

Growing from Subject Experts to Professional Teachers

【作者】 彭熠

【导师】 雷鸣强;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 教育的重要性提升了对高质量的优秀教师的需求,而培养高质量的教育硕士是提高教师质量的重要途径之一。教育硕士研究生教育以培养专业教师为目标,使各专业的学科专家经过教育理论的学习与教学实践的锻炼,实现从学科专家到教学专家的转变。那么,如何建立专业性突出、实践能力强和质量可靠的教育硕士项目,以帮助在职和未来的教师从学科专家成长为教学专家?这是本文准备重点探讨的问题。从变革历程来看,中美两国的教师教育都经历了从中等、高专到大学教育模式的转变,其发展呈现了从重视技艺到强调理论的变化,但也存在着非常明显的差异:美国的教师教育在大学化的过程中,更强调教学训练,学科知识培养被弱化;而中国恰恰相反,教师学科知识的培养由于大学重视学科性而被强化。这一差异也突出体现在两国教育硕士研究生培养模式中。中国教育硕士研究生培养过程中的根本问题是目标定位不清,导致培养的学生职业性和实践工作能力不突出。尽管各培养单位均有比较详尽的教育硕士培养方案,但目前的关键问题不是如何表述培养目标,而是如何落实这些培养目标。在这一方面,美国力图使教育硕士培养标准化的经验值得借鉴。“标准化”是美国社会、各行各业包括高等教育传统中最有价值的核心准则,也是美国高等教育能取得今日成就的重要原因之一。在美国教育硕士培养过程中,标准化充分体现在培养目标的文字表述、课程的设置以及开发实施等所有培养环节上,最终使教育硕士培养模式彻底摆脱了对教育学硕士培养模式的简单复制。考察美国教育硕士研究生教育是如何建立标准化的培养方案以及如何标准地实施培养目标,以突出教育硕士的职业性和实践性特点的,是本文的核心目的。本文首先对"NBPTS标准”这一美国教育硕士人才培养体系的核心标准进行了详细考察与论述。美国教师教育历经四次重要变革,从旨在培养学者型教师逐步转化为培养高质量教师,美国教育硕士项目也随之踏上专业化发展之路,而伴随着标准化运动产生的教学标准化和教师培养标准化是美国教育硕士研究生教育的特色和质量保障的关键。在专业教师培养的标准化诉求下,全美专业教学标准委员会(The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards,缩写为NBPTS)得以建立并制定了严格的教师专业教学标准以“过滤”掉不合格教师,从外部促进了教师的自身发展,保证了教师专业水平的不断提高。作为全美优秀专业教师的权威认证机构,NBPTS委员会针对国家高级教师认证设立了五项核心原则。为了促进教师专业化发展,提高美国基础教育质量,NBPTS委员会基于“五项核心原则”进一步制定了高质量教师的认证标准。随后,NBPTS专业教学标准因其权威性和高标准性而逐渐成为美国各大学教育硕士项目培养高质量教师的指导框架。随着NBPTS委员会的发展与所制定的专业教师标准的日渐完善,NBPTS专业教学标准对美国教育硕士人才培养发挥了越来越重要的作用,成为美国教育硕士人才培养体系的核心标准。论文继而深入论述了美国教育硕士人才培养是如何基于NBPTS专业教学标准来实现“从学科专家成长为专业教师”这一核心培养目标的,并以Cameron University教育硕士项目为例,从课程、实践与评价三个角度系统考察了美国教育硕士人才培养体系及其构建与实施过程。一是基于NBPTS标准构建美国教育硕士人才培养的课程体系,通过标准化的课程体系的建立来满足教育硕士培养的专业性要求。建立基于标准的课程和相应的教学实践是培养具有专业教学能力、关注学生身心发展和充满责任感的能够因材施教的教育工作者的关键途径。“标准”具有两条脉络:学科课程标准和专业教学标准。全美各学科专业委员会和NBPTS全美专业教学标准委员会分别为高质量教师需要掌握的学科知识和需要培养的教学能力设定了培养标准,也为培养高质量教师的教育硕士课程体系提供了指导。教育硕士课程体系有两个层面,第一个是宏观层面的课程设置,即根据未来的教师需要学习的知识和需要培养的能力开设核心课、专业课等课程。第二个层面是微观层面的课程设计,即根据该门课程的教学目标、课程属性、学生情况等编制课程教学大纲。二是基于NBPTS标准构建美国教育硕士人才培养的实践体系,以满足教育硕士人才培养的实践性要求。教育的专业特性决定了教师工作具有极强的实践性,教师专业化发展对教育实践提出了更高的要求。美国教育硕士项目以NBPTS专业教学标准五项原则为指导,根据培养对象类型与课程类型,将实践环节融入课程,通过三阶段螺旋式实践模式确保教育硕士人才培养质量的实用性,通过“教育见习”、“微格教学”和“教育实习”等三个环节的教育实践有效地促进了高质量教师的培养,并通过严格实施标准确保了人才培养的有效性。最后是基于NBPTS标准构建美国教育硕士人才培养的评价体系。基于NBPTS专业教学标准的档案袋评价方式和量规评价工具有必要在教育硕士人才培养过程中被广泛运用,成为高质量教师培养的质量保障。教育硕士研究生教育必须要走一条有别于学术性学位的发展之路。论文在总结分析美国教育硕士人才培养的专业性导向与标准性实施过程的基础上,从课程设置、实践环节、评价机制、教学方式与师资构成等五个方面对中国教育硕士研究生教育提出了改进建议:构建基于标准的课程体系来满足教育硕士人才培养的专业性要求;改革实践环节来满足教育硕士人才培养的实践性要求;引入有效的评价工具来满足教育硕士人才培养的可靠性要求;改进教学方法来满足教育硕士人才培养的教学性要求;建立多元化的师资队伍来满足教育硕士人才培养的职业性要求。

【Abstract】 The importance of education arises the demands of high quality teachers. As the major channel of teachers education, the M.Ed. is committed to cultivate professional teachers to grow from subject experts by providing educational theories, teaching strategies and internship. Then how to develop professional, practical and quality M.Ed. program to help those employed and future teachers to grow from subject experts to professional teachers? This is the research problem of the dissertation.Tracing back the development history of teachers’ education in China and the U.S., both experienced the transformation from the middle education, to college, then university mode, and the education emphasis transforming from skills to theories. But the teachers’ education in the U.S emphasizes more on the teaching training and the subject knowledge has been weakened. On the contrast, China pays more attention on subject knowledge learning. The differences are reflected on the cultivating mode of Master of Education.The major problem existing in the education of M.Ed. in China is the ambiguity of the educational objectives, resulting in the low efficiency of students’professional and practical proficiency in future teaching. In this respect, the efforts to standardize M.Ed. Education in the U.S. afford us lessons that merit attention. The standardized process of M.Ed. education makes M.Ed. earn its own featured educational mode successfully, getting rid of the effects of M.Pd.. Hence, the core objective of this dissertation is to study the standardized process of M.Ed. education in the U.S.First of all, the paper studies and illustrates the core standard of M.Ed. Program in the U.S., which is the NBPTS core propositions. NBPTS is the abbreviation of The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, a national certificate authority for high quality teachers in the U.S.. Because of its high standards and authority, the NBPTS Propositions have become the instructional framework for the reconstructing of the M.Ed. Programs in the U.S.In order to make the research more persuasive and valuable, the author pursue the M.Ed. in Cameron University in the U.S.. By experiencing the whole learning procedure, by collecting and analyzing plentiful first-hand materials, the author concluded that the NBPTS Propositions to be the core standard of M.Ed. program. Based on the core standard, the author illustrates a three-dimensional structure of the M.Ed. program formed by curriculum, practice and assessment, which would be helpful for the development of the M.Ed. program in China.The second part of the dissertation is the detailed illustration and analysis of the curriculum, practice and assessment system of the M.Ed. program in the U.S. based on the NBPTS Propositions. Firstly, the M.Ed. curriculum is developed from two sorts of curriculum standards--subject standards and professional teaching standards, working together to educate professional high quality teachers. Secondly, the M.Ed. experiment process is formed by three types of practical training for teaching competence--observation, field experience, and internship, which are vital to the quality of the M.Ed. program. Thirdly, the assessment system of the M.Ed. consists of four gates for evaluation--admission, completion of9hours,21hours and program completion, which are necessary measures to ensure the validity of the M.Ed. Education.Finally, the author concludes that the M.Ed, education must be developed in a distinguished way apart from the M. Pd.. The dissertation put forward to suggestions in five aspects on what to learn, what to do, how well, how to teach, and teach by whom respectively. To conclude, a standardized system including curriculum, practice, assessment, teaching methods and faculty requirement should be set up to to achieve the objective of M.Ed, which is, to cultivate high quality teachers.The innovations of the research fall in three aspects:First is the application of experience and action research methods. The pursuing of the M.Ed, is the starting of the research, the analyzing of the first-hand literature is the refining of views, the writing of the paper is the building of the theoretical thoughts and the action improvement is the application of the research. Hence the research process illustrate a complete action research procedure from practical experience to theoretical construction, and then back to practical improvement. The second innovation lies in the research viewpoint--the NBPTS Propositions, which is the core of the M.Ed. program summarized from huge first-hand literature by the author. Last but not least innovation is the research argument, which is the construction of three-dimension M.Ed. program consisting of one core standard, two kinds of curricula, three types of practice, four stages of cultivation. And in the end, advices from five aspects of are given for the development of M.Ed. Program in China.The dissertation consists of six chapters. The first chapter is the introduction of the dissertation, which illustrates the research background and literature review. Chapter two analyzes the NBPTS Propositions and six professional objectives. Chapter three to five are the research on curriculum, practice and assessment system respectively, which support each other and form the three-dimension system to meet the goal of the M.Ed. Program cooperatively. The last chapter summarizes the whole dissertation and give advices on five aspects for the development of the M.Ed. Program in China.

【关键词】 教育硕士NBPTS标准人才培养研究
【Key words】 M.Ed.NBPTS PropositionTeachers’ TrainingResearch

