

Variation Within and Outside the Siege

【作者】 吴志凌

【导师】 李运抟;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 推陈布新的五四新文化运动开启了中国近代最深刻的一场社会思想、文化变革,它既是一场思想革命,也是一次伦理革命。五四知识分子反对封建礼教与男尊女卑,倡导人格独立与个性解放,婚姻伦理的革故鼎新成了当时知识者推进社会变革的突破口。随着妇女解放运动的进展,关于社交公开、贞操观、婚姻自由、离婚再婚、废婚与独身等问题引起了社会的广泛关注。在婚姻伦理变革思潮的催化下,婚恋问题也成为五四作家主要的创作主题,其创作内容涉及自由恋爱、代际冲突、夫妇伦理、离婚、出走、废婚、独身与同性之爱等,大量出现的五四婚恋文学呼应了新文化运动中的婚姻伦理革命诉求,婚恋叙事承担了“新民”之责任,通过文艺的形式参与了社会伦理变革与重构,藉传播媒介扩大了婚姻伦理革命的影响,推动了五四时期婚姻伦理的现代化历程。对五四文学婚姻伦理叙事探讨,既是对中国传统婚姻伦理现代化演变的关注,同时也是对五四作家主体意识、精神诉求、传统伦理与人格结构的剖析,五四婚恋伦理叙事彰显了作家对婚姻伦理的主动诉求与重建现代婚恋伦理的尝试。本论题将五四婚恋题材作品置于五四新文化运动的历史语境中,从伦理学角度探讨五四婚恋文学创作的价值与缺失及婚恋叙事与婚姻伦理变革的同构互动轨迹。文章分为六部分。绪论探究了五四新文化运动背景下婚恋文学勃兴既是“外合乎世界潮流,内合乎社会状况”的必然,亦是新文化运动倡导破除旧两性道德的结果。研究五四婚恋文学与婚姻伦理变革社会思潮的时代共振,可以拓展伦理学研究视野,挖掘五四文学的历史意义与伦理价值。在研究方法上,本课题主要采用伦理批评方法以及历史文化学批评方法。第一章探讨五四婚恋文学婚恋伦理叙事的视域、渊源与问题生成。清末民初文学与五四在思想与文学上具有无法割舍的血缘关系,清末民初文学婚恋伦理叙事既注入了新质又有对传统的眷顾,在“中化”与“西化”、传统与现代之间的游离反映了婚姻伦理现代嬗变的曲折艰难,亦成为五四婚恋文学现代性追求的先声。从明末清初男女平等思想的孕育到五四时期反对封建纲常的摧枯拉朽之势的婚姻变革改革思潮,是五四婚恋文学生成的本土历史语境,西方传教士、编译出版机构和留学生等为主体的西学传播则是五四婚恋文学勃兴的西学思想渊源。第二章现代性爱的觉醒主要探讨恋爱伦理叙事。五四时期是浪漫之爱产生的时期,新青年倡导以“个人本位”易“家族本位”,个体伦理的彰显带来了恋爱自由与婚姻自主的诉求,推动了现代性爱意识的产生和觉醒。由于新青年个体理性和道德自律的缺失以及道德他律的匮乏,出现了恋爱自由、婚姻自由以及性自由的纠缠不清,造成了“自由”的泛滥与新的道德危机,体现了五四时期爱情思维新旧杂陈的状况。在母女代际冲突叙事中,情爱母爱的人伦冲突要么成为反抗父权体制的呐喊与宣传,个体仍是顺应社会新潮和缺乏个性的傀儡,要么是爱情屈服于孝道思想为核心的代际伦理,说明作家对父权本质及结构缺乏深层认识,爱情的伦理困境显示出父权体系下代际伦理的根深蒂固以及新旧交替时代作家伦理思想的复杂性。第三章探究婚内家庭伦理叙事。五四新旧交替的时代,新式丈夫与旧式妻子文化殊异,形成了新的家庭危机,传统婚姻伦理中夫权至上与男权本位思想在两性关系中依旧存在,因此形成了个性趋新与德性守旧的局面,隐性的男权本位和传统家长体制与“恋爱自由”、“离婚自由”等新思潮结合,构成了对女性新的压迫。不少新青年进入被围困的城堡,因伦理诉求的超前早熟与经济落后之间的矛盾,对两性关系的前景产生质疑。知识女性如何调适家庭角色与事业追求之间的矛盾,则是此时期女性在家庭内期许性别主体自我实现的难题,作家提出男女共同分担家庭事务与责任是企图模糊性别差异与淡化性别意识达到双性和谐的理想乌托邦。婚外恋书写中作家对传统德性伦理提出质疑,婚外恋叙事从反抗封建父权到倡导爱情自由以及反思婚外恋中的道德问题和责任担当,五四作家作为传统文化产儿,遵循了道德理性的叙述逻辑以及重返家本位的伦理传统。尽管“破”有余“立”不足,五四文学对爱情维系的现实基础、情爱营造与更新、婚内责任与义务等伦理内涵的开掘体现了作家重建双性和谐伦理的努力。第四章父权家庭的离弃探讨离婚、弃妇与出走叙事。五四知识分子倡导的婚姻自由思想促进了婚姻伦理从家族本位主义向个人本位主义的过渡,作为婚姻自由的一部分,五四知识分子认为离婚自由是必要的与正当的,离婚判别的标准是爱情的有无,把个人权利与个体价值放居首位。由于在传统社会中建立起来的身份伦理对个体的心理制约,顺应传统血缘秩序在狭缝中生长的女性在离婚冲突中唯一能诉求的就是通过伦理身份挣得自己的话语权利,在离婚的困境中无望挣扎;当离婚自由作为五四时期个人权利理念得以践行时,因缺乏自由伦理的外在调控机制,离婚即是遗弃的代名词。不少作家从人道立场出发,以自由主义让位于人道主义,实现婚恋自由与传统道德的眷顾,这是新旧过渡时期新青年遇到的尴尬处境;在追求自由的名义下,由于道德自律的缺失,不少旧式妻子被抛弃成为新时代的弃妇,弃妇形象反映了失去传统伦理支撑后过渡时期被损害被侮辱的女性深重的精神奴役创伤,作家对男性启蒙者的妇女解放思想提出质疑。五四时期娜拉在中国的传播、接受、书写与塑造,主要是男性作家反封建目的以及社会改革需要的理想投射与模型塑造,也是一种想象的虚幻,娜拉出走或留在家庭,均是依附于男性的傀儡,男性作家对娜拉形象的中国移植与挪用并不能改变中国传统社会两性伦理关系,也无法使新女性实现“做人同时也做女人”的梦。第五章传统婚恋模式的僭越探讨废婚、独身与同性恋叙事。五四毁家废婚和独身论为五四独身叙事提供了思想渊源,五四独身叙事是知识女性主体意识觉醒后,采取独身以及毁家废婚等激进方式对传统男尊女卑、包办婚姻发出的叛逆之声,是新女性争取两性平等中的无奈选择。同性之爱书写是新青年在个性觉醒初期,精神奴役与现实压迫下对父权文化中异性婚恋霸权秩序的反抗以及性别规范的僭越,它质疑传统异性情爱的范围,拓展了人类情爱的空间。五四文学婚恋伦理叙事参与了婚姻伦理现代化的建构,彰显了作家对婚姻伦理的主动诉求与现代性想象,思考了现代性爱的复杂内涵以及两性和谐伦理的建构路径,有其深刻性与超越性;因长期父权体制下伦理文化的浸染,五四知识者承受着人欲与人伦的冲突,婚恋伦理叙事成为新青年向宗法礼教宣战的口号或革命狂热中的伦理策略与虚幻想象,这体现了狂飙突进时代伦理思想新旧杂陈的复杂性、过渡性、偏激性以及矛盾性特征。五四婚恋文学叙事的缺陷与成就,都获得了标本价值与意义,并成为文学史与我们文学经验的重要部分,为我们提供了探究中国文学现代性追求以及婚姻伦理现代化进程的有效途径。

【Abstract】 The deepest transportation of culture and social ideas belongs to May4th New Cultural Movement, which is regarded as both an idea revolution and an ethic one; intellectuals in the period advocated independent personality while opposed feudal ethics, especially the view that men are superior to women, therefore, they viewed the reform and innovation of marriage ethics as the breakthrough of prompting social reform. With the development of the woman’s liberation movement, some issues, such as divorce, remarry, bachelorhood, conception of chastity, marital and social freedom and the abolition of marriage drew social attention widely, which caused a vast emerging marriage works bearing New Democracy liability responding to the4th New Culture Movement, in return, making marriage ethics reform influential, promoting the development of it in modern Chinese literature.Exploring narrative literature about marriage ethics means focusing on the modernization process of Chinese traditional marital ethics and analyses of the writers’consciousness, spiritual demands and traditional personality structure during that period. By studying the connotation of ethical norms, marriage ethics and national culture psychology, the paper tries to explore the interactive track of May4th literature and martial ethic reform by examining love and marriage literature works in the historical circumstances of New Cultural Movement. The paper contains six parts.The introduction explores the booming love and marriage literature emerged in the4th New Cultural Movement, which is explained as an inevitable consequence according with world trends outside and social status inside;it claims that ethic research perspectives is to be extended, in addition, the historical significance and ethic values of the May4th literature can be explored. By studying May4th love and marriage literature as well as ideological trend of marriage and ethic reform; on the research method, this paper stresses on both ethical criticism and history culture study.Chapter one explores the background, origins and causes of May4th ethical doctrine as well as love and marriage literature. There is a close relationship between the May4th literature and the literature of the late Ming and early Qing periods, which can be confirmed by abundant romances, precise and deep insight into relationship and feelings between sexes. May4th literatures are derived from feminist and anti-feudal opinions as well as the influence of western learning from the point of ideology and history.Chapter two is about love ethical narrative. The May4th period is a period which generated romantic love. New youth advocate personal standard instead of family oriented, Highlighting individual ethics brings free love and marriage autonomy demands, and promote awareness of modern production and sexual arousal. Due to the lack of moral discipline and individual rationality and moral autonomy, the emergence of free love, sexual freedom and the freedom of marriage tangled, resulting in a "free" proliferation and new moral crisis. Intergenerational conflict in the mother-daughter narrative, human relations and conflict motherly love become cry against patriarchy and publicity, the individual is still a lack of individuality and conforms to social trendy puppet. It means that writers are lack of deep understanding of patriarchal nature and structure, either filial love succumb to ideological core of the intergenerational ethics, ethical dilemmas of love shows the complexity of the patriarchal system of intergenerational ingrained ethic and transition of the writers Ethics.Chapter three explores marital problems ethical narrative within the family. In the transition from the old era, the new husband and old style wife formed a new family crisis, and traditional marriage ethics patriarchal supremacy and patriarchy based thinking still exists in the relations between the sexes, thus creating a new personality and old-fashioned virtues flooding situation. The implicit standard and traditional patriarchal system combined to "free love","freedom of divorce" and other new ideas form a new oppression of women. Because of the demands of ethical conflicts ahead between precocious and economic backwardness, many new youth query the prospects for relations between the sexes. During this period how to adapt conflict between family roles and career is the main problem that women achieve self-realization of gender. Men and women shared family affairs and responsibilities which is an attempt to blur gender differences and gender awareness in double dilution utopian ideal of harmony. Writers on writing affair traditional virtue ethics questioned affair against the feudal patriarchal narrative from advocating free love and to reflect on ethical issues in the affair and responsibility to act. As traditional cultural births, the writers followed the moral narrative logic and rationality return to the ethical standard of the traditional family. Although the "broken" is more than "up". The writers try their efforts to rebuild bisexual harmonious ethics.Chapter four is concerned about divorce and fleeing ethical narrative. Ideas of freedom of marriage advocated by intellectuals in the May4th period promoted the transition of marital ethics from family departmentalism to personal one. The intellectuals puts personal rights and values first, advocating that people necessarily enjoy the freedom of divorce and the standard of divorce is absence of true love, but the real situation after divorce and people’s identification with traditional ethics makes the process of modernization of Chinese marriage ethics a long and winding road. The new abandoned wives are actually victims of changing times. Some writers challenged the ideas of emancipation of women advocated by some male torchbearers. The characters of fleeing their homes in the May4th literature works are greatly different from those who has completely awakened in personality and sometimes they are only arranged anti-tradition roles. Nora spread in May Fourth Movement in China. The acceptance, writing and shaping, the main projection model is ideal for shaping the purpose of anti-feudal and male writers needed social reforms, but also an imaginary fantasy, Whether Nora left away or stayed at home, she is a puppet who is dependent on the male. The male writers transplant and misappropriate China Nora do not change the ethics of gender relations, which can not make new women’s dream of "to be a real women" come true.Chapter five focuses on narrative related the abolishment of marriage and keeping single. It analyses the phenomenon of bachelorhood both in China and western world, explores the ideological origins of destroying family;Abolishing marriage and remaining single is the woman’s the hopeless choices and the rebel against traditional man superiority and managed marriage. Homosexual love writing expresses the oppression against the transgression of gender norms of heterosexual marriage patriarchal culture hegemonic order. Homosexual love writing questioned the scope of traditional heterosexual love, expanding the human love space.May4th literature marriage ethics narrative involved in the construction of modern marriage ethics and highlighting the ethical demands and modern active imagination, the writers think about the construction of the complex path of sex and gender connotation of modern harmony ethics, which have the profoundness and transcendence. Due to the long-term patriarchy ethical culture disseminated, marriage ethics narrative become the fanatical revolutionary war slogans or ethical strategies and unreal imagination. It also shows that ethics theory during radical period possesses complexity, transitivity, extremism and contradictoriness, The defects and achievements of literary narrative have gained value and significance of the specimen, and became the literary history and an important part of our literary experience. It provides an effective way for us to explore the pursuit of literary modernity and modernization of Chinese marriage and ethics.


