

【作者】 孟永亮

【导师】 梁永宣;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 北宋校正医书局是仁宗嘉祐二年(1057)由官府设置的临时性医籍整理机构,12年间编校医籍11部,使这些医籍成为宋之后的定型化版本,直至今天。它为保存和传承古代医学文献,及促进中医药学术思想的传播和发展做出了巨大贡献。然而,目前中医学术界对其全面系统的研究甚少。本论文采用历史文献学、目录学、考据学等研究方法,同时应用统计学手段,全面考察了校正医书局13位成员的生平事迹,并对校正医书局所校11部医籍的校语注文进行了系统整理与分析,力求厘清这一机构的历史面貌。这项研究对于深入了解中医知识与古籍文本在北宋的传承和变迁有着重要的文献价值,对当今中医古籍整理亦具有极大的现实意义。本文将从校正医书局的成立背景、前后过程、组成成员、主要成就、不同评价及主要结论等六个方面来论述。1.校正医书局的成立背景校正医书局是在北宋前期社会和医学两大背景下产生的。北宋政府“右文崇儒”之政策从主观上为医学的发展创造了相对宽松的政治环境,而战争和疫灾又从客观上使北宋政府更多地关注军民的医疗和健康;北宋前期较强的财政实力为校刊医籍提供了经济保障;印刷、造纸及制墨等技术不断完善,从技术上有力地支持着医籍的大规模刊印;科举制度的改革、官私学校的兴盛、读书时尚的形成、校书传承的延续等因素又加速了人们对知识规范的渴望和书籍整理的需求。此外,宋初四朝的医籍整理,又积累了许多校书经验,为校正医书局大规模校书奠定了基础。2.校正医书局的前后过程校正医书局是北宋仁宗嘉祐二年(1057),在枢密使韩琦的建议下,由官方专门设置的以编校、刊印为目的的临时性机构,初隶属于编修院。该机构从诏选校正医书官、制定编校计划、确定编校原则、布置编校任务等均有一套严格的工作流程。通过史料分析,校正医书官不在校正医书局编校书籍,而在自己家里校书;医书校正机构之名称当为“校正医书所”而非“校正医书局”。神宗熙宁二年(1069)校正医书之机构罢散,校正医书之事徒太学(国子监),校正医书局存在时间共计12年。3.校正医书局的组成成员校正医书局成员由两部分组成,一为提举校正医书局,由京朝官兼任;韩琦、范镇、钱象先等3位官员先后提任提举校正医书局一职;韩琦从国民健康、国防安全的角度建言置局校正医书,功劳最著。从仁宗嘉祐二年(1057)首任提举校正医书,至嘉祐八年(1063),任职6年;范镇于嘉祐八年(1063)接任,至英宗治平三年(1066)止,任职3年;钱象先从治平三年(1066)接任,推测最晚于神宗熙宁二年(1069)卸任,任职3年;他们三人虽非医官,但在任职期间,精心组织,积极参校,成绩卓著。二为校正医书官,由馆阁官员、知医儒臣、翰林医官构成。掌禹锡、林亿、张洞、苏颂为馆阁官员,高保衡、孙奇、孙兆、陈检为知医儒臣,秦宗古、朱有章为翰林医官。在10位校正医书官中,林亿、高保衡、孙奇参校医籍时间最长,参校医籍最多。儒臣在北宋医书编校中扮演着重要角色。4.校正医书局的主要成就12年间,校正医书局全面系统整理了《嘉祐补注本草》、《本草图经》、《伤寒论》、《金匮玉函经》、《备急千金要方》、《金匮要略方》、《千金翼方》、《重广补注黄帝内经素问》、《脉经》、《针灸甲乙经》、《外台秘要方》等11部医籍,使这些医籍结束了手工传抄的历史,并成为宋之后的定型化版本,直至今天;此外,还形成了一套较为成熟的医籍校勘原则、方法和程式,为后世医籍校勘树立了典范。5.对校正医书局的不同评价古今中外学者对校正医书局所取得的成就均给予了极高的评价,但也有一些学者对校正医书局的校书方式提出了不同的看法。对校正医书局的评价要从当时的历史背景出发,具体问题具体分析,这样才能客观、公正。6.主要结论(1)校正医书局的产生并非偶然,它是北宋前期政治、经济、科技、文教、医学等因素综合发展的产物。其中,与仁宗朝校书重心的转移有极大的关系。(2)校正医书局的设立与韩琦的建议有着直接的关系;校正医书官在自己家里校书,不在校正医书局办公;校正医书机构之名称当为“校正医书所”而非“校正医书局”。(3)在校正医书局成员中,提举一职负责组织、协调及详定工作;儒臣在北宋医书校正中发挥着重要的作用;除医官之外,参校者均在书序后署名。(4)校正医书局原计划整理8部医书,最终编校了11部;其中《灵枢》、《太素》、《广济》三书,目前未见校刊记载;《本草图经》、《千金翼方》、“仲景三书”及《脉经》等6部医籍,未在原计划中,后纳入校正范围。(5)校正医书局这种以儒臣、医官等不同专业背景成员相结合的校书组织和校书模式,在当今中医古籍整理中值得学习和借鉴。

【Abstract】 The Bureau for Revising Medical Books was established by the official of Northern Song Dynasty in1057,the2nd year of Jiayou of Emperor Renzong to revise and publish ancient medical books.11medical books had been revised and edited in12years,which have become the final version until today.It has made great contribution to the preservation and transmission of ancient medical literature, the dissemination and development of academic thought of Traditional Chinese Medicine.However,few scholars in TCM academia have done comprehensive and systematical researches about it at present.This paper made a comprehensive study of the life stories of13members of the Bureau with historical philology, bibliography, textual criticism and other research methods,and conducted a systematic collection and analysis of the notes of11medical books using statistical methods,striving to clarify historical features of the institution.This reseach has important documentary value for understanding the change of knowledge and ancient books of TCM in Song Dynasty,and also has great practical significance of collating ancient medical texts.This paper elaborates in six parts:the background, process, membership, achievements, evaluation of the Bureau for Revising Medical Books and conclusion.1.The backgrounds of the Bureau for Revising Medical BooksThe Bureau for Revising Medical Books was established under the social and medical backgrounds of early Song Dynasty. The policy of "You Wen Chong Ru" in Northern Song Dynasty subjectively created a relatively relaxed political environment for the development of medicine.The government objectively paid more attention to the military and civilian medical and health as the disaster of war and pestilence. Strong financial strength in early Song Dynasty provided economic security for revising and pringting the medical books. The improvement of printing skill, paper making, ink making and some other techniques strongly supported the publication of medical books in large-scale in technology;The reform of the imperial examination system, prosperity of the official and private schools, the forming of reading fashion, the transmission of revising books and other factors also accelerated the eager for knowledge standardization and the demand of books revising. In addition, a lot of experiences accumulated in revising medical books during four early Song dynasties,which laid the foundation for the Bureau to revise medical books extensively.2.The processes of the Bureau for Revising Medical BooksThe Bureau for Revising Medical Books was a temporary agency established by the official of Northern Song Dynasty following the suggestion of Palace Secretary Han Qi in1057,the2nd year of Jiayou of Emperor Renzong,aiming to edit,revise and publish ancient medical books.It was placed under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Compilation. The agency had a strict workflow in electing revising officials,making the project,determining the principles and arranging the tasks of editing and proofreading.Through historical analysis,the officers revised medical books at home, not in the Bureau. The name of agency for revising medical books should be "Jiao Zheng Yi Shu Suo",not "Jiao Zheng Yi Shu Ju".Revising medical books was migrated to Tai Xue(Guo Zi Jian) after dismissing the Bureau in1069, the2nd year of Xi Ning of Emperor ShenZong. It existed for12years.3.The memberships of the Bureau for Revising Medical BooksThe memberships of Bureau for Revising Medical Books consisted of two parts, one was Tiju officer of the Bureau for Revising Medical Books, performed by Jing Chao Guan. Han Qi, Fan Zhen,Qian Xiangxian held the post in succession. Han Qi made the largest contribution because of the suggestion of setting up the Bureau for Revising Medical Books from the angle of the public health and national security.Han Qi had worked for6years from the2nd to8th year of Jiayou of Emperor Renzong(1057-1063); Fan Zhen had served for3years until the3rd year of Zhiping of Emperor Yingzong(1066). And then Qian Xiangxian succeeded, he retired presumably in the2nd year of Xi Ning of Emperor ShenZong(1069),also served for3years. Even though they three were not medical officials, they organized elaborately, actively involved in editing and proofreading, made outstanding achievements during their tenure.The other part was officers of revising medical books,composed of Guang Ge officers, Confucian ministers who had medical knowledge and Han Lin medical officers. Zhang Yuxi, Lin Yi, Zhang Dong and Su Song were Guang Ge officers.Gao Baoheng,Sun Zhao,Sun Qi and Zhu Youzhang were Confucian ministers who had medical knowledge.Qin Zonggu and Zhu Youzhang were Han Lin medical officers. Lin Yi, Gao Baoheng and Sun Qi participated for the longest time and revised the most books among the ten officers. Confucian ministers played an important role in revising medical books in Song Dynasty.4.The achievements of the Bureau for Revising Medical BooksDuring12years, The Bureau for Revising Medical Books had edited and revised11medical books, including Jiayou Buzhu Bencao(Jiayou buzhu Materia Medica),Bencao Tujing(Illustrated Materia Medica),Shanghan Lun(Treatise on Cold Damage and Miscellaneous Diseases), Jingui Yuhan Jing(Canon of the Golden Casket and Jade Case),Beiji Qianjin Yaofang(Valuable Prescriptions for Emergency), Jingui Yaolue Fang(Synopsis of Gold Chamber), Qianjin Yifang(Supplement to Valuable Prescriptions), Chongguang Buzhu Huangdi Neijing Suwen (Chongguang Buzhu Huangdi’s Canon of Medicine and Plain Conversatoin) Mai Jing(Canon of the Pulse), Zhenjiu Jiayi Jing(A-B Classics of Acupuncture and moxibustion) and Waitai Miyao Fang(Arcane Essentials from the Imperial Library).The work ended the history of copying by hand. And those printed books became the stereotyped version since Song Dynasty, even until today. In addition, a set of more mature principles, methods and procedures which formed in revising medical books has given a good example for the future generations.5. The evaluations of the Bureau for Revising Medical BooksChinese and foreign scholars gave high evaluations for the achievements of Bureau for Revising Medical Books, but some scholars put forward different views to the mode of revising books.lt is objective and fair to evaluate the Bureau for Revising Medical Books according to specific situation from the historical background.6.Main conclusions(1)The building of the Bureau for Revising Medical Books was not accidental, it was the product of political, economic, technological, cultural, educational, medical and other integrated factors in the early Song Dynasty. Among them, the shift of the center of revising books in Renzong Period played a very important role.(2) The establishment of Bureau for Revising Medical Books had a direct relationship with Han Qi’s proposal.The officers revised medical books at home, not in the Bureau.The name of agency for revising medical books should be "Jiao Zheng Yi Shu Suo", not "Jiao Zheng Yi Shu Ju".(3) Among the members of the Bureau for revising medical books,Tiju officers were responsible for organizing, coordinating and making detailed plans; Confucian ministers played an important role in the medical books revision; Addition to the medical officers, all the participants signed in the preface of the book revised.(4) The Bureau originally planned to revise8medical books,but finally revised11; Among them, the revising records of Ling Shu (Spiritual Pivot),Tai Shu and Guang Ji were not seen currently.6medical books including Bencao Tujing, Qian Jin Yi Fang," three books of Zhongjing " and Mai Jing(Canon of the Pulse)",were not in the original plan,later included in the revision range.(5) The organization and mode of the Bureau for Revising Medical Books combined by the members of Confucian ministers and medical officers under the different professional backgrounds, are worth learning in collating ancient Chinese medicine books today.


