

A Comparative Study of Daoxing Bore Jing and Its Other Translated Versions in Chinese Grammar

【作者】 叶慧琼

【导师】 唐贤清;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 《道行般若经》,又称《般若道行经》,《摩訶般若羅蜜道行经》,《摩訶般若波羅蜜经》,於束汉末年(西元197年)译出。译者支娄迦谶,筒稻支谶。他和安世高开创了中国的佛经翻译事业。支谶本月氏人,汉桓帝畴来到中国,挥出佛经20余部,其中最重要的是《道行般若经》,大乘早期一部重要经典。历代同经異译本上起束汉下至北宋,时间跨度八百多年,有韶载的有九个,现存於世的的只有六个:《大明度经》(4卷,吴支谦译,约222-257年)、《摩訶般若钞经》(5卷,符秦灵摩蜱共竺佛念译,382年)、《小品般若波耀蜜经》(7卷,姚秦鸠摩耀什译,408年)、《大般若波耀蜜经》(第四会和第五会,唐代玄奘译)、《佛说佛母出生三法藏般若波羅蜜多经》(25卷,北宋施护译,1003-4年)。这七种译经的译者都可以代表富畴译经的最高水准,将这些汉文具译进行比封研究,站在汉语史的角度进行分析,探索某些语法、词匯的历时演变,有助於考察中古汉语佛经语言的时代特徵和历时变化。经过对《道行般若经》及同经異译本的韶真细致的比较,本文分六章考察了繁词“是”、比较句、词序、句式、代词的发展变化,同畴在附录中封部分词匯进行比较分析,并对《道行般若经》进行校勘。得出以下结论:1.(1)最遲在东汉末年,口语中判断句句末语气祠和主语後的“者”逐渐消失。(2)“是”字判断句中主语和寅语成分朝複怵化方向发展(3)繋词“是”来源於代词。(4)罘学者封论较多的“是”字後置於宾语的句式,它还可以分析为“NP2(宾语)+NP1(主语)+是”句式,随著时间的发展,“NP2(宾语)”移至“是”後,燮成“NP1(主语)+是+NP2(宾语)”。2.束汉末年,在口语中“我”已代替了“吾”。第二人称的敬称“卿”、“仁”、“仁者”、“贤者”的尊敬羲逐渐弱化。第一、二人称代词的複数使用数量在不断增加,其语法功能也日趋完善。3.(1)三国峙期,疑问代词宾语就经历著前置向後置发展。在魏晋南北朝,这个过程在口藉中已经完成。(2)否定句的代祠全部後置的时间应该可以再提前到束汉末年。(3)疑问代词宾语前置句发展的不平衡。(4)否定句中代词在口语中全部後置的畴间可以提前到东汉末年。(5)早期译经中的一些特殊语序,如“谓语+主捂”、介宾短语中的宾语前置、受事宾语前置於勤词、兼语前置於主藉、稻呼语插入句中等,而在後期的译经中则是正常语序。4.(1)一批比较羲词语在中古屋时更替。(2)句式的燮化,如“比”字句由平比向差比羲发展。5.中古汉语时期,句式更为複杂和严密,包括附加成份的发展、複句的发展,单句扩展成複句。最後一章的附录中,封一些词语进行比较,并翠例说明同经異译封佛经的训释和校勘的作用。

【Abstract】 Daoxing Bore jing is also called Bore Daoxing jing,Maha Prajnaparamita Daoxing jing or Maha Prajnaparamita jing. It was translated in the end of the eastern Han Dynasty(A.D.197).Its translator, Lokaksema,is called "Zhichen" for short. Lokaksema and AnShigao drumed up the business of Chinese-Korean Buddhist Scripture Translation. Lokaksema belonged to the Rouzhi nationality, he came to China in the end of the Eastern Dynasty. The Daoxing Bore jing was the most important buddhist scripture. Because his native language is not Chinese,so his interpretation isn’t coherent and intelligible. Daoxing Bore jing has simple style of writing and much transliteration.It had a great influence on his time.The famous uddhist monks retranslated other edition on the after ages. These Chinese translations was from the Eastern Han to the Northern Sung Dynasty which had more than800years.There were nine editions on record and only six of them are handed down:Da mingdu jing(4volumes;translate by Zhi Qian in Wu capital;about A.D.222-257)、MobeBore Chao jing(5volumes; translate by Zhu Fonian and Tan Mobi;about A.D.382)、Xiaopin Boreboluomi (7volumes; translate by Jiumoluoshi;about A.D.408)、the fourth and fifth assembalge of the Da Boreboluomi jing (25volumes; translate by Xuanzang in the Tang Dynasty)、Fomucbusbeng Sanfazang Boreboluomiduo jing (25volumes;translate by Shihu in Northern Sung;about A.D.1003-4).These translators represent the highest level of Buddhist scripture translation in China at that time. The comparative analysis of the Chinese versions of Buddhist scriptures and exploration of the diachronic evolution of their vocabulary and grammar usage, from the perspective of the history of the Chinese language, contribute to studying the stamp of the age and chronic evolution of the middle ancient Chinese used in Buddhist scriptures.Through a thorough comparative study of Daoxing Bore Sutra and its different translation versions, this thesis has six chapters, surveying the development and evolution of the copular "be", personal pronouns,, word order, comparative sentencessentence patterns, languageStructures and offering a contrastive analysis of the vocabulary and an emendation of this version. It draws conclusions as follows.1.(1) In colloquialism, judgment mood particle and "zhe" after subject fade away in the end of Eastern Han Dynasty at latest.(2) The subject and object in judgment sentences with a copular "be" become more and more complicated.(3) Copular "be" originates from pronoun.(4)"NP2(object)+NP1(subject)+be" is gradually transformed into "NP1(subject)+be+NP2(object)", as most scholars have agreed.2. In the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty,"wo" takes place of "wu" The honorifics of second person such as "qin","ren""renzhe", and "xianzhe" began to decrease their connotation of respect for justice. The first and second persons in plural use increase and their grammatical functions gradually improve.3.(1) In the period of Three Kingdoms, the position of interrogative pronouns used as object develop from preposition to postposition of verb, and this process is finished during Wei, Jin and Southern-Northern Dynasties.(2) The thorough postposition of the pronouns in negative sentence can be again brought forward to the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty.(3) The sentence pattern of prepositional interrogative pronouns used as object undergoes an unbalanced development.(4)In negative sentences, all pronouns used after the verb in spoken language can also be brought forward to the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty.(5)Early Buddhist scripture translation has some special word orders like "predicate+subject", front loading of object in preposition-object phrase, patient object before verb,"jianyu" before subject, inserted address forms in a sentence, while later translation adopted natural order.4.(1) In mediaeval times, some words of comparison are replaced.(2)The changes of sentence patterns occur. For instance, ubi" sentence develops from "pingbi" to "chabi"5. In the medieval Chinese, sentence patterns are more complicated, including additional ingredients, associated words, and the expansion of simple sentence into complex sentence.


