

Piety and Wholeness:Research on Xenophon’s Educational Philosophy

【作者】 张晓燕

【导师】 刘铁芳;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 出身富贵又戎马生涯的色诺芬并无意于钱财或名声,终其一生色诺芬念念不忘的唯有雅典青年人的成长与教化。色诺芬的教化哲学乃是“成人”的教化哲学,其焦点在于神性光辉指引下的人之身与心的最大可能性,其归旨在于引导人之卓越品质的显现,成就一个优秀的人,一个卓越的公民。本研究将从色诺芬与苏格拉底的思想关联入手,将从虔敬与教化、身体养成、节制美德等主要方面以文本细读的方式对以《回忆苏格拉底》为代表的色诺芬著述中所体现的教化哲学思想进行系统的梳理和考究,并希望通过对古希腊精神的返回性探究,来达到对当下教育现实的本原性理解和现实性阐释,寻求当下教育中培养好人与好公民的可能路径。首先,论文分析了色诺芬的“遭遇苏格拉底事件”这一开启色诺芬之人生教化的关键性事件。“遭遇苏格拉底事件”使色诺芬开始思考“无知”之人类本性,并着手探寻“知”的可能路径。然后,论文从“神”这一贯穿色诺芬教化哲学的关键词入手,探讨了色诺芬对于神与人、神与知识、神与智慧的理解,指出神作为自然万物的表征乃是色诺芬思考教化问题的根本依据,是人之存在与教化的自然视域和基本维度。其后,论文分别考察了色诺芬的身体教化理念和节制教化思想。色诺芬将身体视为人之存在与教化的根本性物质依据,身体构成着灵魂上升和德性高扬的基本条件。意欲文明其精神,必先野蛮其身体,教化之首要职责在于通过体育锻炼和苦难磨练来看顾并维持神所赋予人的身体。野蛮其身体与文明其精神的纽带则在于节制,节制使人的灵魂得以摆脱身体欲望的束缚,获得精神的自由和灵魂的清明,从而使得理性在无外在约束的情境中得以显明;灵魂的自由和理性的澄明,使人的身心得以向美好的事物最大限度地敞开,并在实际的言行中追求并展现身心之可能的美好与生命之可能的整全。人何以可能在教化中达到卓越乃是人类永恒的谜题,色诺芬并未给出完美的答案,然而我们却未尝不可通过对色诺芬教化哲学思想的解读和阐释来寻找些许的线索。第一,人之教化始于身体。身体乃是维系人与世界的基本物质依据而非仅仅涉猎知识的工具,身体教化重在平常而非一两堂的体育课,身体教化意在深远而非仅仅身体的健硕。第二,人之教化并非仅仅为了黄金屋和颜如玉,而是个体生命的整全发展,节制之教化使人得以自由而审慎地体验和追求多元的生命色彩和高尚的生命情怀,去显现丰富的人性而非拘囿于病态的物欲。第三,人之教化并不仅仅意味着知识的习得,而是对生命本身和世界万物的体验;生命之整全并不仅仅德智体美劳的单向发展,而是身体与精神的共同成长和相互融合。虔敬之所以重要,正是因为虔敬不仅开启了个体认识生命本身与世界万物的惊奇之眼,更为人之教化提供了更为高远的存在论背景,使人获得了站在生命之上观看生命本身的广阔视域,从而使人得以在身体与精神的共同成长中,不断追求着个体生命的完善和对现世生命的超越而非仅仅个体利益的得失。然而,如何在教化中追求人性之可贵的高尚与美好将是一个激励着我们不断追问、思索和探寻的谜题。

【Abstract】 Even though Xenophon was born in a wealthy family and dedicated half of his life to military career, Xenophon has no desire for wealth or fame. Throughout his life, Xenophon is concerned with the education of the Athenian youths. Xenophon’s educational philosophy is the philosophy of humanization, which is focused on the wholistic development of human body and soul based on the prototype of the gods. In this dissertation we will start from looking into the academic relationship between Xenophon and Socrates, and then systematically analyze Xenophon’s educational philosophy from the perspective of Gods and piety, physical education and temperance. In the conclusion we will point out the possible lessons we could learn from Xenophon’s educational philosophy in allusion to the ignorance and neglect of the nature, human being and the society in our contemporary education in order to cultivate a good human being and a good citizen.To start with, we will discuss Xenophon’s encounter with Socrates event as a pivotal event which directs Xenophon into education and humanization. When awoken by Socrates’s cane, Xenophon woke up from his own ignorance and the ignorance of human being in general, and followed Socrates into the path of wisdom and virtue, i.e., the path of education. Then we will use Gods as a key word to discuss Xenophon’s understanding of Gods and human being, Gods and knowledge, Gods and wisdom so as to point out that Gods as the symbol of the nature is the essential foundation of Xenophon’s educational philosophy and the fundamental horizon of human existence and human education. The acknowledgment of self-ignorance starts from the acknowledgment of Gods, the origin of education originates in the comprehension of Gods. Afterwards, we will expound Xenophon’s philosophy on physical education and temperance. Xenophon considers human body as of pivotal importance to human education as human spirit and soul essentially exist in human body. Therefore, it is of significant meaning to cultivate the body for the purpose of improving the soul and spirit. In a word, Humanization starts from physical education. Humanization, first and formost, means to cultivate physical excellence through exercise and toil. In the meantime, to realize excellence in human being, it is important to cultivate not only the virtue of body but also the excellence of soul which lies in the cultivation and exercise of temperance. Only through temperance could human being become free from the burden of desires and achieve spiritual liberation which would keep the soul open to the Good and the Beauty of things, which could potentially lead to human excellence and happiness.Regarding to how human being achieve excellence in education, Xenophon never gives a perfect answer. However, it is still hopeful that we could find certain clues through reading and interpreting Xenophon’s educational philosophy. First, education starts from the body. Body is the fundamental link between human being and the universe instead of being a mere instrument of learning. Therefore, physical education should be embodied in day-to-day classroom as opposed to one or two curriculum practice and should be directed towards the cultivation of human being as a whole being. Secondly, human education should not be limited to the maximization of grades or enrollment rates. It ought to be related to the holistic development and happiness of a human being within the universe. To this end, temperance is of significant importance to maintain the balance of body and soul which is of pivotal importance in human development. Thirdly, human education is not limited to knowledge acquirement or any specific aspect of human potentials. Gods as the symbol of the universe and the transcendent existence of human being could potentially open up the window of wonder and the opportunity of education. More importantly, gods as the fundamental model of humanization provoke the aspiration for human being to achieve the wholeness of life based on the balance of body and soul as opposed to merely a means of material gains or personal interests. However, how to achieve nobility and happiness of human being through education and cultivation would always be aporia that constantly motivates us to inquire, contemplate and research.

【关键词】 色诺芬教化哲学虔敬生命的整全
【Key words】 XenophonEducational PhilosophyPietyWholenessof life
  • 【分类号】G40-02
  • 【下载频次】137

