

Adhesion and Innovation: Research on Chinese Local Teaching Materials in One Hundred Years

【作者】 李新

【导师】 石鸥;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 我国乡土教材的发展仅有百余年的历史,对百年乡土教材进行系统的研究具有重要的理论与实际意义。本研究立足于教育学的话语体系,通过探讨乡土教材的内涵及基本属性,在此基础上对百年中国乡土教材的发展进行系统梳理和全方位审思,力求通过乡土教材百年发展的历史研究与对各个历史时期典型乡土教材的剖析相结合,以百年乡土教材的发展为“经”,以各时代典型教科书分析为“纬”,以此探讨百年乡土教材发展的得失问题,并对未来乡土教材发展的路径提出建议。全文共分七部分内容。第一部分为绪论,简要介绍了研究的缘起与意义、国内外研究现状,主要研究方法以及研究思路等;第二部分对乡土教材及其相关概念的内涵进行了阐述,从乡土性、时代性、文化性、思想性、教学性等方面对乡土教材的基本属性进行了分析。第三、四、五部分是对清末、民国和新中国成立之后乡土教材发展历程进行详细梳理,对影响当时乡土教材编撰的因素和编撰群体进行探讨,以期厘清百年乡土教材发展的基本脉络,并对每一历史时期具有典型代表性的乡土教材进行分析,对各个时期乡土教材的发展历程及其特点进行探讨。第三部分论述清末乡土教材产生的历史背景、清末乡土教材的发轫、关于首部乡土教材的争议,此外还讨论了黄绍箕与部颁《乡土志例目》的关系、清末乡土教材的短暂兴盛、作为乡土教材的乡土志以及国学保存会的系列乡土教材等内容。第四部分探讨民初乡土教材沿袭与过渡的政策背景、新学制颁布后乡土教材逐步发展、“第一次全国教育会议”与乡土教材的倡议、《小学课程暂行标准》中乡土内容的规定、“第二次全国教育会议”与乡土教材的政策支持、抗战时期的乡土教材政策以及各个历史阶段的代表性乡土教材分析。第五部分着重论述新中国成立十七年乡土教材的发展、文革时期最高指示下的乡土教材以及改革开放以来乡土教材的转型等内容。第六、七部分着重将乡土教材的历史发展与反思相结合,通过对乡土教材基本属性的观照,深刻反思百年乡土教材发展的历程,并对未来乡土教材发展的路径进行了设计。第六部分对乡土教材的百年发展进行了反思,就乡土教材本身而论,百年以来它发生了一系列的变化,体现在目标定位从突出“由乡及国”到强调适应地区差异、内容范围扩大、形式体例向教科书体集中、编撰群体集中到地方教育行政部门、学习对象从小学向整个基础教育阶段扩展。我们同时需要肯定百年乡土教材的价值所在,因为它保存并传播了乡土文化、提供了乡土知识、促进了乡土认同、对学生发展产生了积极影响、为乡土教材的编撰提供了范例;当然它也存在一些问题,如乡土教材理想与现实之间存在偏差,乡土教材编撰质量参差不齐、内容选择有所偏差、编撰体例的创新不足、教材难度考虑不周、对教学的关注度不够、乡土教材的师资存在问题、乡土教材的评价体系缺失等。第七部分是探讨未来乡土教材发展的路径。通过前面内容的梳理和分析,我们将历史研究与现实问题相结合,认为应该处理好我国乡土教材的一元化与多元化关系、地方化与国家化关系、本土化与国际化关系,同时我们需要以国际化的视野重新为乡土教材发展定位、注重乡土教材内容的选择、优化乡土教材的组织形式、整合乡土教材的编撰队伍、确保乡土教材的有效实施,以此保障未来乡土教材的健康发展。

【Abstract】 Being just over one-hundred-year history in the development of local teaching materials, it will have important theoretical and practical significance researching on them. This study which is based on the system of pedagogical discourses thinks over the development of local teaching materials systematically and integrally through exploring the meaning of the basic properties of local teaching materials and combing the historical research on the one-hundred-year development of local teaching materials with the analysis of typical local teaching materials in the various periods of history. Through the above research, this paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the development of local teaching materials, and represents the suggestions about developing approaches of them in the future by means of the "longitude" which means the development of one-hundred-year local teaching materials and "latitude " which means the analyzing of typical textbooks in different periods of the history.This paper is divided into seven parts. The first part introduces a brief description of the origin and significance of the study, research status, the main research methods and research ideas, etc. The second part describes the connotation of local textbooks relating to their concept, and analyzes the basic properties of local textbooks from the region, times, culture, ideology, and education.The detailed description in the process of the development of local teaching materials at different periods of history including Late Qing, Republic of China and People Republic of China respectively, research on factors affecting the compilations and authors in order to understand the basic frame of the development of local teaching materials, and concrete analysis of typical local teaching materials at various periods of times comparing to corresponding their individual characteristics, which are indicated in the third, fourth and fifth part of the paper.The third part discusses not only the historical background of local teaching materials in the Late Qing Dynasty, local teaching materials of Late Qing, argument with respect to the first portion of the controversy, but the relationship between Shao-Ji Huang and ministerial "Local Records Head Cases", the Late Qing Dynasty’s local teaching materials flourished briefly, Local Records as local teaching materials and a series of Learning Preserving local teaching materials and so on. The fourth part talks about local material followed the early Republican transition policy background, the gradual development of local teaching materials promulgation of the new academic structure, the initiative of local teaching materials, local content provisions concerned with "The primary school curriculum Interim Standards", the support concerned with "The second National Conference on Education ", local teaching materials policy during the anti-Japanese war and the representation of various historical stages of local teaching materials analysis. The fifth part focuses on the development of seventeen years of local teaching materials after the new China was founded, the content of local teaching materials under the supreme direction of the Cultural Revolution, and local teaching materials since the Reform and Opening up policy has been carried out.The sixth and seventh section focuses on the historical development and reflection combining local teaching materials, the contemplation of the basic properties of local teaching materials, local teaching materials profound reflection course of centuries of development, and the path to the future development of local teaching materials were designed.The sixth part of the paper contemplates the development of one-hundred-year local teaching materials. For local teaching materials, it has undergone a series of changes reflecting in the target location from the outstanding "by the township to the country" to emphasize accommodate regional differences, the range of content expanded to form a textbook style body concentration, focusing on compiling local administrative departments of education, learning objects on the primary stage of education wholly. We also need to affirm the value of local teaching materials including its preservation and dissemination of the local culture, providing local knowledge, and promoting the local identity, the development of the students had a positive impact on local teaching materials compiled for today. Of course, there are some problems in the process of the development, such as the presence of local teaching materials between the ideal and the reality of bias, local teaching materials compilation of varying quality, content selection, inadequate compilation of innovation, teaching difficulty, and insufficient attention to teaching, native problems teaching faculty, lack of evaluation system.The seventh part is to explore the country on the path of future development of teaching materials. By the previous content and analysis, we will study the history and reality combining the fact that we should deal with the unification of local teaching materials and diversified relations with the countries of the relationship between localization, localization and internationalization of relations, and we need to have the international vision relocate materials development for the country through focusing on select local teaching materials, optimizing the organization of local teaching materials, local teaching materials for the preparation of the integration team to ensure the effective implementation of local teaching materials, in order to protect the healthy development of local teaching materials in the future


