

【作者】 王彦敏

【导师】 张其成;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 近代医易学派是指近代以易理阐发医理、以易学会通医学的学术派别。本文以近代医易学派为研究对象,按照历史时期和主流思潮的不同将其发展史大致分为初、中、末三个阶段,依次对每个阶段的时代背景、学派处境、代表著作的学术思想及民国期刊中医易文献的内容概述等几个方面进行研究论述,最终梳理出近代医易学派的发展脉络、总结各医家的医易思想、评述整个学派的学术特点并在此基础上对医易研究的方向提出展望。初期(1840-1897年),是中西医学初步接触、碰撞的时期。西医的势力尚未形成,中医界普遍认可洋务人士和早期维新人士所提出的“中体西用”“道器兼备”的中西观,“中西医汇通”成为这一时期的主流医学观。西方医学的参照作用,无形中增加了研究医易理论的动力和新依据,使得这一时期的学术成就在近代医易发展史上呈现了一个不小的高峰。石寿棠著《医原》,以易理阐发“人法天地、燥湿为患”之道;郑钦安著《医理真传》、《医法圆通》,以易理言“人身阴阳合一”之道;罗定昌著《中西医粹》,绘制易象阴阳脏腑图,以易学的时空框架比附医学的理论体系;邵同珍著《医易一理》,以太极、两仪、四象、八卦的易学架构比附人身生理结构;唐容川著《医易通说》,集“以易释医”之大成,从易学角度全面解读医理。中期(1898-1928年),西医之学在教会积极传播和国内积极引进的双重优势下,势力暴增,中西医学的关系已经从最初的碰撞变革成对峙的局面。社会上盛行的“改革”“改良”思潮在医学界产生了强烈的反响,“医学改良论”逐渐成为这一时期的主流医学思潮。作为以阴阳五行为核心理论的医易学派遭受了前所未有的挑战,在改良的浪潮中逆风前行。恽铁樵著《群经见智录》,重申《内经》中“四时五脏”的人体气化模型,明白畅晓的揭示了中医理论体系的精神实质,有力的驳斥了种种诋毁中医的言论;何仲皋著《脏腑通》,以易理阐发脏腑相通之理,该书作为成都中医学堂的教材,颇受学生欢迎;彭子益在执教期间著《圆运动的古中医学》,依易理构建人体气化的“圆运动”模型,该书作为中医教材20余年,惠及数千人。期刊文献方面,医易会通的相关论文主要集中在《青浦医药学报》、《绍兴医学月报》和《中医杂志》上,数量较少,论述内容以六气、脏腑、气化为主,论运气者只有恽铁樵一人,而论阴阳五行之文几乎没有,一定程度上折射出“批判阴阳五行之风”的杀伤力。末期(1929-1949年),伴随着中医存废的斗争和中医科学化思潮的盛行,信守中医传统理论的医易学派正逐渐淡出人们视线。著作文献仅刘有余的《天人转度》有迹可循。该书以易学为参,阐发“天人理体合一”之论。相比而言,期刊上的医易文献数量却较前略增,内容涉及阴阳五行、运气和脏腑气化,尤以论脏腑的文章最多见。在主流思想不认可的情形下,这些文章从易经的视角对阴阳、五行、气化等中医理论基础进行积极的挖掘探讨,从根源上寻求中医理论成立的依据,他们对中医体系的理性判断衬托出当时整个中医界的迷茫、矛盾、质疑、求存、改良等各种复杂的思想状态。近代医易学派的学术特点,主要表现为“以易释医”和“应用象数思维构建医学模型”两个方面。“以易释医”的医家主要有罗定昌、邵同珍、唐容川和刘有余。“应用象数思维构建医学模型”的医家主要有石寿棠、郑钦安和彭子益。此外,近代医易学派的医家在天文方面亦做了大胆的研究尝试,唐容川在以易数解释医理时,对干支甲子的天文学背景进行了深入的探讨,提出许多独特的见解。恽铁樵对天道运行也颇为重视,针对五运六气之说,提出了“日五月六”的观点。我国的古代科技、文化均来自于天,均是与天会通。一切理法出自天道。医与易是平行关系,二者皆是天人会通。易以天会通人事,医以天会通人身。易的天文背景为日月,故言阴阳、四象(四季)、八卦(八节)。医的天文背景为日月五星,故言五运、六气,五脏六腑、六经。医学的实质就是运用象数思维对天道进行模拟,从而建立人体气化模型。可见,寻求医学发展需要从两方面着手:一是对天道的认识,一是在人体领域对天道的模拟。

【Abstract】 School of chinese medical and yijing in modern time means an academic factions that explain chinese medical thought by yi theory convergence of TCM by yi studies.This paper, for the study of school of chinese medical and yijing in modern time, in accordance with the different historical periods and mainstream thought divided the history of development into initial stage,middle stage and end stage and respectively expound the historical background,the Situation of the school, the academic thought of representative work and the content overview of medicine and book of changes literature in medical journals of the republic of china. This article teases out the school’s development context, summarizes the academic thought of each doctors, review the characteristics of the entire academic school and on this basis, to prospect the direction of the convergence of TCM and Yijing.Early stage (1840-1897), is the period of initial contact ans collision between Chinese and Western medicine. Western forces have not yet formed. Chinese medicine sector generally accepted the view" Chinese culture and Western science and technology"proposed by Westernization group and early reformers convergence of TCM and western medicine has become the mainstream medical view in this period. Referring to the role of Western medicine, potentially increasing the power and the new theoretical basis to School of Chinese Medical and Yijing,which make their academic achievement presents a big pea in the modern Phylogeny. Shishoutang wrote<medical original> to elucidate "harmony between man and nature"; Zheng Qinan wrote<Real Heritage of Medical Knowledge><,Integrate Harmony of Medical Methods> to elucidate " harmony between yin and yang ";Luo ding Chang wrote<Pristine of Chinese and Western medicine>to drow a viscera picture named " yixiangyinyang viscera picture"; Shaotongzhen wrote<medicine and yijing have asame truth>which use yixue architecture analogies personal physiological structure.Tangrongchuan wrote<common viewsof medicine and yijing>to give a comprehensive interpretation of medical theory from the perspective yixue.Medium-term (1898-1928), Western medicine power surge attributed to the double advantage of actively spread by the church and actively introduce domestic, the relationship between Chinese and Western medicine have change from the initial crash into confrontation. The community prevalence of "reform"," improved" trend in the medical profession had a strong response,"medical improvement theory" has gradually become the mainstream medical thought in this period. School of Chinese Medical and Yijing suffered unprecedented challenges and headwinds ahead. Yun tieqiao wrote<see wisdom recorded to Classics>,reaffirm the human gasification model, reveals the essence of traditional Chinese medicine theory system, refutes the remarks of slander TCM.He zhong gao wrote<Relationship in organs> in order to elucidate the relationship organs. as a textbook in Chengdu TCM school, the book is popular with students.Pengziyi wrote<circular movement of ancient Chinese medicine>, according yixue to build "circular motion model of human gasification, the book as a textbook of Chinese medicine for20years, benefiting thousands of people. Journal articles, the papers focused on<Qingpu Medical Journal>,<Shaoxing Medical Report> and<Traditional Chinese Medicine>, and number is small. the papers discuss the contents of six gas, organs, gasification, yin and yang almost nothing, to a certain extent reflects the mass destruction of " critique yin and yang".Final Period (1929-1949), along with the struggle of abolition traditional Chinese medicine and the prevailing thought of "Chinese medicine scientific", School of Chinese Medical and Yijing which keep the traditional theory of Chinese medicine is gradually fading out of sight.<harmony between man and nature>wroted by Liuyouyu is the only book of School of Chinese Medical and Yijing. The book as a reference to yixue, elucidation of the theory " harmony between man and nature ". In contrast, the number of the medical journal literature is a slight increase over the previous, covering yin and yang, yunqi, gasification organs, especially the article on gasification organs. In the case of mainstream thinking does not endorse,these articles from the perspective of yixue explored actively to Yin and Yang, Five Elements, gasification. Find the basis of traditional Chinese medicine theory established from the source, their rational judgments to medicine system sets off the complex mind states of entire Chinese medicine,so as confused, contradictory, questioning, survival and improvement.The academic characteristics of School of Chinese Medical and Yijing in modern time mainly manifested in two aspects.They are " explanation medicine with yixue" and " using xiangshuthinking to build medical model ".The Doctors of "explanation medicine with yixue" are Shaotongzhen, Tangrongchuan, Luodingchang and Liuyouyu. The Doctors of" using xiangshuthinking to build medical model" are Shishoutang, Zhengqinan and Pengziyi. In addition, The School of Chinese Medical and Yijing in modern time has made a bold attempt in astronomy research. Tang rong chuan made a deeply discussion to the astronomy background of Chinese era, presented many unique insights. Yun tie qiao also quite attach importance to astronomy, proposed the view of " sun five moon six " for the theory of "five elements’motion and six kinds of natural factors".Our ancient science and technology and culture all come from the sky and originated in astronomy. The relationship ofmedical and yixue is parallel.yixue discourse human affairs according to astronomy, medicine discourse personal health according to astronomy.The astronomical background of yixue is the sun and moon,so it words yin and yang, four images (four seasons), Eight Trigram (eight solar term). The astronomical background of medicine is sun,moon and five star. So it words five elements’ motion and six kinds of natural factor, five Zang-organs and six Fu-organs. The essence of medicine is to use xiangshuthinking simulate astronomy in order to establish the body gasification models.Visible, seek medical development needs two-pronged approach:the understanding of astronomy, one simulation in the field of the human body to astronomy.


