

A Study of Lenin’s Agrarian Revolution Thought

【作者】 秦勃

【导师】 周仲秋;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 土地是农业生产的重要物质基础,是人类赖以生存和发展的最基本的生产资料之一。列宁自参加革命以来就十分重视俄国的土地问题,他在领导俄国人民与沙皇专制统治、与俄国资产阶级进行斗争的过程中逐渐形成了完整的土地革命思想。本文循着列宁革命的步伐系统地梳理了列宁在不同的革命时期所提出的土地主张、所制定的土地纲领、所推行的土地政策,并且解读它们的内在联系,厘清列宁土地革命思想发展的脉络及其关涉重点。列宁刚刚涉足俄国革命之时,俄国农奴制改革所留下的残余继续影响着俄国的农村和农民的生活,农民并未获得真正的人身自由,农民的土地占有情况也十分糟糕。针对沙皇专制政府和贵族对农民的压榨,列宁在早期提出了“消除农奴制残余、归还赎金和收回割地、争取政治自由”三大主张,希冀通过这些手段解决俄国的土地问题。然而,1905年革命使列宁认识到此前的土地纲领犯了错误,列宁和社会民主党对农民的革命性估计不足,对俄国当时资本主义发展程度估计过高。故此,1905年革命以后,列宁提出了“土地国有化”思想,强调“土地国有化”是最彻底的资产阶级土地革命措施。“土地国有化”思想在列宁土地革命思想中占有极其重要的地位,它的提出彰显了列宁对以农业为主的落后国家解决土地问题的深邃思考和理论智慧。本文通过对列宁“土地国有化”思想的研究认为,在俄国资产阶级民主革命发生前、后,列宁对土地国有化的态度大致经历了否定(反对土地国有化)——谨慎(有条件地实行土地国有化)肯定(支持土地国有化)的过程。从列宁对待土地国有化态度的转变,可以清晰地看出俄国革命发展的进程,这种思想的转变也体现了列宁革命实践经验的不断丰富和对革命认识的不断深入。十月革命胜利之初,列宁领导的苏维埃就以通过《土地法令》的形式确定了新生的苏维埃政权所执行的土地政策,废除了土地私有权,巩固了土地国有的基础。在面对国外武装干涉和国内战争双重威胁的情况下,列宁果断提出国家进入“战时共产主义”状态。他认为,在“战时共产主义”时期必须实行“共耕制”才能使国家摆脱危难,“只有走这条道路才能使土地真正转到劳动者手中。”事实上,“战时共产主义”只是国家在非常时期为迅速摆脱困境所采取的临时性经济政策。随着国内战争的结束,“战时共产主义”政策已经不再适应国家经济社会发展的需要。因此,俄共(布)“十大”确定向新经济政策过渡。新经济政策时期废除了此前实行的余粮收集制,改行粮食税,这极大地调动了农民的积极性。在土地问题上,苏维埃国家通过颁布法律等形式保持了土地国有化、巩固了农民土地使用权、增强了农民占有和使用土地的灵活性。客观地讲,晚年的列宁由于健康原因没有对苏俄土地问题有太多的论述,但这并不代表他毫不关心土地问题。他在“政治遗嘱”中关于合作社问题、关于文化革命问题等论述中依然能够找到他对社会主义道路构想中对土地问题的关注。列宁土地革命思想继承和发展了马克思主义土地理论,它是马克思主义与以农业为主的俄国相结合的产物,它为落后国家探索解决本国土地问题提供了丰富经验和有益范本。

【Abstract】 Land is an important material base of agricultural production, also one of the most fundamental means of production. Ever since joining the revolution, Lenin had always paid great attention to the issues concerning land or land issues in Russia. He led Russian people fighting against his tsarist autocracy and Russian capitalist class. During this period, he gradually formed a complete ideological system of agrarian revolution.This article systematically analyzes Lenin’s proposals on land revolution, the guiding principles of his thoughts and his land policies in different periods, interprets their internal connections and clarifies the veining and related emphases of Lenin’s thoughts on land revolution.When Lenin began joining Russian revolution, the residue of Russian’s serf system still influenced the agricultural production and farmer’s life in Russia. Farmers had not yet gained true freedom, and they barely owned any land. In order to eliminate the Czarist government and its aristocrat’s oppression on people, Lenin came up with three proposals in his early stage of revolution:eliminating the residue of serf system, returning ransom money and taking back cede territory, fighting for political freedom. He hoped to solve the land issues in Russia through these ways. However, the1905Revolution made Lenin realize that the former land policies had its faults. Lenin and the Social Democratic Party overestimated the development stage of Russian’s capitalism and underestimate the revolutionary enthusiasm of farmers. As a result, after the1905Revolution, Lenin bought out the idea of "land nationalization". He emphasized that the "land nationalization" was the most fundamental policy of capitalism land revolution."Land nationalization" had an extremely important place in Lenin’s land revolution thoughts. It reflected Lenin’s indepth consideration and theatrical wisdom to deal with land issues in agricultural countries. This article studies Lenin’s "Land nationalization" thought, and thinks that before and after the Russian’s bourgeois democratic revolution, Lenin’s idea on "land nationalization" has gone thought a phase from denial (against "land nationalization")------to cautious ("land nationalization" under certain conditions)-------to co firmness (supporting "land nationalization"). From the transformation of Lenin’s attitude towards "land nationalization", we can clearly see the progress of Russian’s revolution and it also reflects the gradual improving of Lenin’s experience in revolution and the deepening of his recognition in revolution.At the beginning of the victory of the October Revolution, the Soviet led by Lenin had confirmed the land policy through "Land Law" It abolished the private ownership of land and solidified the basis of "land nationalization". In face of foreign armed interference and civil wars, Lenin decisively declared that the country had entered a state of "Wartime Communism". He thought that, during Wartime Communism, only common cultivation of land can save the country from danger."Only the way can truly transfer the land to the hands of laborers." In fact, Wartime Communism was a temporary economical policy during special period for the country to quickly get rid of difficulties. When the civil war ended, Wartime Communism no longer met the needs of economical and social development. As a result, the "Tenth Conference" of Russian Communist Party confirmed the new economical polices. They abolished the former policy of collection of surplus grain and change the grain tax to greatly stimulate the enthusiasm of farmer. On the land issues, through the establishment of laws and other means, the Soviet maintained land nationalization, confirmed farmer’s ownership of land, and improve the flexibility of farmers owning and using of land.Objectively speaking, due to the reason of health in his old age, Lenin had not many theories in Russian’s land issues, but it didn’t mean that he didn’t care. His concern about land issues in the blueprint of the road of socialism can be found in his discussions on cooperatives and Cultural Revolution in his "political will".Lenin’s land revolution idea inherits and improves Marx’s land theory. It is a combination of Marxism and Russian’s agricultural development. It provides the underdeveloped countries with experience and examples for the solutions to their own land issues.

  • 【分类号】A821;D091
  • 【下载频次】400

