

A Research of University Education and Faith Caring

【作者】 肖维

【导师】 张楚廷;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 信仰是人们对自身认为具有最高价值的理论或学说以及人格化的神灵的极端信服和崇拜的一种心理状态。信仰充实、安顿并提升人的存在。信仰至今是影响人类生活的重要因素。在“相对主义”和“虚无主义”盛行的现代社会,尤其是在精神生活匮乏的当代中国,信仰问题具有不可回避性。教育,尤其是代表人类最高智慧所在的大学,在信仰危机的时代应该有所作为。然而,中国现代大学在专业主义和职业主义的挑战和功利主义和工具主义的威胁下,也面临浅薄主义与狭隘主义的危机。大学信仰的失落伴随着大学生的信仰危机。中国当代大学生中庸俗实用主义信仰盛行:学生的学术理想被放逐、德行追求遭摒弃,自我身份显焦虑。大学生的自我反省、时代对堕化的精英价值的反思,迫切要求大学精英价值和理想的回归,以帮助重建精神家园并关照大学生的信仰。个体信仰的形成是一个从认同到崇拜的的心理过程,是知情意的融合和统一。人的未完成性与信仰的可变性规定了信仰教育的合理性根据。大学的宗教渊源和其宗教式文化的传统使大学天生具有保守性和超越性,这是大学教育信仰关照的历史根基。大学教育的整全性是其信仰关照的现实基础。中国基础教育的复杂性使得其价值教育“真空”,这为大学教育的信仰“补缺”提供了空间。西方中世纪大学是“求知”和“朝圣”共荣之地,它复制宗教建筑和环境、引入基督教文献和传教方式、借鉴宗教“苦修”生活方式,通过各种宗教活动和类宗教仪式培育学生的“上帝信仰”和“真理信仰”。近代大学通过开展博雅教育、引入利学研究以及倡导自主、平等的社团生活培育大学生的“知识分子”意识和对真理和德行完善的信仰。现代西方大学信仰自由主义和多元主义,开放包容的大学校园、通识教育的开展、自由灵活的教学方式、“学术工作和娱乐兼顾”的生活方式和庄重、理性的大学典礼和仪式既为学生提供“科学和进步信仰”,又提供一种超越世俗和功利的“终极关怀”。我国古代官办大学通过“庙学合一”的布局、以道德教育为核心的人文教育、“修学游息”和“参评时政”兼顾的生活方式以及政治化的仪式典礼,为学生提供修己善群的使命和圣贤道德理想信仰。古代书院远离尘嚣的选址和清新的环境、“山长”带领的隐修生活试图培养学生的“治学信仰”,但科举接轨的教学以及宗教化的祭祀活动强化了学生“成圣成贤”的理想和信念。近代教会大学通过复制和改进欧美教育模式、加强科学文化教育和对学生进行软硬兼施的方式,为学生提供“基督教信仰”。本土的民国大学校长自由、民主的办学实践、民国教授“无畏追求真理”、“无私砥砺德行”的精神感召,使大学生不仅获得了思想启蒙和多元的信仰选择,还强化了学生“自由”的学术理想。而与革命融合的大学生活则强化了“民族救亡”的信仰。中国现代大学通过作为“通识教育”核心的大学思想政治教育、“行政突出”的校园形态将作为意识形态的马克思主义带给学生,但受政治影响的大学生活则挤兑了大学的学术信仰。大学教育的“信仰关照”不同于“信仰教育”,它是一种特殊的“灵魂化育”,是一次更为宽广的精神旅行。我国大学教育的信仰关照实质上是一种意识形态的“教化”与“蛊惑”。它既禁锢自由思想,又制造权力崇拜,这种意识形态渗透具有被隐瞒的工具性,是大学教育的扭曲。我国大学教育的信仰关照应穿越意识形态的幻想,走向终极关怀,通过培育学生对无尽真理和终极价值的追求以使学生获得一种意义深远的自由。理性与信仰携手是大学教育信仰关照的前提,丰富而富有个性的大学精神是大学生教育信仰关照的基础,用通识教育代替意识形态教育是大学教育信仰关照的关键,校园建筑和文化景观的映射是大学教育信仰关照的强化,生命的精神交往是大学教育信仰关照的真正实现。

【Abstract】 Faith is the trust and pursuit of the highest values, which enrich and settle down the existing of people. It has been the main factor influencing human life so far. In the modern society where "relativism" and "nihilism" prevail, especially in the contemporary spirit-lacking China, the issue of faith is an unavoidable theme. Education, especially the universities, on behalf of the highest human wisdom, should do something in the era of faith crisis.Nevertheless, the modern university faces the challenge of the specialization and professionalism, as well as the threat of utilitarianism and instrumentalism. It is in the crisis of superficiality and parochialism. As a result of the prevalence of vulgar pragmatism belief in contemporary Chinese universities, students have banished the academic ideal and the virtue pursuit. The anti-elitist of university education not only has brought college students self-identity anxiety, but also the lower social recognition. College students are considered to be "vulgar Allies". The self-reflection of the college students and the criticism of the falling of elite values are pressing for the returning of university elite values and ideals. We have to reconstruct the college students’ spiritual home to care for their beliefs.The individual belief formation is a process of identification to worship, which is the integration and unification of the knowledge, emotion and willpower. Man’s unfinished characteristics and the alterability of faith provide the possibility of the belief-education. The religious origin of universities and the inheritance of the religious culture make universities inherently conservative and transcendental, which is the historical root of the university’s faith caring. The wholeness of university education is the realistic basis of faith education. The complexity of Chinese elementary education makes its value-education a "vacuum", which provides room for the higher education. Different from belief-education, the university’s belief-caring is a special kind of soul education and a broader mental journey.Western medieval universities were a place of the pursuit of knowledge and pilgrimage. It fostered the students’God-faith and truth-faith through replicating religious buildings and environment, introducing Christian literature and missionary methods, drawing lessons from religious abstinence way of life, as well as holding religious rituals and similar ceremonies and rituals. The modern universities cultivate the students’intellectual-consciousness and the belief in truth and virtue through the development of liberal education, the introduction of scientific research and the promotion of autonomy and equal community life. The contemporary universities believe in liberalism and pluralism. The education, which is characteristic of more open and inclusive campus, the general education, the flexible teaching methods, the modern life style and the sober, as well as rational rituals and ceremonies, provides the faith of "science and progress", together with the "ultimate concern" beyond the secular and the utilitarian.The ancient Chinese official universities provided students with the mission of "self-cultivation and being nice to other people", as well as the faith of moral ideal. They applied the following methods:the layout of "the combination of temple and schools", the humanistic education, the life-style combined with leisure, study and political involvement and the political rituals. The ancient academies were far away from the urban and full of various buildings. The monasticism life led by the mountain capital, the teaching in line with the imperial examination and the worship of the worthy predecessors offered students the belief of being sages who had the ideal of saving the people and the world. The modern Christian colleges provided students with a "Christian faith" by copying the European and American education patterns, improving the students’scientific and cultural level and undertaking the management with "carrot and stick approach". The universities of the Republic of China had the national belief and the academic belief. The president’s democratic school-running practice, the professor’s fearless pursuit of truth and their selfless virtues, and the academic life combined with revolutionary fusion, gave students ideological enlightenment and various faith choices. The Marxism was widely propagated and had the dominant place in the various options. The current Chinese universities take the Marxism and the Renaissance of China as their faith. They implement ideological and political education as the core of general education, the constructing of campus culture in an administrative atmosphere and idle life style far from academic to fulfill these ideas.Actually, the Chinese university faith-caring is an ideological civilization and enchantment. It imprisons the freedom of thought, while manufacturing power-worship. This ideological penetration has been instrumental concealed, which is the distorting of the university education. In order to enable students to gain a profound freedom, Chinese university faith-caring should pass through the ideological fantasies toward ultimate concern. The main content of the faith-caring is the formation of truth-faith and virtue-faith. University spirit rich in character is the basis of college students’faith-caring education. The substitution of liberal education for ideological education is the prerequisite. The mapping of campus buildings and cultural landscapes is the implicit curriculum. The mental communication is the realization of the university’s faith-caring.


