

Evolution and Guidance of Migrant Workers’ Moral Concepts during the Urbanization Process in Modern China

【作者】 易永卿

【导师】 李培超;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 伦理学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 城市化是现代化的必有内涵和必然路径。现代化是世界潮流,大势所趋,世界上任何国家,都在努力实现现代化,或者宣称要实现现代化。而衡量一个国家现代化水平的高低,其中一个重要的标志就是城市化程度。2013年,中国城镇人口占总人口的比重达到了53.73%,表明中国已经步入城市化的快车道,意味着中国这样一个具有几千年农业文明历史的农业大国,正进入以城市社会为主的新的成长阶段。党的十八大报告提出,要坚持走中国特色新型工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化道路,中国即将进入新一轮城市化高潮时期。城市化不等于城市数量、城市规模和城市人口的无限扩张,城市化也不仅意味着人口的迁移,而且实际地引发了城乡社会格局的变革与各种利益关系的调整,导致不同价值观念的碰撞和思想道德观念的更新,因而,中国的城市化已经成为社会道德观念嬗变的宏大背景,而道德观念的嬗变又是城市化进程中具有举足轻重作用的重要变量。城市化的本质不是GDP的增长,也不是城市街道的拓宽、房屋的增加、人口的增多,而是实现人类由传统落后的乡村文明向现代工业文明转变,实现人的精神面貌,即人们的社会意识、价值观念、文化素质、人际关系等向现代化的转型。城市化消解了传统的乡村伦理,呼唤现代城市伦理的支持与引领。城市化其实也是一个由传统乡村伦理向现代城市伦理转型的过程。这一转型最集中地体现为城市新市民即城市外来务工人员(农民工)群体的道德观念的嬗变。亿万农民工走进城市,给城市带来了大量廉价的劳动力,他们彻底改变了中国的面貌,用勤劳的双手和艰辛的汗水缔造了“世界工厂”,促成了整个世界产业链的转移。他们改变了城市的面貌,改善和提高了城市市民的生活质量,同时,也导致了传统城乡社会格局和城市内部格局的巨大变革。社会格局的变革必然导致道德观念的变革,二者如影相随。然而,奔跑的人群往往来不及看清前进的方向,也无法回望自己走过的道路,人们相互裹挟,被动前行,甚至难免互相踩踏,造成伤害。当代中国的城市化就是如此,它的脚步走得如此之快,以至城市的新老市民和管理者来不及平静一下心绪,整理一下思路,辨别一下前进的方向。一口气奔跑过来,如今,当我们驻足喘息,转身回望的时候,竟然发现自己走过了不少的弯路,发生了不少的踩踏事故。资源过度消耗、环境过度污染、财富过度集中、道德沦丧,等等,各种问题令人怵目惊心。单从道德层面上来看,在快速城市化进程中,道德建设至少存在以下问题:一是中国选择先经济后政治的改革发展模式,强调发展是硬道理,优先发展经济,成功启动和实施了从计划体制向市场体制的转轨,保持了经济的快速增长,人民的福祉得到极大改善,国家的经济实力也发生了根本改变,城市化水平大为提高,进入了快速发展期,创造了人类经济发展史上的奇迹。然而,没有政治体制改革和道德建设的支持,单纯的经济建设和片面的城市化发展道路是难以长期持续的,必然导致城市化的异化现象,引发一系列道德危机和伦理乱象,诸如征地拆迁问题、农民工问题、城市住房问题,以及分配不公、道德沦丧、腐败公行、信用丧失、能源枯竭、交通拥堵、环境污染、人情冷漠、人的精神世界孤独和异化、人与自然冲突激烈等一系列问题,纠结不堪,这些问题的产生原因是多方面的,包括物质层面、制度和管理层面、思想意识层面,解决的途径也是多元的,但其中所凸显的价值误区或价值纠正的意义也是显而易见的。如何建立一整套既符合中国城市化实际,又契合现代化本质要求的道德价值体系,妥善解决发展与公平的问题、城市扩张与人的关怀问题、公权力扩张与个体利益保障的问题、经济发展与道德信用体系转型的问题等一系列问题,是实现中国城市伦理的现代性转型,确保城市化健康发展的关键。二是由于体制的隔阂,以外来务工人员(农民工)群体为主的城市新市民得不到城市的身份认同,因而在道德观念认同上也出现分歧。城市外来务工人员(农民工)群体长期游离于城市和农村之间,他们亦工亦农,亦城亦乡,大部分时间在城市生活和工作,承担着城市里最苦最累最脏的工作,维持着城市的正常运转,他们表面上与城市市民相似,实际上却不能享受城市市民同等的福利待遇,他们没有城市市民的医疗保障,没有城市市民的养老保险,他们的子女不能在城市学校就读,他们的工资水平比城市市民低很多,他们甚至连最基本的一纸城市户口都没有。他们既不同于城市市民,也不同于农民,被冠以农民工之名,成为城市和乡村二元社会结构中的夹心阶层。城市外来务工人员(农民工)群体在经济上融入了城市,但是在政治上文化上受到城市的排斥,身份上不能认同为城市市民,因此,在道德观念上也很难完全接受城市的道德观念,甚至心存抵触。城乡二元结构造成的不平等的待遇也冲击着城市外来务工人员(农民工)群体的道德观念,长此以往,必然使他们产生不公平、不公正的感受,幸福指数远低于预期,进而对社会产生不满,造成各种社会隐患,也有悖于城市化的初衷。三是转型时期的道德观念冲突。这里说的转型,是指城市化导致的从传统乡村社会向现代城市社会的转型。传统乡村社会是一个熟人社会,人与人之间的关系建立在血缘和地缘基础之上,彼此熟悉,关系密切,人们过着日出而作、日落而息、自给自足、相互帮助、取长补短的自然经济的生活;现代城市社会完全不同,是一种陌生人社会,人们彼此之间不熟悉,大多数没有血缘、亲缘关系,来自五湖四海,但是,因为公共生活、因为职业分化,而生活在同一个城市,彼此之间相互依赖。在城市化进程中,数亿外来务工人员遭遇了道德困惑,他们成为了社会转型的急先锋,他们骨子里装满了传统乡村伦理观念,习惯了建立在地缘与血缘关系基础上的温情脉脉的乡村文明,而现实中又不得不在一个陌生人社会里工作和生活,经受着现代城市文明和城市道德观念的洗礼,虽然随着时间的推移,他们自觉或者不自觉地逐渐地部分地认同了城市的道德观念,但他们对城市道德观念的认同大多是出于生存的必需。四是城市化进程中,城市管理者如何处理人与自然、人与人、人与社会的方方面面的伦理关系。比如城市扩张怎样处理拆迁问题?城市中该不该养宠物、如何养宠物?城市应如何对待外来务工人员?城市交通问题中,应如何处理人车资源配置?交通法规中,人车权利如何分配?城管队员如何对待小摊贩?城市居民小区的安全保障靠“画地为牢”、“铁网高墙”,还是邻里亲善、互通有无?……城市伦理不只是一些抽象的概念,其实是蕴含于城市化进程中的方方面面。随着城市化进程的加速,城市道德观念也在不断变化,尤其是以城市外来务工人员(农民工)群体为代表的城市新市民的道德观念在不断发生变化,如社会公德观、家庭道德观、职业道德观、婚恋观、赡养观等等。这些道德观念的嬗变,既有好的、积极的一面,也有不好的、消极的一面。对于城市化进程中外来务工人员道德观念的嬗变,有的我们已经认识到了,并且有了科学的对策,有的我们可能还没有形成清晰和全面的认识,或者虽然有了清晰全面的认识,但还没有找到科学的对策。例如:改革开放以来,城市化进程加快,同时,道德滑坡现象也很严重,因此,很多人很自然地错误认为,城市化和市场化必然导致道德观念的滑坡,并且城市化与市场化程度同道德的高度呈负相关。实际上,这是一种完全错误的认识。研究城市化进程中的道德观念嬗变,旨在以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观和习近平总书记的诸多重要思想为指导,以中国特色社会主义核心价值观为目标,确立既具有普遍意义、又具有中国特色的城市道德体系,促进城市化进程中道德观念的良性转型、促进城乡社会的健康发展、促进城市化的健康发展、建设和谐社会与和谐城市,为党的十八大确定的新一轮城镇化建设提供理论支持,因而具有十分重要的理论和现实意义。

【Abstract】 Urbanization is the essential connotation of the modernization as well as the inevitable way to the modernization. Modernization is the general trend of the world. Countries all over the world have been trying to achieve modernization, or declare to realize modernization. And one of the most important way to measure a country’s standard of modernization is the urbanization level.The percentage of urban population in China’s total population has reached53.73in2013, which shows that china has been stepped into the fast track of urbanization. It indicates that China, a country that has thousands years of agriculture has been in the way of urbanization. The report of the18th CPC National Congress has put forward that we must keep the path of china’s new-style industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, which shows that china is about to enter a new period of urbanization.Urbanization is not equal to the rise of the amount of the city and the urban scale, nor the boom of urban population, it’s not merely means the migration, it has indeed raise the social change of the urban and rural and lead to the collision between different values and the renewal of thinking. Thus the urbanization of China has formed the grand setting of the social moral concept change. And this has become the leading factor of the process of urbanization.Instead of the growth of GDP, the broaden of street, the increase of houses and population, the substantial of urbanization is to shift human beings from poor agriculture civilization to modern industrial civilization and realize one’s mental outlook,which including the changes of the social conscious,values, literacy and interpersonal relationship. Urbanization melted the traditional rural ethics and wakens the modern urban ethics. In a word, urbanization is the procedure of the transformation from traditional rural ethics to modern urban ethics. It focuses on the changes in the new city dwellers’moral ethics.Hundreds of millions of migrant workers has been joining the city’s construction, thoroughly changing the face of China. They create a "world factory" by hard work, contributing to the shift of the world’s industrial chain. They change the face of the city, improving the city resident’s living quality and leading to the renovation in social structure between urban and rural or the internal structure of city. The change of social structure will inevitably lead to the change of moral ethics. However, in most cases, the running crowd cannot see the way forward and look back the path they’ve walked. People coerce with each other and move forward passively, it is hard to avoid trampling each other or even cause hurt. This is the right urbanization of modern China, it moves so fast that the new and old city dwellers and managers have no time to calm down their mood, clear up their mind and distinguish the direction. We unexpectedly found ourselves go through a lot of detours and stampede when we stop and turn back. All kinds of horrible problems appeared such as overconsumption of resources, over-pollution of the environment, excessive concentration of wealth. From the angle of morality, the problems existed in the rapid process of urbanization are as follows:Firstly, China chose the reform development mode of attaching importance to economy rather than politics, emphasized that development is the absolute principle, gave priority to economic development and successfully launched and implemented the transition from the planned system to market system so as to keep the rapid growth of the economy. Therefore, people’s welfare was greatly improved, fundamental changes have also taken place in the national economic strength, and the level of urbanization was greatly enhanced. China entered into a rapid development period and created a miracle in the history of human economy development. However, without the support of political reform and moral construction, pure economic construction and one-sided urbanization development path cannot sustain for a long time and will inevitably lead to the alienation of urbanization and cause a series of moral crisis and chaos, such as land requisition and demolishing, the problem of migrant workers, the urban housing problem, as well as the unfair distribution, moral decay, corruption, the loss of credit, energy depletion, traffic congestion, environmental pollution, human indifference, the loneliness and alienation of people’s spiritual world, violent clash between man and nature. Reasons for these problems are various, including material, system and management, ideological level. The solution is also diverse, but the significance of value error or correct is obvious. How to establish a set of moral value system which not only accords with the practice of China’s urbanization, fits essence demand of modernization, but also properly solves a series of problems such as the problem of development and fairness, the urban expansion and people concern issues, public power expansion and individual security problems, the transformation of economic development and moral credit system, is the key to realize the modernization transformation of Chinese city ethics, and the healthy development of the urbanization.Secondly, due to the gap of the system, new city dwellers that are mainly composed of migrant workers cannot get the identity of the city and appear disagreements on moral identity. Urban migrant workers live and work between the urban and rural areas on long-time basis. They are workers and farmers, city and countryside dwellers. They live and work in cities most of the time, bearing the most bitter, tired and dirty work in the city, maintaining the normal operation of the city. They sweat and sweat as the original but they are not able to enjoy the city public welfare as the latter. They have no medical security and endowment insurance as urban residents, their children cannot be enrolled by schools in the city, their wages are much lower than urban residents, they even cannot obtain the most basic urban household registration. They are called as "migrant workers" and faced with the dilemma for they are neither similar to the city residents nor the farmers. They become the sandwich class of dual social structure between urban and rural areas. In spite that they integrate themselves in the city in terms of economy, they are rejected in politics, culture and the city residents’identities. Consequently, it is hard for them to accept or even resist the moral concepts of the city. The inequality of dual structure between urban and rural areas impacts the moral concepts of migrant workers, which will produce the feeling of the unfairness and unjustness, the happiness index is far lower than expected. As a result, they will discontent with society, cause various social hidden danger, which is contrary to the original intention of the urbanization.The third problem is the conflict of moral concepts in transformation period. Transformation refers to the transition from traditional rural society to modern society caused by urbanization. The traditional rural society is based on acquaintance, geography and blood relationship. People are familiar with each other and closely related, they live a natural economic life that the working-day stretches from dawn to dusk, self-sufficiency, mutual help and draw on each other’s strength. The modern urban society is quite different, people are unacquainted with each other, they come from all corners of the country and most of them have no blood or genetic relationship. However, they rely on each other for public life and vocational differentiation.Still in this process, most of migrant workers suffered moral confusion, they become the vanguard of social transformation, they are accustomed of the traditional ethics they received from rural civilization based on geography and blood relationship or pursue the fast culture full of everything but any tender feelings. In fact, this crowd of people has been adjusting to the rapid development of city after being treated unfairly in many ways for many times. As time goes on, they have to give up what they had in mind and receive the moral concept from city, most of which stem from the need of survival.The fourth is how the city managers handle the ethical relationship between human and nature, between the peoples, between human and society in all respects during the process of urbanization. How to solve the problem of handling demolition during the process of urban expansion? Should and how the pets be raised in the city? What measures should be taken to deal with the problem of migrant workers? What measures should be taken to deal with the allocation of people and vehicles? How will the rights of people and vehicles be distributed according to traffic laws? How will city inspectors treat the vendors? Will the safety of urban residential areas be guaranteed by iron nets and high walls? Urban ethics is not an abstract concept. It implies all aspects in the process of urbanization.With the accelerated process of urbanization, constant changes has occurred in urban moral codes, especially for those migrant workers who represented as new urban residents, such as social ethics, family morality, profession morality, value on marriage and love, value on supporting the elders etc. The evolution of those concepts has its positive side and negative side. To the evolution of those concepts of migrant workers, we are fully aware of it and find out a scientific approach to treat it, however, we have not yet had a clear and comprehensive understanding of all, although we know it quite well, we haven’t found out a scientific countermeasure. For instance, since the adaptation of reform and opening up, the process of urbanization have been accelerated, meanwhile, the phenomenon of moral sliding is getting worse and worse. Therefore, many people have gotten a wrong idea that urbanization and marketization will lead to moral sliding and the degree of urbanization and marketization has negative correlation with morality elevation. In fact, they misunderstand it. In a word, it leaves us a lot to study the transformation of migrant worker’s moral ethics, follow the socialist core values, define and pursue a moral target in the process of urbanization so as to construct a harmonious society. In another word, the ideas we have discussed and been practiced will provide theoretical support for the new urbanization proposal which will be put forward in18th CPC National Congress.

【关键词】 城市城市化道德观念嬗变引导
【Key words】 UrbanUrbanizationMoral ConceptsEvolutionGuidance
  • 【分类号】B822.9
  • 【下载频次】646

