

Study on Ethics of Contemporary China’s Social Endowment Insurance

【作者】 张静

【导师】 唐凯麟;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 伦理学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,随着世界人口老龄化趋势日益凸显,各国政府普遍开始重视养老保障问题。作为世界上人口最多的最大发展中国家,我国已经迈入人口老龄化社会,在“未富先老”的情况下面临着严峻的养老困难,社会养老保障问题已成为我国应对人口老龄化的重中之重。自新中国建立以来,我国社会养老保险制度的发展已经有超过半个世纪的历史。当前,我国已在养老保障方面取得了一定成就,全国基本实现了统一制度目标,且基本构建好了养老保险体系框架。作为我国社会保障体系的重要内容之一,社会养老保险对保障老龄人口的基本生存权利、维护农村的安定团结和建设社会主义和谐社会有非常重要的意义。社会养老保险有极为鲜明的伦理特征和伦理动因。赋予养老保险以人道、公平正义、责任的伦理关怀,有助于我国社会养老保险的制度设计和实施建立在合乎伦理的道德基础之上,有助于在社会主义社会的建设过程中运用公平正义的价值取向,实现城乡居民平等的“老有所养,老有所安”的目标。在当前的社会转型时期,我国的社会养老保险体系还存在一定的问题,在制度运行的环节中出现了明显的伦理缺失,具体体现在代际供养困难、制度差异发展、缺乏人文关怀、公正与效率失衡、政府责任空缺等方面,需要我们对其加以改进和完善。如果我们只从经济和政治的层面来对我国社会养老保险事业的发展进行解构和探索,是不能彻底填补体系建设的漏洞的。这就要求我们需进一步从伦理层面来深入分析养老保险的制度环境,取得道德的理论与实践支撑,从而为社会养老保险的可持续发展提供健康稳定的环境保证。研究当前我国社会的养老保险伦理,把握好社会养老保险的道德意蕴,在良好的理论基石上建设并推进社会养老保险制度的保障功能,无疑能让我国的社会养老保障体系向着更健康的方向发展。研究采取的方法主要有:文献分析与比较研究的方法,调研分析与实证研究结合的方法,多学科综合系统分析的方法。在研究中,综合使用了大量的政府和其他社会调研机构的统计数据、文献资料,在深入分析的基础上,对材料进行整合分类,累积关于国内外的养老保险伦理理论与制度建构方面相对完整的研究成果和真实可信的调研素材,为具体解构我国社会养老保险的伦理内涵和制度发展提供理论依据。同时,将研究对象作为一个系统,用相对比较可靠的事实材料进行理论和逻辑归纳,运用系统观点来对中国社会的实际国情和道德现状进行分析揭示,以伦理视角审视我国构建在社会主义和谐社会框架下的养老保险体系的完善与发展。研究首先分析选题的背景和意义,理清了基本思路和研究方法,然后通过对养老保险伦理的一般规定性阐述,指出养老与伦理相关,并着重阐述社会养老保险的基本内涵和伦理意蕴,接着借由回顾对养老保险制度与伦理性相关的研究,梳理总结了西方社会养老保险伦理思想的演进和中国传统的养老保险伦理思想的承续,并同时系统整理了马克思主义者关于社会养老保险的伦理理论,为之后的论述奠定理论基础。研究从社会、经济、历史、制度等多维伦理角度具体剖析当代中国社会养老保险存在的主要伦理困境,从代际结构的供养保障困难、城乡差异发展的制度伦理障碍、价值目标追求的经济伦理偏差、政府责任的行政伦理缺位四个方面揭示造成当前我国社会养老保险伦理缺失的主客观原因,然后在当代中国社会养老保险应具有的伦理原则与价值观的指导之下,提出当代中国社会转型时期养老保险发展的伦理路径与对策,指出应在以人为本、公平正义、和谐发展等伦理原则的指导下,继续深入推进中国社会主义道德建设,通过建立以制度公正为前提的城乡统筹经济体制、实行公平与效率相统一的养老保险运行机制、定位以公平正义为工作原则的政府行政责任,来不断健全合乎伦理的可持续养老保险体系,真正解决我国社会养老保险伦理建设中存在的问题。借助对当前中国社会养老保险伦理的研究,坚实了思想理论基础,拓展了制度建设领域,弥补了体系建构的不足,有助于我国真正解决居民老有所养问题、实现社会公平公正,有助于我国完善社会保障制度、健全社会保障体系,更有助于我国构建社会主义和谐社会、推动富强民主文明的社会主义事业建设。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the growing world population aging trends, governments generally start to the old-age security problem. As the world’s largest population and largest developing countries, China has entered the aging society, and is facing a severe pension difficulties in the "old before it grows rich". Social security has become a priority in response to population ageing in our country. Since the establishment of new China, China’s development of social old-age insurance system has a history of more than half a century. At present, some achievements have been made in the old-age security in China, unified system of objectives has been fulfilled, and China has built the frame of the old-age insurance system basically. As an important part of the social security system in our country, social insurance has a very important significance to protecting the basic right to life of the aging population, maintaining rural stability and unity and harmonious development of the whole society.Social insurance has very significant ethical characteristics and ethical reasons. Giving endowment insurance ethical considerations of humanity, justice and responsibility, would help China’s design and implementation of social endowment insurance system design and implementation being designed based on the moral foundation of ethical, and help achieving equality for urban and rural residents,"the elderly have a peaceful" goal in the process of building a socialist society the values of fairness and justice. In the current period of social transition, there are some problems in China’s social endowment insurance system and a clear lack of ethics in running elements of our system. This specifically reflected on the intergenerational support difficulties, differences in system development, the lack of humane care, the imbalance between fairness and efficiency, government responsibility and so on, which needs us to improve and refine. If we deconstruct and explore China’s social endowment insurance development only from economic and political dimension, it will be unable to completely fill the loopholes in the system. This requires that we need to do more in-depth analysis on ethical dimensions of endowment insurance system environment, obtain theory and practice of moral support, and give old-age social insurance providing a healthy and stable environment to ensure sustainable development. Studying the present social old-age insurance ethics, having a good grasp of ethics of social endowment insurance and constructing and promoting the social old-age insurance system guarantees functionality on the theoretical foundation of good will undoubtedly make China’s social endowment insurance system towards more healthy direction.The approach adopted in this study has three main:the method of literature analysis and comparison, the method of analysis and empirical study on the combination, the method of multimodality systems analysis. In the study, author combines a large number of governments and other social research institution statistics and documentation, classifies materials on the basis of my in-depth analysis, accumulate a relatively complete set of research results and authentic research material on the theory of ethics and systematic construction of endowment insurance both at home and abroad, which provides a theoretical basis for deconstructing the ethical connotation of China’s social endowment insurance and institutional development. At the same time, author examines the object as a system, does a theory and logic of induction with relatively reliable logic induction, Uses the system point to analysis and reveal the actual conditions of social and moral situation in China, and reviews the improvement and development of China’s endowment insurance system under the framework of building a harmonious socialist society with the ethical perspective.The study starts with analysis on the background and significance of the topic, and clarifies the fundamental ideas and methods. Then notes that the endowment is an ethical category through prescriptive description on old-age insurance ethics, and focuses mainly on the basic meaning of social endowment insurance and ethics. Then later, the study summarizes the evolution of Western ethical thought of social endowment insurance and endowment insurance in Chinese traditional ethic thought of continuity through recalling the social old-age insurance system and ethics-related research. Simultaneously, the study systematizes Marxist theory about the ethics of the social old-age insurance, which makes theory foundation for the discussion after. The study analyzes the main ethical dilemmas of contemporary China’s social endowment insurance from the social, economic, historical, institutional and other-dimensional ethical perspective, and reveals the lack of ethics of subjective and objective reasons of the present social old-age insurance from our areas that contain difficulties of support protection in intergenerational structure, institutional ethics obstacle by urban and rural different development, economic ethic bias of value goal pursuit, lack of administrative ethics responsibility of Government. Then under the guidance of the ethical principles and values in contemporary China’s social endowment insurance, the study raises the ethical path and strategy of the development of old-age insurance during the period of social transformation in contemporary China, notes that we should continue to push forward China’s Socialist moral construction under the guidance of the ethical principles that contain people-oriented, fair and just, harmonious development and so on, continuously improve ethical sustainable endowment insurance system through establishing urban and rural economic system which premises on the institutional justice, introducing old-age insurance mechanism of the unification of equity and efficiency and positioning the administrative responsibilities of Government based on principles of fairness and justice for working, finally solve the problems of ethics in the construction of social endowment insurance in China. With the current ethical research of social endowment insurance in China, we will have a solid ideological and theoretical foundation, expand the areas of institution building and make up for the shortcomings of construction. This will not only help our country improve the social security system and perfect the social security system, but also help our country build a Socialist harmonious society and promote the prosperous and powerful, democratic and civilized Socialist construction.


