

Historical Consciousness and History Narrative

【作者】 余安娜

【导师】 罗成琰;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 本文是对唐浩明小说历史意识与历史叙事系统的研究,历史意识呈现出作品的时代品格与作家的主体精神向度,关系到作家的创作思路与叙事逻辑,而叙事话语进一步凸显历史意识的思想内蕴与审美价值。这构成本文写作的内在理路。本文分为五个部分:绪论部分:唐浩明小说研究现状及本文写作思路。第一章:历史意识的发展。本章分为三个部分,第一部分,考察了以“敬畏历史,感悟智慧”为关键词的历史意识,它表现为三个方面的内涵:一、对晚清历史因果关系变迁的梳理。二、对历史智慧的总结,分为两个方面,其一是功名奋斗的成功法则与处事哲学。其二是心性修炼与立身之道。三、敬畏历史,意味着面对历史时的自我约束与道德践行。作为人生价值追求值得肯定。但如果作为学术观点的话,则具有一定的理性缺失。第二部分,对“一切历史都是当代史”的历史观念进行阐述,并对《张之洞》中体现的“当代性”与“主体精神”做出分析。第三部分,从“敬畏历史,感悟智慧”到“一切历史都是当代史”,体现了作者历史意识的发展。前者要求历史小说家在创作时沉潜到历史的纵深之处,尽可能的还原笔下的历史。并从历史中总结经验,吸取历史智慧。后者凸出创作者的当下体验,历史研究,既是“全部过去历史的结果”,又是当下现实的一种精神存在,它离不开作者所处时代文化精神和现实处境的关照。从重现到“重建”,展示了作者对于传统文化从还原性认同到建构性认同的思想变化。第二章:近代转型语境中的晚清士人书写。士人书写是“晚清系列”的精华所在。从清流、重臣、名士群像的塑造到个体文化人格建构及至士人命运与人生际遇的书写无不凸显了唐浩明对晚清士人的深沉关怀。清流的特点是迂直、好名且有的时候虚而无当。重臣则表现为敢于任事,深沉但随着权势日隆骄矜之态益显。名士大多才华横溢,但也自视甚高,与官场的暖昧现实铸就了其矛盾纠结的心理,一方面“说大人则藐之”,另一方面又积极为权贵奔走效力,企图以依附权贵实现其政治理想。清流、重臣与名士之间的罅隙体现了近代转型时期儒家内部价值伦理的分化以及士人的自我嬗变。曾国藩、杨度、张之洞等文化人格形象的建构充分体现了作者对历史人物负载的文化基因的充分开掘。曾国藩集合了传统文化的多元质素,儒、道、法的杂糅使其表面达到了“圣王”的双重境界,但给其带来了心灵的萎缩及精神的困顿。湖湘文化中的“血性”同样灌注于曾国藩与杨度的身上,从曾氏身上我们看到的是坚忍不拔,而在杨度身上更多的表现为轻率与蛮干。张之洞形象展现为儒家经典的君子型人格,他重义轻利,廉洁无私。崇尚气节,行事坦荡。但在周围小人的引诱之下,他的道德日渐滑落。此外,唐浩明对于晚清士人的命运作了深沉的思考与诠释,既有宿命意识的一面,又有自强不息与命运抗争的一面。第三章:近代化历史叙事。本章从历史的文体特征重点探究晚清系列的历史意蕴。以宏大的主题架构叙事是20世纪历史叙事的重要文体特征,史家按照某一思想线索构思的历史起源、发展及结果将庞杂的历史片段或者历史事件贯穿起来,在叙事中试图揭示历史发展的“公理公例”。唐浩明小说以“现代化话语”建构叙事,由“衡情论理”入手。从情绪、心态、伦理学等角度,以书写晚清士人的人生轨迹为依托,全面展示了他们在近代化实践中的思想嬗蜕与心态变化,因而作品呈现出浓厚的学理思辨色彩。但有的时候过于关注历史的因果与论证式的叙事架构,往往会妨碍读者更深的参与历史。小说对于日常生活化叙事、历史张力的叙事、互见法叙事等手法的运用,能在表叙历史理性的同时,极大的融入人性的情致,为小说平添了丰富且深邃的内涵。第四章:历史与小说的跨文体探索。本章从历史情境的“重演”,“历史的人”与“人的历史”的互文阐释,精英与大众之间叙事立场的尴尬三个方面对小说的叙事特征进行了梳理。唐浩明历史与小说的跨文体探索主要通过历史情境的“重演”得以实现,主要表现在从历史画面还原,历史氛围营造,历史想象书写三个层面。小说还以潜意识、心理描写、情节建构等方式深刻诠释了人与历史的关系,对慈禧、光绪形象“人”的还原,通过对他们复杂人性及微妙情感的开掘,历史的丰富性与人性的复杂性相得益彰的呈现出来。此外,小说基于精英化的叙事立场,对于大众叙事自觉的疏离与不自觉的接近,这种貌似矛盾的叙事立场,则体现了转型时期知识分子处于精英与大众之间的尴尬情境。

【Abstract】 Historical consciousness and historical narrative discourse of Tang Haoming noval is studied in this thesis. Historical consciousness presents works’character of the times and writer’s main spiritual dimension, which is related to the writer’s creation thinking and narrative logic. The narrative discourse further highlights the ideological and aesthetic intrinsic value of historical consciousness. These constitute the inner logic of this thesis.This thesis is divided into five chapters:Preface:Tang Haoming Novel’s research status and this thesis’s writing thinking.Chapter One:Historical consciousness development. This chapter is divided into three parts. The first part inspected historical consciousness of keywords as "Awe of history, Comprehension of wisdom". It is shown as three aspects of meaning:First, it sorts causality change of late Qing history. Second, it summarizes the wisdom of history which includes two aspects:the success laws and conducting philosophy struggling for meritorious deeds and fame, and the way of mind nature cultivation and moral character. Third, it is awe of history means self-restraint and ethical practice when faced with history, and it’s worthwhile as life attitudes and pursuit of values. However, as an academic point view, it missed certain rationality. The second part, the historic concept of "all history is contemporary history" is elaborated, and the "Contemporariness" and "Owner Spirit" embodied in "Zhang Zhidong" is analyzed. The third part, from "Awe of history, Comprehension of wisdom" to "All history is contemporary history", the author’s history consciousness development is reflected. The former requires historical novelist to retreat inside the depth of history while authoring, and to restore the writing history as much as possible, and to sum up experience, learn wisdom from history. The latter protrudes author’s present experience. Historical research is a "result of all past history", and is a spiritual presence of current reality, too. It cannot be separated from author’s times cultural spirit and the realistic situation."Zeng Guofan" emphasizes on mastery of history change causality arid "history mirror" consciousness."Zhang Zhidong" is more concerned with the exploring real-life meaning and the life philosophy thinking. From reproduce to "rebuild", shows author’s thinking changes from reproduce identity to re-construction identity on traditional culture.Chapter Two:The writing of Late Qing esquire in the context of modern transformation. Esquire writing is the essence of Tang Haoming’s novels. From shaping statues of Clean Esquire, Minister Esquire and Celebrated Esquire to constructing individual cultural personality and writing esquire fate and life vicissitudes, all highlight Tang Haoming’s deep concern for the esquire of Late Qing Dynasty. Clean Esquires are characterized by pedantic upright, loving reputation and sometimes improperly void. Minister Esquires then show the courage to shoulder responsibility, deep consideration but increasing haughtiness with the power growing. Most celebrated Esquires are talented, but think highly themselves. The reality of ambiguous relationship with officialdom cast their contradictory attitude. On one hand, they "talk about dignitary with contempt", on the other hand they are actively running serve for dignitaries, and attempt to achieve their political ideal by attaching these dignitaries. The gap between Clean Esquires, Minister Esquires and Celebrated Esquires reflects internal differentiation of Confucian ethics and esquire’s self-evolution in the modern transition period. The construction of cultural personality as Zeng Guofan, Yang Du and Zhang Zhidong fully embodies the full digging of cultural genes carried by historical characters. Zeng Guofan congregates diverse traditional cultures. Mixing Confucianism, Taoism and Legalism together makes him to achieve "Internal Sage External Kinging" apparently, but it also brings him mental atrophy and spiritual quandary."Blood Character" in "Huxiang Culture" is inculcated to Zeng Guofan and Yang Du the same degree, however, fortitude is expressed on Zeng Guofan, while more self-will and imprudence on Yang Du. Image of Zhang Zhidong shows classic Confucian gentleman personality that is righteousness over benefit, integrity and selflessness, respecting integrity and magnanimous. However, under the lure of scoundrel around him, his moral gradually declines. In addition, deep thinking and interpretation on the fate of Late Qing Dynasty esquires made by Tang Haoming shows fatalistic as well as constantly striving against fate, which reflects the author’s unique insights on life and history, and then his novels aesthetic implication is dignified and profound.Chapter Three:Modernization history narrative. This chapter focuses on exploring the history implication of Tang Haoming’s novels. Narrative in grand theme architecture is an important text feature of20th century historical narrative. Historians attempt to reveal history development "axiom and general example" in narrative by impenetrating complex historical fragments or historical events based on historical origins, development and results conceived by certain thinking clue. Tang Haoming novels narrative constructed by "modern discourse", starting from the "evaluate situation and reason things out", and from emotions, attitude, ethics etc angles, and by means of writing life trajectory of Late Qing Dynasty esquires, comprehensively show their thinking evolution and mentality change in modern practice. Therefore, his works show strong theoretical speculation. However, Due to sometimes too much attention to the historical cause-effect and reasoning narrative structure, Reader’s deeper involvement in history is hindered. The use of daily life narrative, historical tension narrative, cross-reference narrative techniques in Tang Haoming’s novels could describe historical rationalism, melt into humanity temperament and interest greatly at the same time, and add the rich and deep meaning to the novel.Chapter Four:"Literary expression" of history. In this chapter the novels’narrative characteristics is combed from three aspects: cross-stylistic exploration, inter-textual interpretation between "history of human" and "historical Human", and the relationship between elite narrative and mass narrative. Tang Haoming cross-stylistic exploration between history and fiction mainly lies three levels:restore of historical picture, creation of historical atmosphere and writing of historical imagine. He also profoundly interprets the relationship between human and the history using subconscious and psychological description, and plot construction. By restoring image of Cixi, Guangxu to "human", and digging their complex humanity and subtle emotions, historical richness and humanity complexity complementary is presented. In addition, based on a stand of elitist narrative, the conscious alienation and unconscious approach of mass narrative in novels which seems contradictory narrative stand actually reflected intellectuals’embarrassing situations between elite culture and mass culture in the transition period.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【下载频次】307

