

A Cognitive Study of Modern Chinese Abbreviations

【作者】 蒋向勇

【导师】 白解红;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 省力原则,又称经济原则,是驱动和指导人类语言行为的一条基本法则。经济原则在语言中最主要的表现之一是缩略语的大量使用。现代汉语缩略语的研究经历了从修辞学到词汇学的转变。即便在词汇学领域,相当长一段时间内学者们在其界定和分类上徘徊不前。后来虽然有学者从经济省力的角度对现代汉语缩略语的生成理据进行了研究,但他们主要从言者角度去讨论省力,而且基本上忽视了缩略语经济性所导致的理据性的磨蚀。另有一些学者对缩略语的构造理据进行了有益的探讨,提出了一些较为合理的构造原则,但构造汉语缩略语最为明显的取首原则却被忽视,并且遗憾的是,这些构造原则均是以描述为主,缺乏合理的解释。此外,一些学者还对现代汉语缩略语的语法功能进行了有价值的探讨,但他们只关注缩略语生成前后词性的转变,而完全忽视其意义上的变化,现代汉语缩略语生成之后的语义拓展更是少有学者探讨。尽管学者们承认现代汉语缩略语的意义并非其构成成分意义的简单相加,但并无学者专门就汉语缩略语的语义建构进行过研究。至于现代汉语缩略语的认知研究,更是仅有部分学者零星地进行过探讨。语言能力是人类认知能力的一部分,研究语言不能脱离人类认知这一重要决定因素的影响,将缩略语视作独立于人类认知之外的纯粹语言现象进行研究,注定难以深入。鉴于过往研究的不足,我们认为有必要从认知语言学的角度系统深入地研究现代汉语缩略语的生成理据、语义建构以及生成之后的语义拓展。我们主要运用认知语言学的概念转喻理论、概念整合理论以及概念隐喻理论,采取定性分析为主,辅之以数据分析论证的方法来对现代汉语缩略语进行深入的研究。我们的语料主要来源于《实用缩略语词典》、《现代汉语缩略语词典》,以及以《人民日报》、《光明日服》为代表的主流报纸。通过对现代汉语缩略语语料进行观察、统计和分析,确立现代汉语缩略语的构造原则,并挖掘各种构造原则背后的认知理据;分析不同类型汉语缩略语的意义建构过程,并运用概念整合理论和概念转喻理论的认知参照活动模式加以验证;探讨现代汉语缩略语生成之后的语义拓展方式,发掘其语义拓展背后的认知机制。我们的研究问题主要包括现代汉语缩略语的生成理据、语义建构及生成之后的语义拓展。在现代汉语缩略语生成的认知理据部分,我们主要从宏观的语用和认知两个层面分别探讨了缩略语生成的经济理据和认知转喻理据。缩略语生成的经济理据部分主要揭示其生成的简缩法则、借形缩略语的经济理据以及缩略语经济性和理据性的竞争。在现代汉语缩略语生成的认知转喻理据部分,我们进一步探讨了缩略语是基于什么样的认知机制来实现经济省力的。此外,我们还从微观层面研究了现代汉语缩略语生成的构造原则及其认知理据。现代汉语缩略语的语义建构部分则揭示了缩合式缩略语、拼缀式缩略语和节略式缩略语基本意义的不同建构方式,并进一步探讨了现代汉语缩略语转喻意义和隐喻意义的建构过程及其认知机制。在现代汉语缩略语生成之后的语义拓展部分,我们基于对缩略语语料的分析,详细研究了汉语缩略语生成之后语义拓展的方式及影响其语义拓展的认知机制,并进一步探讨了汉语缩略语在转喻认知和隐喻认知交互作用下的复杂语义的拓展过程。通过对汉语缩略语生成的认知理据、语义建构以及生成之后语义拓展的研究,我们主要有以下发现:1.现代汉语缩略语的生成是基于转喻认知的有理据性行为从语用的角度来看,汉语缩略语生成的理据是经济省力。但经济性不能单方面从缩略语创造者的角度去考虑,而是要兼顾理解者的方便,实现双方共同的经济性。此外,经济性必然会带来理据性的磨蚀,因此缩略语生成时在满足经济性条件的前提下,要尽可能使其语义透明,理据性强。从宏观的认知角度来看,汉语缩略语的生成理据是“部分的语言形式代替完整的语言形式”的概念转喻。正是部分代整体的转喻认知才使得我们可以用缩略语来代替原式,实现表达上的经济。从微观的认知角度来看,汉语缩略语的构造理据同样是概念转喻。汉语缩略语构造时的取首原则其实是一种位置突显。从认知的角度看,首先,居首的位置常常是最为重要、最容易引起注意和最容易记忆的;其次,首字处于突显位置,在还原时易于联想记忆、扩展激活,具有更好的启动效应。缩略语构造时的语义显豁原则其实是一种语义突显,保留意义显豁的成分可以增强语义透明度,方便解读者理解。避歧原则可以被视为一种词形突显,按避歧原则生成的缩略语相对容易激活,还原时所付出的认知努力相对较少。缩略语构造的取首原则、语义显豁原则和避歧原则,其实质都是一种突显,都是将最为突显的部分保留,以这一突显的“部分”去代替“整体”。2.现代汉语缩略语基于概念整合和概念转喻来完成语义建构汉语缩合式缩略语和拼缀式缩略语诞生之初对于人们而言往往是新词语,因此它们的语义建构是由缩略语解构的语素充当认知参照点,激活相关词汇概念进行概念整合的结果。整合的结果还可能发生进一步的整合,从而实现缩略语隐喻意义的建构,也可能充当认知参照点实现缩略语转喻意义的建构。节略式缩略语因其保留下来的往往是一个意义相对完整的单位或者是单音节的语素,无法进行概念整合,因此其语义建构是一个以高度突显的缩略语为参照点,引导通达其原式的推理还原过程。语境在缩略语的语义建构过程中扮演着至关重要的提示和限制作用。3.现代汉语缩略语生成之后还会通过概念转喻和概念隐喻来实现其语义拓展对认知经济性的追求促使人们基于现有的缩略语,不断拓展其语义。概念转喻和概念隐喻是汉语缩略语语义拓展背后的认知机制。相对于隐喻拓展而言,汉语缩略语语义的转喻拓展更多,这印证了认知语言学派关于转喻是更为基本的意义拓展方式的主张。此外,在缩略语的语义拓展过程中转喻和隐喻常常交织在一起,既有基于转喻的隐喻拓展,也有基于隐喻的转喻拓展,体现了转喻和隐喻的连续体关系。从认知的角度对现代汉语缩略语进行研究,有助于发现隐藏于其生成、语义建构和语义拓展背后的认知规律,拓宽了其研究范围;我们的研究还丰富了认知语言学的理论内涵;并可以为今后现代汉语词汇研究提供新的视角;也可以为现代汉语缩略语的翻译、对外汉语教学,以及相关词典的编撰提供参考。现代汉语缩略语是一种十分复杂的语言现象,尽管我们努力做到系统的研究,但难免挂一漏万。此外,我们采用认知语言学理论对现代汉语缩略语进行定性分析研究,也不可避免地在一定程度上带有主观性,我们的结论有待今后进一步的验证。

【Abstract】 The Least Effort Principle, also called Economy Principle, is one of the fundamental laws in impelling and guiding human language behavior. One of the major reflections of Economy Principle in language is the abundant use of abbreviations.Previous studies of Modern Chinese Abbreviations (henceforth MCA) underwent the transformation from rhetoric to lexicology. Even in the field of lexicology, scholars fluctuated on the definition and classification of MCA for quite a long time. Some scholars conducted useful explorations of the foramtional motivation of MCA from the aspects of Economy Principle, but they just took a one-sided view in exploring economy from the speaker’s perspective only. Moreover, they totally ignored the fact that economy would definitely cause the erosion of motivation. Some scholars did certain useful explorations of the formational motivation and put forward some reasonable constructional principles, but the most important and common one,"Keeping Initial Character Principle" was neglected. To make matters worse, scholars usually took a descriptive approach instead of an explanatory one. Some scholars carried out valuable studies of the grammatical functions of MCA, but they only focused on the change of parts of speech of MCA and totally neglected their meaning change. Even worse, no scholars have studied the meaning extensions of MCA after their coinage. In addition, though scholars reached a consensus that meanings of MCA were not the sum of their components’meanings, no scholars have studied the meaning construction of MCA. As to the cognitive study of MCA, only few scholars sporadically explored MCA from a cognitive angle. Language is not self-sufficient, but is an important part of human cognition. Therefore, Language study cannot be separated from its determinant factor of human cognition. Any study of MCA in isolation from cognition was doomed to be superficial and unsystematic. In view of the drawbacks of previous studies, we think it necessary to make a comparatively intensive study of the foramtional motivation, meaning construction and meaning extension of MCA after their coinage from a cognitive perspective.Based on conceptual metonymy theory, conceptual integration theory and conceptual metaphor theory, taking a qualitative analysis approach supported by data analysis, we have done an in-depth study of MCA. The data used in the present study were collected from A Practical Chinese Abbreviations Dictionary, Modern Chinese Abbreviations Dictionary and mainstream newspapers like People’s Daily and Guangming Daily. On the basis of observation, statistics and analysis of MCA data, we have established the constructional principles of MCA and probed into the cognitive motivation behind those principles. At the same time, we have analyzed the meaning construction processes of different kinds of MCA and verified them with conceptual integration theory and the reference-point patter under the framework of conceptual metonymy theory. Furthermore, we have explored the patterns of meaning extensions of MCA after their coinage and the cognitive mechanisms behind these processes.Major research questions in the dissertation include the exploration of the foramtional motivation, meaning construction as well as meaning extensions of MCA after their coinage.As far as foramtional motivation is concerned, we have mainly dealt with the macro-level economy motivation and cognitive metonymical motivation from pragmatic and cognitive aspects respectively. As for economy motivation, we have probed into the "Law of Abbreviation" behind the creation of MCA, the economy motivation of homographic MCA, as well as the competition between economy and motivation of MCA. In addition, we have discussed the cognitive mechanism which guarantees the realization of economy of MCA. Still, we have gone a step further to explore the micro-level consturctional principles of MCA and their cognitive motivation.In the meaning construction part, we looked into the different meaning construction patterns of various kinds MCA. On top of that, we also probed into the meaning construction of metonymical meaning and metaphorical meaning of MCA and revealed the cognitive mechanisms involved in those processes.In the meaning extension part, we studied the patterns of the meaning extension of MCA after their coinage in detail by the analysis of MCA data and revealed the cognitive mechanisms behind those processes. Besides, we have also explored the complex meaning extensions of MCA under the interaction between conceptual metonymy and conceptual metaphor.The major findings in the present study are as follows.First, the formation of MCA is metonymy-based, motivated behavior.From a pragmatic perspective, the foramtional motivation of MCA is economy. However, economy should not be considered only from the speaker’s aspect, and the listener’s economy should also be taken into consideration. In other words, we should try to seek equilibrium between speakers and listeners, and the true economy is the consideration of economy from both sides. Undeniably, economy will cause the erosion of motivation. Consequently, under the premise of economy, we should coin MCA with semantic transparency and good motivation.From a macro-level cognitive perspective, the foramtional motivation of MCA is FORMA-CONCEPTA FOR FORMB-CONCEPTA· To be more specific, the conceptual metonymy mechanism of PART OF A FORM FOR THE WHOLE FORMis the foramtional motivation for MCA. It is precisely because of the metonymical cognition of PART FOR WHOLE that we can use abbreviations to stand for their original form for the purpose of realizing economy in communication.From a micro-level cognitive perspective, the formational motivation of MCA is also conceptual metonymy. The "Keeping Initial Character Principle" in forming MCA is actually a positional prominence. Cognitively, the initial position is always the most important, which is easy to be noticed and memorized. Furthermore, generally speaking, the initial position has better priming effect and is also easy for us to conduct associative memory, spreading activation."Semantic Transparent Principle" can be seen as a semantic prominence. Keeping the prominent meaning parts in MCA can enhance their semantic transparency and thus it is easy for them to be understood."Avoiding Ambiguity Principle" can be seen as one kind of word form prominence. MCA formed under the "Avoiding Ambiguity Principle" are easy to be activated and understood. In essence,"Keeping Initial Character Principle","Semantic Transparent Principle" and "Avoiding Ambiguity Principle" can all be seen as seeking prominence for the ultimate goal of keeping the most prominent parts to stand for the whole.Second, mechanisms behind the meaning construction of MCA are conceptual blending and conceptual metonymy.At their birth, reductions and blends were totally new to people, so their meaning constructions are a process of conceptual blending based on the lexical concepts triggered by the decomposed morphemes of MCA. The results of conceptual blending may become inputs for further integrations for the construction of extensional metaphorical meanings, or may act as cognitive reference points for the construction of extensional metonymical meanings. Because clippings are either complete meaning units or monosyllabic morphemes, which cannot be used to conduct conceptual integration, their meaning constructions are MCA serving as cognitive reference points providing mental access to their targets. Admittedly, context plays a vital role in cuing and constraining the meaning constructions of MCA.Third, after their coinage, MCA will extend their meanings on the basis of conceptual metonymy and conceptual metaphor.The intuition of pursuing economy will prompt people to extend the meaning of MCA, and we find that conceptual metonymy and conceptual metaphor are the two cognitive mechanisms behind the meaning extensions of MCA after their coinage. Besides, meaning extensions based on conceptual metonymy are a lot more than those on conceptual metaphor, which is in accordance with the view of cognitive linguistics that conceptual metonymy is the fundamental way of meaning extension. Moreover, in the meaning extension process of MCA, sometimes conceptual metonymy intertwines with conceptual metaphor. Thus there are metaphorical meanings based on metonymy as well as metonymical meanings based on metaphor, which is the true reflection of the continuum relationship between conceptual metonymy and conceptual metaphor.Taking a cognitive approach to the study of MCA has helped us to find the cognitive regulations behind the foramtional motivation, meaning extension and meaning construction of MCA, and has expanded the scope of the study of MCA. Besides, our study has also enriched the theoretical connotation of cognitive linguistics. Hopefully, the present study can offer a new perspective for the study of modern Chinese lexicology, and can offer reference for the translation of MCA, MCA dictionary compiling and teaching of Chinese as a foreign language.Modern Chinese Abbreviation is a very complex language phenomenon. Though we hoped in the first place to study MCA systematically, yet our study is far from perfect. Besides, under the guidance of cognitive theories, we have taken a qualitative analysis in the present study, and subjectivity may be heavy. Therefore, there is need for improvement and further verification in our conclusions.


