Firstly, the study did a preliminary research to the stone markets in Beijing.Theresults of public awareness and access to protection level to the radioactivity ofnatural stone was obtained by contrasting, collecting relevant literature and surveyingthe Beijing residents,workers in stone markets. Secondly, we expect to determine thelevel of radioactivity in Beijing natural stone through the field surveys and samplingto select natural stones samples. Moreover, the RAD7and other instruments wereused to detect radon exhalation rate for comparison with selected radonconcentration.Finally, combined with fuzzy mathematics method and the LEC method,we make use of the risk analysis methods in terms of hazard levels, people,management, and environment to examine the factors and do a risk assessment.The results of the survey showed that the lower level of stone radioactiveawareness and consciousness level of protection for natural stone with the staff andresidents of Beijing. According to the test level of radioactivity of the stone, therewere three kinds of stone class B in the19kinds of random samples of stone andnon-Class A stone was15.8%, which was lower than the national average. What’smore, there were four kinds of stone over the1mSv/a in the per capita annualeffective dose estimates, requiring restrictive use. According to the measurement results of radon concentration and exhalation rate, natural stone radon exhalation rateand indoor radon concentrations were related to many factors and different types ofstone was different in radon exhalation rate.In Beijing random test sample, theaverage radon exhalation rate of2.04×10-3Bq/m2·s.Thanks to this field work and testing, The types and colors of stone have a greateffect on contents and the concentration of radon exhalation rate were concluded. Thesouthern region of radiation is larger than others, and dark stones were moredangerous. Nowadays, we pay more attention to safety, especially in the modern city—Beijing. Neither the universality about Stone radiation hazards and training effortsnor the appropriate government departments for its strict management and supervisionare sufficient. Due to the migrant workers and difficult management, they lead peopleto stone radiation hazards contempt. This is a significant risk of physical injury.

【关键词】 天然石材放射性调查风险评估
【Key words】 natural stoneradioactivitysurveyrisk assessmentradom

