

The Ethical Review on Contemporary China Publishing Problems

【作者】 蒋志臻

【导师】 唐凯麟; 卢德之;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 伦理学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 出版是指将作品经过编辑加工之后,通过大量复制并向公众发行销售,实现信息传播的一种社会活动。从事上述社会活动的行业即是出版业。进入新世纪以来,随着我国出版体制改革的部署与深化,我国出版业取得了前所未有的辉煌发展成就,但是,也面临着一系列的棘手问题,社会转型进程中道德观与价值观的缺失、市场经济的负面效应、数字技术的变革带来出版过程中把关机制的缺失等等,深刻制约了我国出版业健康有序快速发展,严重影响了我国由出版大国向出版强国迈进的坚定步伐。面对上述出版业发展过程中前所未有的事物和现象,仅凭行政手段与法律制度手段是不够的,制度的发展带有滞后性,同时任何制度都存在漏洞和盲区,都是不完美的,更为重要的是,出版行业的相关法律与规范属于强制性社会规范,规定的多是行为底线,确实能有效地打击与遏制危害较严重的非法出版行为,却并不能强制出版者承担起文化传承的社会责任,为社会生产文化精品,也就是说出版行业的相关法律与规范只能规定出版者不能逾越的行为红线,却不能让出版者具有崇高的价值追求。科学的出版伦理体系能够为出版业的健康有序发展起到保驾护航的重要作用,推动我国成为世界出版强国。因此,构建出版伦理非常重要,而且十分迫切。当前基于我国出版行业出版伦理缺位的现实,以及构建出版伦理的必要性和迫切性,本文综合运用了伦理学、出版学、新闻传播学、管理学、文化学等多学科理论知识,对出版伦理问题进行了深入、系统的探讨。通过厘清伦理、道德、出版等相关概念的起源、流变、内涵及关系,我们认为出版伦理一方面揭示出版活动中的伦理道德现象,另一方面它是针对出版活动的道德规范体系,它是衡量出版活动是否符合“善”及“正当”的价值准绳与行为准则。出版伦理具有社会历史性、他律性、自律性等特征,具有影响出版方向、优化出版环境、规范出版行为等功能。当代中国出版存在着出版功利化、实用化倾向加重,出版“两重性”、“两个效益”的矛盾突出以及出版从业人员品格缺失等问题。这些问题制约了我国由出版大国向出版强国转变的步伐,影响了精神文明建设和人们精神生活质量的提高以及我国民族精神和传统美德的弘扬与发展。究其原因,主要是市场经济带来的利益冲击、出版伦理精神缺失、出版伦理法制建设滞后以及出版伦理教育薄弱等等。因此,亟需建构解决中国出版问题的伦理对策:首先,加强出版人的品格规范与德性建构;其次,应该妥善处理利益相关者的出版伦理关系;再次,必须加强以增强编辑意志与道德自律、塑造出版人格、正确平衡出版自由与伦理监督等为主要内容的出版伦理内在监督机制;最后,应该加强以出版伦理制度建设与出版伦理教育等为主要内容的出版伦理外部监督机制等等。展望未来,在21世纪激烈的文化竞争中,我国出版战线的发展对于我们占领文化阵地,实施文化强国战略,具有极其重要的战略意义。我们要以发展的眼光看待出版伦理,随着出版业的发展推动出版伦理的构建;继续强化出版伦理教育,加强出版职业道德建设;重视激励机制,完善惩戒机制,从而进一步强化出版伦理的完善,唯有如此,才能为建设中华民族共有的精神家园提供智力支持,为实现中华民族的伟大复兴贡献精神力量。

【Abstract】 The publishing is a kind of social activity, which aims at information dissemination by a large number of copy and sales after the works are edited. The spread of information industry is the publishing industry. Since the new century, with the deployment and deepening of publication system reform in our country, the publishing industry in our country has obtained the unprecedented brilliant achievements, but a large number of problems appeared, such as the lack of morality and values in the process of social transformation, the negative effect of market economy, the lack of media control mechanism brought by the transformation of the digital technologyand so on, which deeply restricted healthy, orderly and rapid development of the publishing industry in our country, and seriously affected our country’s firm steps forward to press power.To cope with the things and phenomenon which never seen in the development of the publishing industry, just by administrative means and legal system is not enough, because instututions always lag behind development,at the same time, any institutions hsa its own loophole and blind area. More importantly, publication administration and legal system belongs to the mandatory social norms, most of their rules are behavior of bottom line, can effectively combat and contain serious damage in the illegal behavior indeed, but they cannot forced publishers to undertake the social responsibility of cultural heritage, producting culture high-quality goods for social, in other words, the administrative and legal system can only supervise publishers to adhere to the bottom lines, but can’t require the publishers have lofty value pursuit. Perfect publishing ethics system play import role in escorting the publishing industry to health and orderly development, and promoting our country to srep forward to the publishing world powers.Therefore, build publishing ethics is very important and very urgent.Based on the fact that lack of ethics if publishing industry in our country, and the conciousness of necessity and urgency that building publishing ethics, this paper used the method of integrating the ethics, publishing science, journalism and communication, management, culturology to discuss the above problem deeply and systematically. Through clarifying the origin, rheological, connotation and relationship of the ethical, moral, publishing and other related concepts, we think the publishing ethics is the ethical and moral phenomenon in publishing activities on the one hand, on the other hand is publishing activities oriented ethics system, including "good" and "fair" value of the criterion and the code of conduct to measure the publishing activities.Publishing ethics has the characteristics of social historic, heteronomy and self-discipline, and the functions of publishing direction, optimizing the environment of publishing, regulating the behavior of publishing, etc. Contemporary China publishing appered a series of negative phenomenon like aggravating ofutilitarian and practical tendency, contradiction of publishing "duality" and "two benefits", and professionals’moral deficiency, which restricted the our country’s pace to the publishing power, influenced the construction of spiritual civilization, the quality of people’s spiritual life, development and expansion of the national spirit and Chinese traditional virtue. The main reasons were the impact of benefits of the market economy, lack of publishing ethical spirit, the publishing ethics legal system construction was laged behind and weakness of publishing ethical education. Therefore, the solutions of the publishing is necessary to construct:first, the publisher’s character standard and moral construction should be strengthened. Second, we should properly coordinate the ethical relationships of the publication of the stakeholders. Third, the ethical internal supervision of enhancing editor will and moral self-discipline, shaping personality, balancing the freedom of the press and the right ethical supervision must be strengthened. Finally, the external supervision of the publishing ethical system construction and publishing ethical education should be strengthened and so on.Looking to the future, China publishing front has very important strategic significance in the intense cultural competition in the21st century, we must treat publishing ethics from the view of development, make publishing ethical principles enrich and change with the development of the publishing industry. We will continue to strengthen publishing ethic education and strengthen the construction of publishing professional ethics, and continue to complete the incentive mechanism and the punishment mechanism to strengthen the construction of publishing ethics furtherly. Only in this way, we can provide intellectual support for the common spiritual home of the Chinese nation, and contribut spiritual sthengthen for the great rejuvenation of China.

【关键词】 伦理出版道德伦理失范伦理对策
【Key words】 ethicspublishmoralityanomie of moralitySolution of morality

