

On the Education Legislation in the Publication Period (1912-1949)

【作者】 秦凌

【导师】 李育民;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 鸦片战争以后,中国面临着“数千年未有之变局”,被迫走上了艰难的近代化道路,中国近代教育也经历了一个由传统步入现代,由封闭走向开放的转型过程,而完成这个历史性转变的时期正是在民国。中华民国时期是中国近现代历史上的一个重要的过渡时期和转型期,中国社会政治、经济、文化、教育等各个领域都发生了深刻而巨大的变化。民国教育的发展是中国近代政治、经济发展的产物,同时反过来对民国社会、政治、经济产生巨大反作用。民国教育之所以在中国教育史上写下精彩的篇章,很大程度上是因为建立了比较完备的教育法律体系。因此,深入研究民国时期的教育立法,不但有助于拓宽中国近代教育史的研究范围,而且对当今我国社会主义教育事业的改革与发展具有非常重大的启示意义。全文包括引言、正文七章和结语三部分。引言阐述了研究民国时期教育立法的缘由及意义,综述了国内学者对民国时期教育立法的研究成果,说明了本课题的研究范围、主要内容与基本框架,并提出本文的研究思路、研究方法和创新之处。第一章阐述了清末教育由传统教育的法制思想向近代教育法制思想的演变过程,分析了清末教育“新政”的实施及特点。第二章研究了民国初年(1912—1927年)南京临时政府和北洋军阀统治时期的教育立法,内容涉及教育宗旨、教育行政体制、学制改革、教则改革、教师管理、社会教育等诸多方面。第三章研究了南京国民政府初期(1927-1937年)教育法律体系的建立,并分析了这一时期教育立法的特点。第四章研究了抗日战争时期(1937—1945年)抗日民主根据地、国民政府和汪伪政权的教育立法,重点阐述了国民政府富有战时特色的教育立法。第五章研究了抗战胜利后(1945—1949年)南京国民政府的教育立法,重点分析了国民政府教育复员的法律法规。第六章对民国时期教育立法制度进行了研究,重点分析了国家教育立法、国家教育行政部门立法、地方教育立法的权限划分和立法程序,并阐述了民国时期教育立法的主体构成。第七章以湖南省教育立法为例,对民国初年地方教育立法主体、内容、程序等进行较为深入的研究。结语对民国时期教育立法进行了评价,简要分析了民国时期教育立法的特点,以及对于当今教育立法的历史启示。

【Abstract】 After the Opium War, faced with the new situation that had never happened before, China was forced to choose modernization. Therefore, Chinese modern education also underwent the transition from being closed to being open. It was in the Publication Period that Chinese education completed this historical transition. The Publication period is a very important period of transition when Chinese various areas such as politics, economy, culture and education all experienced huge changes. The development of the education in the Publication Period resulting from the development of Chinese politics and economy had great influence on the society, politics as well as economy at the same time. The success of the education in the Publication Period was largely due to the establishment of excellent justice and educational systems. Therefore, the careful study of education legislation system is not only beneficial to the widening of the research area concerning Chinese modern education history, but is enlightening to the reform and development of socialist educational cause nowadays.The dissertation includes the introduction, the body (seven chapters) and the conclusion.The introduction introduces the reasons for and significance of the education legislation system in the Publication Period, sums up the research achievements of Chinese scholars related to the education legislation system in the Publication Period, and clarifies the direction and the methodology of the study and the creative aspects in this thesis. Chapter one explains the transitional process from the legal ideology of traditional education to that of modern education at the end of Qing Dynasty, analyzes the implementation of "the New Policy" as well as its features. Chapter Two does research on the education legislation system during the reign of Nan Jing Temporary Government and the Northern Warlords. The content covers many aspects like the purpose of education, educational administration system, the school system reform, the teaching reform, the management of teachers and social education. Chapter Three studies the establishment of the education legislation in the period of Nanjing government (1927-1937), and analyzes its characteristics. Chapter four is about the education legislation during the reign of the National Government by Jiang Jieshi and the government founded by Wang Jingwei in the Anti-Japanese War period (1937-1945). The education legislation featuring the war period is closely analyzed. Chapter Five studies the education legislation in the reign of Nan Jing National Government after the victory of the war (1945-1949). The laws and rules concerning the returning to the school are carefully explained. Chapter six studies the education legislation in the Publication Period, closely analyzing the national education legislation system, the administration of the national education legislation, the privilege partition of local education legislation, the procedure of legislation, and the main components of the education legislation in this period. Chapter seven deeply researches the main body, the content and the procedure of local education legislation with education legislation in Hunan as an example. The conclusion evaluate the education legislation in the Publication Period, briefly states the features of the education legislation as well as what we learn from history in terms of today’s education legislation.

【关键词】 民国时期教育法律教育立法
【Key words】 in the Publication Periodeducationlawseducationlegislation
  • 【分类号】D922.16;K258
  • 【下载频次】1249

