

The Research on the Textbook System of People’s Republic of China

【作者】 李水平

【导师】 石鸥;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 作为学校教育的核心环节,中小学教科书集中体现了国家的教育思想和教育观念,是学校教育中最基本、最重要的知识的载体,是教师开展教学和组织学生活动的最主要依据,是学生获取知识的主要来源。因此,中小学教科书的质量直接影响学校教育教学的质量。通过制度变迁理论与制度创新理论分析,教科书制度是一个国家或地区在一定历史时期内所规定的规范教科书利益相关者的行为,协调教科书利益相关者相互关系,提高教科书质量的一系列规章。科学完善的教科书制度是教科书质量的有效保障,其内在构成要素包括教科书编写制度、审定制度、出版制度、发行制度、供给制度、选用制度、评价制度、督查制度等八个方面。政府通过制度干预教科书的编写、审查、出版、发行、供应、选用、评价、督查等各个环节,确保中小学教科书的质量,保证公民在一定程度上平等地接受最基本的教育。教科书制度的运行环境包括政治环境、经济环境、教育环境、文化环境等四个方面,因此,政府的政策、社会的人力资源、国家的财政能力、先进的生产技术、科学的教育制度与课程理念等等都会影响到教科书制度的运行。中小学教科书制度可分为“国定制”、“审定制”、“认定制”、“选定制”、“自由制”等五种类型。新中国成立后,中小学教科书制度在很长一段时间内实行“国定制”,教科书的编写、审查、出版、发行、供给等都统一由国家教育行政部门负责。但随着国家推行改革开放政策,社会的发展进一步加快,经济实力进一步增强,“国定制”显然已经不适应时代的需求。20世纪90年代以来,国家大力推行教材多样化政策,建立起教科书编审的“审定制”、印张与价格的“国定制”,发行供应的“国供制”,以及免费教科书制度、教科书循环使用制度等等新的一系列制度,先后有84家出版机构不同程度地参与了中小学教科书的编写与出版,全国发行了236套义务教育教科书与732册普通高中教科书,教科书质量得到较大提高,教科书的繁荣景象初具规模。但由于教科书制度尚不完善,教科书制度改革的发展逐渐偏离了设定目标,如教科书同质化现象明显,教科书时常出错,教科书选用与发行不规范等等,已经产生了许多不良的社会影响,甚至成为人们批驳或反对基础教育新课程改革的靶子。本研究从管理学与制度学的视角,系统界定了教科书编写制度、审定制度、出版制度、发行制度、供给制度、选用制度、评价制度的内涵及其构成要素与作用,梳理了新中国成立至今教科书制度的发展与演变过程,分析了教科书制度的影响因素,探究了教科书制度的基本功能与运行机制。通过对当前中小学教科书制度的病理分析,反思教科书制度的实施效果,提出完善当前中小学教科书制度的实施建议:第一、中小学教科书制度建设的理念应从“行政指令”转变为“法制指导”。通过立法建立教科书制度的运行保障机制,将编写、审查、出版、发行、选用、供应、评价等环节均放置在法律的要约范围里,明确各环节利益相关者的责任与权益,规范利益相关者的行为,消除阻碍制度运行的影响因素,确保教科书制度正常运行。第二、重视中小学教科书与教科书制度的理论研究。国家安排教科书专项研究经费,组织专业团队从政治学、教育学、管理学、历史学、社会学、制度学等各个不同角度开展教科书与教科书制度的理论研究,为教科书与教科书制度的完善提供理论支持。第三、建立健全中小学教科书制度。国家应厘清教科书编写、审查、出版、发行、选用、供应、评价、监督等各项制度在教科书质量保障方面的重要作用,全面了解当前教科书制度的优势与不足,积极探索完善教科书制度的有效办法,努力建立一个科学长效的教科书制度体系。

【Abstract】 Textbooks for primary and secondary education lie in the centre of a nation’s overall school education. Textbooks reflect a nation’s educational orientation and principles, present the most basic and important knowledge of school education, provide support for pedagogical implementation, and serve as the primary source for students’learning.According to system-changing theories and system-innovating theories, a textbook system refers to a series of regulations made by a country or a region at a particular historical period with the goals of improving textbook qualities by regulating and coordinating stake-holders involved. A well-established textbook system can effectively guarantee the quality of textbooks. It consists of eight sub-systems, which are the compiling system, the authorizing system, the publishing system, the distribution system, the provision system, the selection system, the evaluation system, and the supervision system. Through systematic intervention into these eight areas, the government assures satisfactory quality of textbooks for primary and secondary education so as to guarantee an equal opportunity for its citizens to receive a basic education. The operational ization of a textbook system is constrained by four types of context, which are the political context, the economic context, the educational context and the cultural context. Therefore, government policies, human resources in the society, financial support from the government, the development of science and technology, the educational system, and curriculum principles all have an impact on the operationalization of the textbook system. There exist five types of textbook systems:the state-appointment system, the state-authorization system, the cognizance system, the eclectic system, and the free-adoption system. Since New China was founded in1949, the textbook system for primary and secondary education had been of the state-appointment type for a long time, which means the educational administrative of the government was fully responsible for all textbook-related matters, such as compilation, authorization, publication, distribution and provision. After the open-up policy, China’s social development has been quickened and its economy has been growing fast, which made it no longer for the state-appointment to be contextually appropriate. Since the1990s, the government has strongly promoted policies to widen the variety of textbooks, and the textbook system has become a mixture of regulations of different types, such as the state-authorization system in the area of textbook compilation, the state-appointment system in the area of printing and pricing, the state-provision system in the area of distribution and provision, the free textbook policy and the recycling system. A total of84publishing organizations have been involved in the compilation and publication of textbooks for primary and secondary education, which has produced236sets of textbooks for9-year compulsory education and732textbooks for senior secondary education. Despite the improved quality of textbooks, the textbook system has gradually deviated from its original goals and many problems have arisen, such as homogeneity, frequent errors and improper conduct in selection and distribution. These problems, with a negative social impact, have often become targets of criticism on the new curriculum reform.Adopting management and system perspectives, the present study examines the content, component factors and functions of the eight sub-systems (the compiling system, the authorizing system, the publishing system, the distribution system, the provision system, the selection system, the evaluation system, and the supervision system), reviews the evolving route of the textbook system since the foundation of New China to present, analyses factors that influence the system, explores its basic functions and operational mechanism. Based on pathological analyses of the textbook system and reflections on post-implementation effects, the author suggests the current textbook system be improved in the following ways:First, the principles for constructing the textbook system for primary and secondary education should be shifted from an administrative orientation to a legal one. Legal solutions should be sought after to safeguard the operationalization of the textbook system in all the textbook-related matters. Specifying in law the responsibilities and rights of all stake-holders can help restrict their improper conduct, diminish factors that have a negative impact, and guarantee the normal operationalization of the textbook system.Secondly, theoretical research on textbooks and textbook systems should be received more attention. It is suggested that the government allocate special research fund for this project and seeks professional advice from scholars of various disciplines, such as politics, education, management, history, sociology, and system study. It is believed that different perspectives will offer more insights and theoretical support to the improvement of textbooks and textbook systems.Finally, there should be continuous efforts to maintain a sound textbook system for primary and secondary education. The government should fully understand the important role that the eight sub-systems play in guaranteeing the quality of textbooks, become well-informed of the merits and demerits of the current textbook system, and establish a long-effective system for textbooks through trialanderror.

  • 【分类号】G423.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】634

