

Study on the Predicate-object Structure in the Buddhist Sutras Translated by Kumarajiva

【作者】 李帅

【导师】 蒋冀骋;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 姚秦时期的鸠摩罗什译经(简称“鸠经”)在佛教史和语言史上有着重要的地位,述宾结构也一直是语法研究的热点,故论文以鸠经中的述宾结构作为研究对象。我们以鸠经作为封闭材料,建立133万余字的数据库,采用共时研究与历时研究相结合、定量测查与定性分析相结合、共性研究与个案考察相结合、客观描写与认知阐释相结合的方法,对鸠经中的述宾结构进行多维穷尽式的定量测查,在描述魏晋时期述宾搭配原貌的基础上,考察述宾结构的发展演变,并运用认知语言学相关理论,对述宾搭配现象和规律进行分析。全文分为五章,主要内容如下:第一章为概述,主要介绍鸠经和汉语述宾结构的研究概况、研究方法和研究意义。第二章从述语角度对鸠经中的述宾结构进行研究。第一节讨论“洗浴”类动词的搭配。首先列举出多个非常规搭配用例,运用隐喻理论进行阐释,进而探讨“洗+N”搭配体现的认知语义观,如句法语义的互动、基于使用、基于不同的视角、基于体验观等。第二节研究饮食类动词的搭配。主要讨论该类动词所带宾语的特征:[±固态][±液态][±气态],主语的特征:[±人][±动物],最后列表加以说明。第三节讨论身体类动词的搭配。主要考察:偏正型合成词中修饰语的语义指向;以“视……如……”和“视如”的搭配为例考察宾语前置过程;描述了“拔”从“擢”义到“脱离”义的演变路径、“抽”从表手部动作到表口部动作的演变路径;总结了鸠经中心理动词带宾语的基本特点。第四节以被动关系词“受”作为个案,从历时角度对其搭配进行考察。汉代起,包括鸠经在内的语料显示,“受”的功能与支配的对象发生了变化,表现在“受”对VP的影响力减弱,而对施事者NP的影响力增强,“受”重新分析为语法标记,明清时期一度拥有作被动标记的用法,但属于被动标记的非典型成员。第三章从宾语角度对鸠经中的述宾结构进行研究。第一节对语料库语言学研究方法和穷尽性列举两种研究方法加以说明。第二节描写鸠经中身体类名词的述宾搭配。对意思相同而有多种不同表达形式的例证,分类加以描写,其中的一些新颖表达,是基于器官特定的功能,在转喻和隐喻的作用下产生的。第三节研究鸠经中抽象名词的述宾搭配。心智、情感、社会空间和社会规则可以被看作容器,运用容器隐喻理论,对抽象名词的述宾搭配予以阐释。第四章对鸠经中部分动词的语义韵进行考察。首先介绍语义韵的相关理论、汉语语义韵的研究现状。然后运用数据库语言学的方法,讨论“遭”类动词、“自取”类动词和“堕、陷”类动词的语义韵,发现这些动词都呈现出消极的语义韵。“自取”类动词的消极语义韵多表达违背客观规律、社会常理、个人经验从而招致对主体的消极影响,而到此地步,是自己主观造成的,含有活该之义。“堕、陷”类动词消极语义韵特点,与空间隐喻GOOD IS UP;BAD IS DOWN等有很密切的关系。“堕、陷+宾语”凸显“向下的落差”,在隐喻认知机制的作用下,从空间始源域映射到心理域或社会域,表现为心理产生落差,或社会层次的降低。从力动态的角度来看,分别是由于物理力、心理力或社会力作用的结果。第五章考察鸠经中与“动+介+宾”相关联的述宾结构。第一节介绍介词的相关研究概况。第二节考察“V+于+NP”结构,第三节考察“V+在+NP”结构,这两节重点讨论“V+于(在)+N”与“于(在)+N+V”的不同,考察“过于”的主观化与词汇化。第四节以“往+X+NP”和“来+X+NP”为例,探讨“V+到类词+NP”结构中,“到”类词成员的功能差别。第五节指出“V+著+NP”结构中的“著”,于魏晋时期可以用作介词,表示动作行为产生的处所,宋元以后逐渐消失,这是多次非范畴化的结果,继而考察“V+以+O”结构、“V+向+NP”结构和“V+就+NP”结构。每一节的最后都对鸠经中该类结构的总体概况加以考察。附录一整理出鸠经中已经出现而《汉语大词典》未收的词语,在解释其意义的基础上,运用语料库考察了这些词语在各个历史时期的出现频次,发现这些词语分别呈现在各个历史时期连续使用、断续使用的不同特点。附录二按时代顺序,举出鸠经中的20个词语,分为首见例证分别为隋代、唐代、宋代、元代、明代、清代、现代文献而书证滞后七类加以说明。附录三为《妙法莲华经》述宾结构表。

【Abstract】 Buddhist sutras translated by Kumarajiva (hereinafter referred to as the Kumarajiva Sutras) in Yao Qin (姚秦) period play an important role in the history of Buddhism and the history of language,and the predicate-object structure has been a hot research field of grammar,so it is studied the predicate-object structure in the Kumarajiva Sutras in the thesis.A multi-dimensional quantitative survey of the predicate-object structure in Kumarajiva is done,through using the Kumarajiva Sutras as material and establishing more than1.33million word of database, combination of synchronic study with diachronic study, quantitative analysis with qualitative analysis, generality study with case study, factual description and cognitive interpretations. On the basis of the above, the phenomena in Wei-jin period and the development of the predicate-object structure can be well described and analyzed with the relevant theories of cognitive linguistics.The whole paper is divided into five chapters.Chapter Ⅰ provides an overview of studies on the Kumarajiva Sutras and the predicate-object structure in Chinese, research methods and significance. Chapter II focuses on predicate in the predicate-object structure. Section I describes the collocation of the words of verb Xi(洗). It is vital for people,through interpretations the citing cases, to follow the principle of interaction of construction and lexicon;the usage-based view;different perspective;the embodied view etc.Section II studies the collocation of the words of verb Chi&He(吃喝).Examning the characteristics of the object of this type verbs:[±solid][±liquid][±gas], and that of the subject:[±persal][±animal]. As a result,a list is,according to study above,given at the final. Section III concerns about the collocation of the verbs of body:describes the orientation of modifier in compound words; the proccess of object preposing,taking the collocation of Shi...ru...("视......如......")&Shiru ("视如") as examples; the evolution path of Ba(拔) from the "pull" meaning to "break away" and of Chou(抽) from action of hands to action of mouth;summarizes the basic characteristics of the psychological verb in the Kumarajiva Sutras.From Han (汉) Dynasty,including the Kumarajiva Sutras, when VP is behind Shou(受),VP has been highlighted and Shou can be reanalyzed as a grammatical marker.Shou is once used as a passive marker in the Ming (明) and Qing (清) dynasties. As a passive marker appeared later, Shou is suppressed by the typical passive marker Bei(被). Shou is an atypical passive marker as it can be used as a verb in many situations.Chapter III studies object in the predicate-object structure. Section Ⅰ provide two methods:corpus-driven method and listing all examples. Section Ⅱ describes nouns about body in the predicate-object structure.lt is listed and classified that examples in different forms but expess the same meaning,and some extrodinary collocations can be understood just because of knowing the function of organs and the roles of metaphor and metonymy.Section Ⅲ focuses on abstract nouns in the predicate-object structure.Mind, emotion, social space and social rules can be viewed as a container,and the container metaphor theory can be used to interpret the collocation of abstract nouns.Chapter Ⅳ studies the semantic prosody of verbs in the Kumarajiva Sutras.Introduce the theory of semantic prosody and research of Chinese semantic prosody at first.The words of "Zao(遭)"," Ziqu(自取)" and "Duo&Xian (堕陷)" show a negative semantic prosody. The characteristics of the words of "Ziqu" express a violation of objective law, social norms and personal experience and result in a negative influence, which is caused by their own subjective and deserve justice. The characteristics the words of "Duo&Xian" has a very close relationship with spatial metaphor."Duo or Xian+Object" highlights "downward gap",and this feature can be mapped from space domain to the psychological domain or social domain, showing the psychological gap or social gap. From the point of force dynamics,it is the result of physical, psychological or social force. Chapter V talks about the predicate-object structure "V+Prep+O" Section I is an overview of study of preposition. Section Ⅱ&Ⅲ the structure "V+Yu(于)+NP" and "V±Zai(在)+NP", focus on the difference of "V+Yu (Zai)+N" and "Yu (Zai)+N+V". The types of object, taking the subjectivisation and lexicalization of "guoyu" is described.Section IV discusses different function of elements of words of Dao in "V+words of Dao(到)+NP", taking" Wang(往)+X+NP"和"Lai(来)+X+NP"as examples.Section V points that Zhuo(著),in "V+Zhou+NP",can be used as preposition in Wei(魏) and Jin (晋) dynasties and disappear after Song (宋) and Yuan (元) dynasties,which is the result of multy-decategorization. Also the "V+Yi(以)+O","V+xiang(向)+NP"and "V+Jiu (就)+NP" structures are studied. An overview of each kind of the structure will be given at the end of each section.Appendix Ⅰ points out the verbs in the Kumarajiva Sutras but Hanyu Dacidian does not include and give the meaning of these words.It is found that, using corpus investigation, in different historical periods these words were presented in continuous use or in intermittent use. Appendix Ⅱ divides the citing20words into seven catogaries, with examples later of the Kumarajiva Sutras and in Hanyu Dacidian respectively in Sui Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Song Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty, Ming Dynasty, Qing Dynasty and modern literature and documents. Appendix Ⅰ&Ⅱ discuss the contribution to the amendment value of Hanyu Dacidian(《汉语大词典》) by the the predicate-object structure in the Kumarajiva Sutras. Appendix Ⅲ provides all the predicate-object structure in the Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra.


