

Architecture and Service Access of Smart Hospital Based on Internet of Things

【作者】 俞磊

【导师】 陆阳;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 医院信息系统(Hospital Information System, HIS)的普及已使医院实现了一定程度的信息化,但仍存在如门诊业务流程复杂、各科室间信息共享性差、住院医生查房时无法对病人诊疗信息实时调阅和录入、采购药品的详细流通信息无法实时获取等诸多弊端。以物联网技术为基础,以各种应用服务系统为载体而构建的集诊疗、管理和决策为一体的智慧医院为上述问题提供了新的技术手段。本文以基于物联网技术的智慧医院为研究对象,对其架构和服务访问展开具体研究,对智慧医院的应用、建设与推广具有重要的参考意义。本文主要研究工作如下:(1)对物联网技术在医疗领域的应用进行了详细地分析,为后续智慧医院的相关研究奠定基础。首先从药品领域、远程监护、医疗信息化、医疗设备管理等方面讨论了物联网技术在医疗领域的应用;然后从智慧医院的概念,其与社会物联网的关系,与信息化医院、智能医院、数字医院的区别和联系等方面剖析了智慧医院的内涵,并对未来物联网在医疗行业的应用体系进行了描述和展望;(2)搭建了基于物联网技术的智慧医院架构,并给出具体应用方案,为今后智慧医院的全面实施与推广提供有意义的参考。首先在物联网已有体系架构基础上,结合医院实际特点,详细搭建了智慧医院的具体架构;然后从编制信息规范和标准、建设统一网络支撑平台和嵌入式移动电子病历应用平台等方面研究了智慧医院建设中的关键技术及内容;最后以一所三甲医院为例,从逻辑结构设计、应用框架设计和网络环境建设等方面给出了智慧医院的具体应用方案;(3)以智慧医院对采购药品的流通管理为切入点,在目前药品领域普遍采用的基于RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)的EPC (Electronic Product Code)物联网架构基础上,集成WSN (Wireless Sensor Network)技术,构建了融合RFID和WSN的药品流通物联网模型,详细分析了物联网环境下的药品流通管理,为智慧医院的应用服务提供充分的保障和支持。给出了该模型的结构及其形式化描述;构建了药品流通中状态信息和过程信息的描述模型,以及流通信息的存储模型,并通过Petri网对药品流通信息的跟踪流程进行了建模;最后设计了基于该模型的药品流通管理原型系统,在对其功能架构搭建的基础上,详细讨论了该系统中药品流通信息的采集与传输流程,说明了该模型对智慧医院采购药品流通管理的可行性和有效性;(4)提出了基于WSDL (Web Services Description Language)的物联网服务描述模型,实现了对智慧医院核心服务的完整描述。首先针对物联网服务描述的实际特点,分析了在传统网络服务描述模型WSDL基础上需扩展的内容,包括基于描述对象的扩展和基于描述内容的扩展;然后在WSDL基础上通过对物联网服务所涉及角色及其属性的描述扩展了服务描述对象,通过对物联网服务的获取方式、运行前提条件、输入和输出、所含各子过程及其总工作流程、服务支持等方面的描述扩展了服务描述内容,提出了一个基于WSDL的物联网服务描述模型,给出了该模型的扩充层次和具体结构;最后讨论了该模型的实现方法,选用OWL语言对该模型进行形式化描述,并通过该模型实现了对智慧医院核心服务——门诊服务和住院服务的详细描述;(5)构建了基于用户组和上下文的物联网RBAC (Role-Based Access Control)模型,分析物联网环境下智慧医院服务的访问控制。首先对物联网环境的上下文信息进行建模并在此基础上对上下文条件和上下文规则等相关内容进行形式化描述;然后在传统访问控制模型RBAC基础上,通过引入用户组完成角色的授权和修改,通过增加上下文规则扩展用户(组)被授予角色和角色被赋予权限时的约束条件,构建了一个基于用户组和上下文的物联网RBAC模型,详细讨论了该模型的设计思想、组成和运行机制;最后通过该模型对物联网环境下智慧医院服务的访问控制进行分析,讨论了该模型各基本要素及其相互关系应用在智慧医院服务访问控制中的具体含义,增强了智慧医院服务访问的灵活性和安全性。

【Abstract】 The popularity of HIS (hospital information system) has made the hospital achieve certain degree of informatization. Nevertheless, it also has some deficiencies, such as complex process of out-patient service, poor information sharing of each department, the patient medical information unable to be real-time read and inputted when doctor ward rounds, unable to obtain the detailed distribution information of medicine purchased in the hospital and so on. Smart hospital, based on technology of IOT (Internet of things) and constructed with the vector of various application service systems, is a new kind of hospital integrated the functions of diagnosis, treatment, management and decision, which has provided a new technical means to solve the problems mentioned above. In this dissertation, we choose smart hospital as the research object and have specific research on its architecture and service access, and it is not only of great significance in the application, construction and extension of smart hospital, but also promotes the application of IOT technology in the medical field. The main works of the present dissertation are as follows:(1) Detailed analysis and discussion on the application of IOT technology in the medical field are conducted in order to lay the foundation for the subsequent studies on smart hospital. Firstly, the research status of applying the technology of IOT to medical domain, such as drug, telemonitoring, medical informatization and the management of medical equipments, is detailedly investigated.,Furthermore from the concept of smart hospital, its relation with IOT in society, its difference and relation with information-based hospital, intelligent hospital and digital hospital, the connotation of smart hospital is analyzed, and then future application system of IOT in medical industry is described and prospected.(2) The architecture of smart hospital based on IOT is built and the specific application scheme is given, providing significant reference for the comprehensive implementation and extension of smart hospital in the future. Firstly, on the basis of current architecture of IOT, combined with the characteristics of the scene in hospital, the specific architecture of smart hospital is discussed in detail, and then from compiling the information codes and standards, building an unified network platform and an embedded mobile electronic medical record application platform, the key technologies and contents in the construction of smart hospital are fully studied. Finally, taking a third grade A hospital as an example, an specific application scheme of smart hospital is given from the aspects of the design of logic structure, the design of application framework, the construction of basic network environment and so on.(3) With the distribution management of purchased medicine in smart hospital as the breakthrough point, on the basis of EPC architecture commonly used in medicine domain and integrated WSN technology, an IOT model of medicine distribution integrated RFID and WSN is built and the medicine distribution in IOT environment is detailedly analyzed, providing full protection and support for application services in smart hospital. The structure and formal description of this model are defined, then the description method of state information and the process information in the medicine distribution, the storage method of distribution information are given based on the description of this model, and also the tracking process of medicine distribution information is modeled by Petri nets. Finally, the prototype system of the management of medicine distribution is given and the information acquisition and transmission process of medicine distribution in this system is discussed in detail based on the building of its function construction, showing the feasibility and effectiveness of this model applied in the distribution management of purchased medicine in smart hospital.(4) A service description model of IOT based on WSDL is proposed and the core services in smart hospital are completely described by this model. Firstly, in view of the actual characteristics of IOT services description, the services contents needed to be extended based on the traditional description model of web service named WSDL are analyzed, including the expansion based on the description objects and contents. Furthermore the expansion level and concrete structure of this model are given,and the physical objects of the service have been extended by the description of the role and its attributes involved in the IOT services, and the description contents of service have also been extended by the description of service acquisition method, service running prerequisite, service inputs and outputs, sub procedure and its flow in service, service sustaining and so on. Then the implementation of this model is discussed, choosing OWL language for the formal description of this model, and the detailed description of the core services in smart hospital, respectively named outpatient service and inpatient service, is completed by this model.(5) A RBAC model of IOT based on user groups and context is constructed and the access control to smart hospital’s services in IOT environment is analyzed. Firstly, the context information of IOT environment is modeled and the relevant contents such as context condition and context rules are formal described. Furthermore, on the basis of the traditional RBAC model, a RBAC model of IOT based on user groups and context is proposed, the authorization and modification of roles achieved by introducing user groups and the constraint conditions extended by adding the context constraint rules when user (group) granted role and role granted permission, and then the design idea and the composition and running mechanism of this model are detailedly discussed. Finally, by this model the access control to smart hospital’s services in IOT environment is analyzed and the specific meaning of all the basic elements and their relationships in this model applied in the services access of smart hospital is discussed, improving the flexibility and security of service access in smart hospital.

  • 【分类号】TP391.44;TN929.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1868
  • 攻读期成果

