

The Study of Chinese Short Films

【作者】 张春

【导师】 李运抟;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 电影起源于视镜,发展于短片。关注电影发展,自然离不开电影短片。电影短片不以长度占优势,却以实验探索特性自成一脉。从国外来说,奥斯卡金像奖和三大国际电影节等都设有短片单元,百余年的短片发展成绩明显;中国短片从《定军山》开始,一个世纪以来也渐成风景,特别是新时期后随着大众文化的兴起、投拍机制的变化和多媒体技术的推动,一股被称之为“短片”、“小电影”、“微电影”的电影短片浪潮正在中国两岸三地风起云涌:知名导演创作此起彼伏,底层大众尝试方兴未艾,各类原创大赛层出不穷,主流媒体和视频网站推波助澜。电影短片正大有可为,也将大有作为。关注中国文艺发展,就不能漠视电影短片浪潮的蓬勃态势于不顾;关注中国电影短片,就应当进行整体式的研究,而非散片式的解读。为此,本文将中国电影短片置于全球电影和中国社会发展视阈之中,充分借鉴国内外电影学、传播学等多学科理论,对中国电影短片进行艺术表征、发展脉络、创作机制、叙事策略、传播图景、发展得失等多角度、全景式的研究,努力挖掘出中国电影短片所具有的独特性、创新性和文化意义,切实强化电影批评的现实力量,弥补短片整体式研究的缺失,进而为中国电影短片研究和发展提供镜鉴与参考。本文共包括七个部分,主要构架如下:第一章是“穿上短小外衣的电影”。这章是绪论部分。主要明确电影短片的定义、特征、界定及分类,并介绍电影短片研究的现状与意义,同时对论文的研究思路、方法、理论选择和创新之处进行说明。第二章是“三朵奇葩的成长之旅”。主要从发展历程的角度,对中国电影中的故事短片、动画短片和纪录短片,进行由点涉面的梳理,呈现电影短片发展的相对独立性和完整性,为后续相关研究提供条件,奠定基础。第三章是“大众电影梦成为现实”。曾让无数人止步于现实的电影“导”“演”梦,在短片这里获得了实现的可能。这与法国新浪潮提出的“人人都可以成为导演和演员”异曲同工。本章包括“新世纪前:专业作者语境中的民间创作”、“新世纪后:底层大众影像时代已经来临”、“大时代与小成本:大众电影梦实现的原因”三个方面。第四章是“叙事探索从短片开始”。电影探索主要见于叙事的探索。本章从叙事的角度出发,对电影短片的“时间”、“空间”和“视角”等叙事话语中的探索实验,进行由表及里、由浅入深的考量,藉此发现电影叙事发展的源泉和趋向,同时为结论部分的短片价值呈现打好伏笔。第五章是“零票房下的传播图景”。文化产业时代,票房高低是衡量一部电影成功与否的重要指标。电影短片却因自身的形制短小,逐渐被院线所抛弃,呈现出微票房和零票房的现象。但电影短片的传播却表现出了新的特质。基于此,对其普适大众的传播内容、被院线抛弃到主动抛弃院线呈现分众传播的形态,以及传播效果的分析,就显得尤为重要。同时,大众参与度较高的电影短片也是对“以票房论英雄”现象的一种反拨。第六章是“短片个案的延展分析”。主要从三种类型的短片中选择有代表性的作品进行由点到面的升华。当然,个案是类型发展的一个视点,通过个案分析延伸出故事短片、动画短片和纪录短片的艺术呈现,有助于深化并实现论文研究点与面的结合、纵与横的覆盖。第七章是结论部分。主要对中国电影短片的价值进行了总结,对存在的问题进行了归纳,并藉此指出电影短片的努力方向。此外,还对本文研究中的一些做法和有待继续深入的问题进行了思考,比如建构中国电影短片发展史、建设中国电影短片数据库和发布中国电影短片年度发展报告等。最后附录有整理的中国电影短片国际主要获奖情况、近两年北京大学生电影节短片大赛入围名单,以及研究过程中制订的《中国电影短片调查问卷》及其数据分析,便于形成研究总况。

【Abstract】 Films are originated in box-like kinetoscope, and developed from short films. It is necessary for people to think about short films while talking about the development of films.The short film is not dominant in length, but in experiment and exploration. From abroad, the Academy award and the three International Film Festivals and other international awards or film festival have short unit, more than a hundred years of film development be in the ascendant; Chinese film began from the short documentary "Ding Jun Shan", For A Century has gradually come to maturity, especially after the new period, along with the origin of multicultural, the change of producing mechanism and the promotion of multi media technology, a called "micro film","small film" short film wave is be raging like a storm in the three areas.The famous director creation As one falls, the underlying mass to be just unfolding, all kinds of original competition emerge in an endless stream, the mainstream media and video website adding fuel to the flames. Short film has bright prospect.Short Film has made some achievements, but the study situation is not optimistic, such as has not many bright spots, not enough depth, not wide perspective, and badly in need of further expanding are the main characterization. Concern the development of Chinese literary, we can not ignore the booming trend of the short film wave; concern Chinese short films, we should study on integral, rather than scattered and sporadic. This paper put the Chinese short film in the view of globe film development; fully absorb the theoretical results about film studies at home and abroad, and to make depth and detailed study about Chinese film short. Specifically, will make a study of short film which have more than one hundred developed, and which contained short story, short animated and short documentary; and will study comprehensively on the art characterization, development skeleton, creation mechanism, narrative strategy, communicate prospect, develop advantages and disadvantages etc. And trying to dig out the uniqueness, innovativeness and cultural meaning of Chinese short film, at the same time also will comb the existing problems, and anticipate the future direction; provide a reference for the research and development of Chinese film.This paper consists of seven chapters; the main structure is as follow:The first chapter is "wearing short coat film." This chapter is the introduction. Mainly to define the basic definition and artistic characteristics of short films, and introduces the present situation and significance of short film study, Also the content, the train of thought, the method, the innovation and the theory choice of this thesis are illustrated.The second chapter is "the growing trip of three wonderful."Mainly from the angle of the development, to comb the Chinese film contained short story, short animated and short documentary from the points to the surface, to show the relative independence of the short film development, to provide conditions for the follow-up research, to lay the foundation.The third chapter is "the masses’movie dreams become reality." many people’s movie dreams that ever been stopped by reality, become true by short film. It’s the same as "everyone can become the director and actor" be proposed in the French New Wave (Nouvelle Vague). This chapter includes "before the new century:the folklore in the professional writers context,""in the new century:the time that the mass massive use image has come," and "Big Time and Little Cost:the reasons of the mass’ movie dreams come true" three aspects.The fourth chapter is "the narrative exploring starts from the short." Films exploring mainly in the narration exploring, this chapter from the angle of narrative to study the exploring experiment about the "time","space" and "view" etc narrative utterance of short film from the outside to the inside and from the shallower to the deeper, in order to find out the source and the development trend of the film narrative, and do foreshadowing for the conclusion.The fifth chapter is "communicate prospect under zero box office." In the era of cultural industries, the box office is an important indicator of a successful movie. The short film was gradually abandoned by theaters because of the short shape, presents micro-box office and zero box office appearance. But the spread of short films showed new characteristics. Based on this, it is particularly important to analysis the general public communication content, the presented audience communication forms from be jilted by theaters to abandon the theaters, the communication effects of short film. At the same time, the short film that the mass highly participated is a backwash about "take the box office on hero" phenomenon.The sixth chapter is "the extension analysis of the short case". Mainly selected representative works from three main types short to study from the points to the surface. Of course, the case is a viewpoint of type development, and to extend the art presentation of the story short, animated short and documentary short by case analysis. So the study of the paper will be deepened by the combination of points and surface and the intersection of vertical and lateral.The seventh chapter is the conclusion part. Mainly summarize the value of Chinese short film, and comb the existing problems, and predict the future direction of the short film. In addition, some practices and some in-depth questions will be discussed such as to construct the develop history, the database, and to publish annual development reports about Chinese short film.Finally the Appendix include the major international award-winning of Chinese short film, the short candidate award in Beijing College Original Movie Game, and the "Chinese short film questionnaire" and its analysis, to format the total research.


