

A Study about the Chinese Vietnamese Relationships from1950to1975

【作者】 丁进孝

【导师】 李育民;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 中国与越南是山水相连的邻邦,也是冷战后仅存的几个共产党执政的社会主义国家之一。中越双方之间有着两干余年之久的友好交往历史,两国国情基本相似、文化相通、理想相同、经济相关。将近一千一百年之久,越南属于中国的郡县,又有近千年是中国的“藩属”。直到1885年6月9日,法国殖民者强迫清政府在天津签订《中法会订越南条约》,清政府放弃了对越南的宗主权,同时承认越南是法国的保护国。从此结束了中越两国的宗藩关系。近代时期,两国人民都遭受西方资本主义国家的压迫和剥削,所以有着共同的目标以及愿望,因此双方应该相互帮助和支持。由于特殊的历史、文化和地缘因素,自古以来中国是对越南影响最大的国家。中国革命成功之后,1949年10月1日中华人民共和国诞生。1950年1月18日,中越两国正式建立外交关系,从此在双方的关系上开启了一个新的发展时期。特别是中国在1950年至1975年的两场越南战争中,都发挥了极其重要的作用。首先是20世纪50年代中国政府帮助越南赶走了法国殖民统治者,后是在1960年至1973年期间,援助越南抗击美帝国,使越南成功把美帝国赶出自己的国土,并最终赢得了国家的独立与统一。可以说,中越两国的关系既是双方的问题,同时也与东南亚、亚洲以至世界局势有着密切联系。立足亚太是中国稳定周边的有力保障,中国对越南发展关系和越南对中国发展关系一样,是中越两国的既定外交政策。发展中越友好关系不仅符合两党、两国和两国人民的根本利益,而且有利于地区和世界的和平与发展。本文包括绪论、正文、结语三个部分。绪论部分对选题的原由及意义、本文的研究思路、学术界已有研究现状、研究的理论基础等进行了阐述说明。正文部分共分六章。第一章是对中越宗藩关系为背景的简述。自北宋时期至1885年6月法国殖民者强迫清政府在天津签订《中法会订越南条约》为止,宗藩关系是维系中国和越南的纽带,在这条纽带上,中国位于天朝的地位,越南处于藩属的地位。宗藩关系表现在越南新王登基需得到天朝的册封,并定期向中国进献贡品,表示臣服,天朝则以回赐朝贡,维护藩国的安危,以尽其对藩国的义务和责任。近代以来,法国殖民者侵略越南后,中越宗藩关系就已经开始慢慢解体了。所以在越南抗法战争中,清朝政府和中国人民支持越南抗击法国侵略者的斗争,中越关系从此进入新的历史时期。第二章阐述了中越两国正式建立外交关系是中越两党和两国人民友好关系的结晶。在这一时期,中越双方形成了“同志加兄弟”的友好关系。两国建交,为越南夺取抗法斗争的胜利提供了可靠的保证,同时中国也将得到越南人民的支持,有助于追歼中国大陆解放后逃往越南的国民党残部,巩固祖国的南疆。第三章、第四章和第五章分别阐述了新中国政府积极支持越南反抗法国和美国的侵略,双方在抗法、抗美战争中相互支持与合作,使两国关系获得了前所末有的巩固和发展。同时,本文还指出中越在抗美战争中的有关裂痕与分歧。此外,简述了中美缓和及关系正常化等因素,使中越两国之间的裂痕一步一步加深。第六章就阐述了越南华侨华人对抗法、抗美的贡献。华侨华人自古以来与越南各族人民生活在一起,无论是在郡县时期,还是宗藩时期,他们不仅给越南带来了先进的生产技术,而且还带来了祖国进步的思想文化,为越南的发展作出了宝贵的贡献。特别是20世纪50年至60年代,在抗法、抗美斗争时期,广大华侨华人与越南人民同甘共苦,并肩抗法、抗美斗争,为争取越南民族的解放做出了巨大的贡献。结语部分进一步总结了中越关系成功的经验,并且指出双方关系的制约因素。虽然冷战结束后,两国立刻进入恢复正常化时期,同时取得了迅速和全面的发展。但是近些年来,两国领海争端、越台关系和越美关系发展迅速等因素,将不可避免地对中越关系造成影响。同时也提出对中越关系的发展展望,笔者认为两国在“长期稳定、面向未来、睦邻友好、全面合作”16个字方针和“好邻居、好朋友、好同志、好伙伴”的四好精神指导下,可以肯定友谊、合作与发展,仍然是中越两国未来关系发展的主导趋势。

【Abstract】 China and Vietnam are neighbors linked by mountains and sea, and they are also two of few remaining socialist countries after the Cold War. China and Vietnam has a history of more than two thousand years of old friendly exchanges, between two countries with similar conditions, cultural similarities, the same ideals and economic relevance. For1100years Vietnam was a Chinese county and for the last1000years it was a "vassal" of China. At the9th of June in1885, French colonists forced the Qing government to sign the "Sino-French Treaty for Vietnam" in Tianjin. The Qing government gave up the suzerainty of Vietnam while recognizing Vietnam as a French protectorate. Since then the vassal relationship between Vietnam and China ended. In modern times these two nations have suffered from Western capitalist oppression and exploitation of the countries, so they have common goals, aspirations that the two sides should help and support each other. Because of the special historical, cultural and geopolitical factors Ancient China is the country which had the most influence on Vietnam.At the1st of October1949after the success of the Chinese revolution the People Republic of China was born. At the18th of January1950Chinese Vietnamese diplomatic relations were established, this opened up a new period of development between the two sides. In particular, from1950to1975China had played an extremely important role in the Vietnam War. At first in the1950s the Chinese government helped to get rid of the French colonial rulers in Vietnam, then from1960to1973it gave aid to Vietnam to fight the American Empire, in which Vietnam eventually won independence and national unity. We can say that the relationship between China and Vietnam is a matter of two sides, and at the same time closely linked to the situation in Southeast Asian and the world. Based on the Asia-Pacific China is a strong guarantee stable neighbor, it has developed relationship and established diplomatic policy between China and Vietnam. The friendly relations between China and Vietnam not only conforms to the fundamental interests of two parties, two countries and two nations, but also conducive to peace and development in the region and the world.This article has three parts, which includes the introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction part is the reason and significance for choosing the topic. The research ideas, the status of academic research, and the theoretical basis of the study are described.The body of this article in divided into six chapters. The first chapter is about the background of the Chinese Vietnamese vassal relations. After the French colonists forced the Qing government to sign the "Sino-French Treaty for Vietnam" in Tianjin in June1885, the vassal relations between China and Vietnam is to maintain ties on this link, China is located in the heavenly status, Vietnam in vassal position. When the new king of Vietnam ascended the throne he wanted to obtain the vassal relationship, and required regular tribute to the Chinese into the offer, surrender, and give back to the tribute to maintain the safety in the country, in order to make the best of the country’s obligations and responsibilities. In modem times, the French colonialists invaded Vietnam, and Vietnam vassal relations had begun to slowly disintegrate. So, in the Vietnam War against France, the Qing government and the Chinese people supported the Vietnam fighting the French invaders, at this point the Chinese Vietnamese relations have entered a new historical period.In chapter two the Chinese Vietnamese diplomatic relations are established as the crystallization of the two parties, two nations and friendly relations. During this period, China and Vietnam formed the "Comrades and Brothers" relationship. The establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, provide a reliable guarantee for the struggle of the Vietnamese victory against France, while China was also supported by the Vietnamese people to help pursue fled China’s mainland after the liberation of Vietnam Kuomintang remnants consolidate the southern border of the motherland.Chapter three to five describe a new Chinese government actively supports the Vietnamese against the French and American aggression. Furthermore they describe the mutual support and cooperation in the anti-French, anti-US war, through which the relationship between China and Vietnam developed once more. Meanwhile, the assay also points out that in the Chinese and Vietnamese war against the United States are cracks and gaps. In addition, the normalization of Chinese-US relations and easing factors rift between China and Vietnam deepened step by step.Chapter six describes how Vietnamese oversea Chinese fought against the French and American contribution. Oversea ancient Chinese and Vietnamese peoples of all kinds lived together, whether in the county period, or vassal period. Overseas Chinese not only brought the Vietnamese advanced production technology, but also brought the ideological and cultural progress of the motherland, this has been a valuable development to Vietnam. In particular, during the1950s and1960s anti-French and anti-US era the majority of overseas Chinese and the Vietnamese people went through thick and thin, shoulder to shoulder against the anti-French, anti-US struggle for national liberation in Vietnam.The conclusion is further summed up the experience of the more successful relationships, and pointed out that bilateral relations constraints. After the end of the Cold War, the relations between the two countries at once recovered, and made a rapid and comprehensive development. But especially in recent years, bilateral territorial waters dispute, Vietnam-Taiwan relations and the rapid development of Vietnam-US relations will inevitably have an impact on the Chinese Vietnamese relations. Also proposed the development prospects of bilateral relations, the writer of this essay believes that the16-character principle "good neighbors, good friends, good comrades and good partners" is a good spiritual guidance that will obtain friendship, cooperation and development, which are still the dominant trend of the future development of relations between China and Vietnam.

  • 【分类号】D829;K27
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】3566
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