

【作者】 谷浩荣

【导师】 贾春华;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 中医临床基础, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着认知语言学的兴起,隐喻研究成为认知语言学的热门领域和认知范式的研究焦点。近年来,有关隐喻研究如火如荼,从传统修辞学逐渐成为语言学、哲学、心理学、文学批评、翻译学、符号学等众多学科的研究对象,越来越多的学者尝试从多学科的角度探索隐喻的性质、功能和运作机制。从自然科学、社会科学等对隐喻的各项研究表明,人们越来越深切地意识到隐喻在人类认知活动过程中具有不可低估的作用。事实上,认知语言学具有可以跟其他学科进行交叉性研究的特点,隐喻理论也为中医语言和概念的研究提供了独特而崭新的视角。以贾春华教授为首的研究团队近年来将研究视域转向中医概念隐喻和中医隐喻认知。提出“中医语言是一种基于隐喻认知的语言”,并运用隐喻认知的方法对中医病因病机、五行学说进行了深入研究,取得了大量成果。中医要发展,中西医要结合,就必须跨越横在中西医之间的那条鸿沟——语言。脏腑是人体生命的核心,无论中医还是西医都将脏腑视为人体生命活动的根本。但两者在对脏腑及其生理病理的认识上却是截然不同的,例如,现代对中医脏腑概念“膀胱”的解说完全与西医脏器“膀胱”相对应,它的生理功能只是贮存和排泄尿液。而《素问·灵兰秘典论》说:“膀胱者,州都之官,津液藏焉,气化则能出矣。”《内经》将膀胱比作“州都”,能藏“津液”、具有“气化”功能,显然中医学“膀胱”概念的内涵要比西医“膀胱”丰富得多。从认知语言学的角度看,中医对人体脏腑生理病理的认知是基于隐喻,或者说隐喻认知在中医藏象体系的构建中发挥了不可替代的作用。藏象学说是关于脏腑的形态结构、生理功能、病理变化及其相互关系的学说,是中医理论体系的核心组成部分,是临床各科辨证论治的基础。该学说是历代医家在长期的医疗实践及对人体解剖知识掌握的基础上,广泛运用类比、分析、推演等思维方式,经过高度概括和抽象而逐渐形成的,是人类经验的结晶。“取象比类”思维在这一过程中发挥了至关重要的作用,是构建中医藏象学说的最基本思维模式。在知识体系的构建过程中“取象比类”思维的应用是生成‘概念隐喻’的重要因素之一,取象比类的过程即是将始源域的特征描绘为目标域的特征的典型的隐喻思维的应用。缘于此,中医藏象学说中充满了大量“隐喻式概念”或称之为‘概念隐喻”。诸如“心者,君主之官,神明出焉”、“肝者,东方木也”、“肝主疏泄”、“胃为水谷之海”、“六经为川”等等,类于此者,不胜枚举。一方面这些隐喻式的陈述为中医藏象学说增加了新内容,但另一方面也为中医藏象学说的解读与现代研究造成了较大的难度。鉴于“隐喻也为理解人类经验世界提供了特定途径”这一论断,笔者试图将概念隐喻理论引入到中医藏象学说的研究中,以期为中医藏象学说的研究引入新思路。正文分为六章。第一章为藏象学说研究现状,主要从理论、实验及多学科交叉的角度,梳理了藏象学说的构建过程、构建藏象学说的基本思维方式、藏象学说研究的焦点与难点等。第二章为基于概念隐喻的中医藏象语言考察,分为四节,第一节回顾了认知语言学的研究背景,介绍了概念隐喻的发展历史等;第二节主要研究藏象概念隐喻的类型、功能、特征及藏象概念隐喻的诠释,结论:藏象概念隐喻的主要类型有:基本隐喻、结构隐喻、实体隐喻、管道隐喻四种;功能主要有:修辞、经济、认知、建构、解释、启发、推理;特征主要有:普遍性、系统性、矛盾性、科学性;关于藏象概念隐喻的诠释,得出对于藏象概念隐喻的真是一种“隐喻的真”,对于它的解释需要使用“可能世界理论”;第三节论述藏象概念隐喻研究的意义,指出首先多学科交叉是一种必然趋势,其次概念隐喻为解析藏象语言提供了一种新的可用的工具。第三章为藏象概念隐喻构建的认知模型研究,分为五节,第一节阐述科学理论构建与认知模型的关系;第二、三、四节分别阐释四时、阴阳、五行模型的形成及其图示,以及三种认知模型在藏象概念隐喻构建中的作用,提出阴阳、四时、五行是构建藏象概念隐喻的三大基本模型,阴阳、四时、五行是一种理论构建型隐喻。第四章为基于概念隐喻的藏象理论考察,分为三节,第一节论述五行五脏体系,得出五行五脏体系是一个基于经验体验构建的概念隐喻系统;第二节在回顾时脏理论研究现状的基础上,应用概念隐喻理论,得出“四时”是基于经验体验构建的认知模型,并以相似性为基础阐释时脏概念隐喻的构建;第三节为基于社会官僚系统的藏象概念隐喻简介。第五章为基于相似性的藏象概念隐喻构建举例,分为四节,第一节以“风”、“木”为始源域构建“肝主疏泄”概念隐喻第二节以天地、巽木之象为始源域构建胆藏象概念隐喻;第三节以“水库”“河流”为始源域构建脏腑“实满藏泻”概念隐喻;第四节为基于修辞心理逻辑的“A是B”格式概念隐喻分析,第六章浅述隐喻认知视域下的中医理论研究现状,指出从认知的角度对中医语言本质进行考察、梳理中医基本概念、进行理论重构、经典著作诠释、解释临床诊疗思维是一个新的方向,总结当前研究存在的问题及对策。

【Abstract】 With the development of cognitive linguistics, metaphor study has become the focus of research topic in cognitive linguistics and cognitive paradigm. In recent years, the study of metaphor has become like a raging fire, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, literary criticism, translation, semiotics research object of many subjects from traditional rhetoric, more and more scholars have tried to explore the nature, function and the working mechanism of metaphor from a multidisciplinary perspective. The study shows that from the natural sciences, social sciences and so on metaphor, people more and more realize the metaphor can not be underestimated role in human cognitive process. In fact, cognitive linguistics has the characteristics of cross research with other disciplines, metaphor theory for the research of the language and concepts of Chinese medicine to provide a unique and fresh perspective. The research team led by Professor Jia Chunhua in recent years, the research view towards Chinese conceptual metaphor and Chinese metaphor."The Chinese language is a language based on cognitive metaphor", and by means of cognitive metaphor for the pathogenesis of Chinese medicine, the theory of the five elements is studied, made a lot of achievements. Traditional Chinese medicine development, traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine to combine, must span across the gap between traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine--language. Viscera is the core of human life, whether Chinese or western medicine will simply organs as the life activities of the human body. But both in the understanding of the internal organs and physiological pathology is different, for example, the modern concept of traditional Chinese medicine "bladder" explanation completely and Western medicine organ "bladder" should be relative, and its physiological function is storing and excreting urine. And Su Wen Ling LAN secret code "," said:"the bladder, state officials, Tsu Hide Yan, gasification can out.""After" the bladder to "state","fluid", can hide with "gasification" function, meaning clearly TCM "bladder" concept than western medicine "bladder" much more abundant. From the perspective of cognitive linguistics, TCM cognition on human physiology and pathology of the Zang Fu organs is based on metaphor, or cognitive metaphor in the viscera system has played an irreplaceable role.The theory of Zangxiang is about viscera morphological structure, physiological function, pathological changes and the relationship between the theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine theory, is the core component, is based on the treatment of clinical syndrome differentiation. The theory is the ancient physicians in the long-term medical practice and master the basic knowledge of anatomy of the human body, extensive use of analogy, analysis, deduction and other ways of thinking, the highly generalization and abstraction and gradually formed, is the crystallization of human experience."Analogy" thinking in the process play a crucial role in the construction of the viscera theory, is the basic mode of thinking. In the process of knowledge system "image than application class" thinking is one of the important factors that generate the "conceptual metaphor", analogy process is the application characteristics of Siwon domain depicted as features of the target domain of typical metaphorical thinking. Because of this, the viscera theory is full of a lot of "metaphorical concept" or "conceptual metaphor". Such as "the heart, the monarch, the gods out of Yan","liver, Oriental wood","liver","the stomach for the valley of the sea water","six classics of Sichuan" and so on, in this class, be too numerous to enumerate. On one hand, these metaphorical statement for the viscera theory to add new content, but on the other hand also for the Chinese medicine theory as difficulty of interpretation and modern research has great. In view of the "metaphor for understanding the human experiences of the world provides specific ways" in this thesis, the author attempts to apply the conceptual metaphor theory into the viscera theory study, with a view to the viscera theory into the research of new ideas.The text is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is to hide elephant research theory, mainly from the theoretical, experimental and more interdisciplinary perspective, theory of Zangxiang construction process, construction of the focus and difficulty of the theory of Zangxiang theory as the basic way of thinking, Tibetan and other comb. The second chapter is the conceptual metaphor Zang language research based on, is divided into four sections, the first section reviews the research background of cognitive linguistics, introduction to the conceptual metaphor history; section second mainly discusses the viscera of conceptual metaphor types, functions, features, the third section from the metaphorical cognition and theory point of view, to five lines of five zang organs model as an example, to explain the process of constructing the five viscera system based on metaphor, and briefly introduces the social system system for the Siwon construction of the viscera system; the fourth section elaborates the significance of viscera of conceptual metaphor. The third chapter is to hide elephant research of cognitive model of conceptual metaphor construction, is divided into five sections, the first section elaborates the scientific theory building relationships with cognitive model; second, section three or four explains, yin and Yang, the five formed four model and schema, and three cognitive models in the viscera of conceptual metaphor role in the construction of. The fourth chapter is based on conceptual metaphor "-dirty" theory, is divided into two sections, the first section discusses "four" in the construction of the theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine in the role of; second section discusses "four" is based on a cognitive model of construction experience, to "spring" as an example depicts the "liver-dirty" conceptual metaphor construction process, and discusses the interpretation of conceptual metaphor of traditional Chinese medicine. The fifth chapter is the similarity of the viscera of conceptual metaphor based on construction examples, a total of four sections, the first section is "liver" conceptual metaphor study, second Jiewei bile viscera of conceptual metaphor, third viscera "real full study of Tibetan" theory, the fourth section is reducing rhetoric psychological logic "based on A B" format to hide elephant conceptual metaphor analysis. The sixth chapter discusses present situation of TCM theoretical research from the perspective of cognitive metaphor.


