

【作者】 石雨

【导师】 王育林;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 唐代孙思邈所撰《备急千金要方》是现存最完整的初唐医书,集隋唐以前我国传统医药学之大成,也被誉为我国历史上最早的临床医学百科全书。全书取材广泛、收罗宏博,内容包罗万象,收集了自先秦到隋唐,自宫廷到民间,乃至外族外域治疗思想与实践经验,是研究隋唐时期中医学发展的重要参考文献。全书体例有述有作,有论有方,充分体现了隋唐以及隋唐以前语言特点,书中包含的大量医学名物词,为保存传统医学材料做出巨大贡献,具有重要的语言研究价值。本文选取《备急千金要方》医学名物词为研究对象,旨在补充古代医学名物词资料,展现医学词汇特点,梳理医学词汇的发展过程,为医学词汇,汉语词汇研究做一些有益探讨,在辞典编纂、术语规范以及医学史、汉语史方面做出贡献。本文分为七个部分,第一章回顾了医学名物词的研究现状,指出医学名物词,特别是专书医学名物词研究十分匮乏,而《备急千金要方》以其成书年代的确定性和语言材料的丰富性成为研究隋唐乃至隋唐之前医学名物词的可信材料,进而指出《备急千金要方》医学名物词研究意义。第二章到第六章将《备急千金要方》全书医学名物词进行穷尽式搜集整理,并按照人体名物词、腧穴名物词、病证名物词、本草名物词、方剂名物词进行分类,以文献学方法为基础,结合语言学、文字学、训诂学、医学等多学科知识进行全方位考察,考查内容包括各类医学名物词的语词特点、语词来源、名实关系、命名理据等,并根据材料对某些医学名物词的共时存在状况和历时发展脉络进行梳理,对一些特殊的医学名物词进行深入研究。第二章对《备急千金要方》人体名物词进行研究。人体名物词既保存了前代词汇,又具有时代特点,比如口语现象明显,语素临时组合构词突出等。佛道教对人体名物词影响较大,一些佛道教语词进入医学词汇,成为日常用语。异名同物和相关联用现象突出,原因是前代用语堆积叠加到隋唐,形成多组同义、近义词。本章还对一些特殊人体名物词,如悬雍进行深入分析。第三章对《备急千金要方》腧穴名物词进行研究。腧穴名物词以两字复合词居多,常成组出现,并且某些语素出现的频率很高,我们列举了最常出现的九个语素,并逐一对语素义进行了分析。继承前代之外,《千金要方》还首次出现了许多腧穴名物词,这些词可以看做是孙氏经验的总结。我们对腧穴名物词的名实关系进行了研究,与现代腧穴一一对应,并分析了命名理据。最后,我们深入分析了十三鬼穴、阿是穴等特殊腧穴名物词。第四章对《备急千金要方》病证名物词进行研究。《千金要方》保存了前代医籍的病证名,还收集了一些病证名的别称、俗称等。此外,书中首次出现的病证名物词为我们研究病证历史、病证名的演变提供了材料。同物异名部分以几种常见的病证为例,分析了各种名称的来源及内涵是否有不同,并且对病证名物词的构词理据进行总结。第五章对《备急千金要方》本草名物词进行研究。书中对药物学理论论述完整,本草名物词前的修饰限定语丰富多样。很多语词来自民间、外族、外域,并受到佛道两教影响。书中记载的多种药物都是首次见于医书,可以为辞典提供书证。本草命名方式多样,既可从形色味效的角度命名,又受到文化及外域的影响。本章最后对一些未知本草进行了考证,希望可以通过文献确定具体所指。第六章对《备急千金要方》方剂名物词进行研究。方剂名具有成组出现、同方不同剂、通治方、类方并存等现象。书中方剂集合了前代经验、当代、民间经验、外族外域经验、佛道经验,以及孙氏自创方剂。本章对方剂的同名及异名现象进行了分析,并总结了方剂命名理据。最后对《千金要方》中包含的剂型、《千金要方》的新剂型,如煮散、澡豆等进行了研究。最后结语部分对全文进行总结,从语词特点、语词来源、名实关系、命名理据和其他方面等内容对五种医学名物词进行总结。本文为国家社会科学基金项目“汉语医学名物词研究”(11BYY068)之重要组成部分。

【Abstract】 Beiji Qianjin Yao Fang is written by Sun Simiao in the Tang Dynasty. It’s the most complete medical book which gathers the essence of traditional Chinese medicine before Tang Dynasty. It’s been known as the earliest clinical medical encyclopedia in Chinese history. Beiji Qianjin Yao Fang bases on a wide range of content, it covers all the aspects from the pre Qin to the Sui and Tang Dynasties, from palace to folk and even foreign theory and practice experience of Out land treatment, it’s an important reference in the development of traditional Chinese medicine research in the Sui and Tang dynasties. The book contains theory and treatments, fully embodies the language features in and before the Sui and Tang Dynasties. The book includes a large number of medical nouns and makes great contribution to the preservation of traditional medicine material. The book has the important value of language study. This paper selects the medical nouns in Beiji Qianjin Yao Fang as the object of study, designed to complement the ancient medical data, show the lexical features, figure out the process of the development in medical nouns, do some beneficial study on the medical and Chinese vocabulary, and contribute to the lexicography, terminology standard and the history of Chinese language.This paper is divided into seven chapters, the first chapter reviews the research status of traditional Chinese medical nouns, points out that medical noun, especially of professional medical phrase book is very scarce, and Beiji Qianjin Yao Fang is the credible materials of Sui and Tang Dynasties and even before the Sui and Tang dynasties because of its certainty of written time and its abundant language material, and it’s pointed out that the research significance of the medical nouns in Beiji Qianjin Yao Fang.The second chapter to the sixth chapter make an exhaustive collection of all the medical nouns in Beiji Qianjin Yao Fang and divide these nouns into body nouns, acupoints nouns, syndrome nouns, herbal nouns and prescription nouns. This paper is based on the method of literature research, combined with linguistics, philology, exegetics, medicine and other disciplines of knowledge, and do comprehensive investigation. We examine the contents of language features, the sources of the words, the concept and entity and the naming motivation. We also do the research of the synchronic and diachronic of some nouns and make an intensive study of some special medical nouns. The second chapter studied on the body nouns in Beiji Qianjin Yao Fang. The body nouns preserve the previous generation of vocabulary and also have the characteristics of the times, such as the oral phenomenon and the temporary combination of morpheme formation are obviously. Buddhism and Taoism have great effects on the human body nouns, some words from Buddhism and Taoism are into medical vocabulary words, and become everyday language. The synonyms and related phenomenon is prominent, and the reason for that is the previous generation language accumulated to the Sui and Tang Dynasties and form a plurality of groups of synonyms. This chapter also analyses some special body nouns such as xuanyong.The third chapter studied on the acupoints nouns in Beiji Qianjin Yao Fang. The majority acupoints nouns compound with two words and often come out into groups. Some morphemes appear frequently, we list nine morphemes appear most frequently and analyze each of them. Many acupoints nouns appeared for the first time, these words can be seen as the sun’ s experience. We study the concept and entity of the acupoints nouns and correspond them with the modern acupoints, and we also analyze the naming motivation. Finally, we analyze the thirteen ghost points and Ashi acupoints.The fourth chapter studied on the syndrome nouns in Beiji Qianjin Yao Fang. The book saves the syndrome nouns from the previous generation medical books and also collects some nicknames. The syndrome nouns appeared in the first time can provide us evidence of the evolution of disease and syndrome. In the synonym part, we list several common diseases as an example, analyzed the origin and connotation of various names, and summarize the naming motivation.The fifth chapter studied on the herbal nouns in Beiji Qianjin Yao Fang. The book has a complete pharmacology theory compendium. The modifier before the herbal nouns is various, and many words come from the folk, foreign land, and affected by the Buddhism and Taoism. Many herbal names are first found in the medical records, these new names can provide evidence for the dictionary. The herbal nouns can be named from the angle of shape, color, taste, effect and other aspects, the influence of culture and outland are also important. At the end of this chapter, we make research on some unknown herbals, we hope this study can help to determine the specific meaning.The sixth chapter studied on the prescription nouns in Beiji Qianjin Yao Fang. The prescription names often come in groups, some share the same name but different dosage forms, some prescription can cure many diseases. The book set the previous generation experience prescription, contemporary, folk experience, foreign experience, and foreign experience, as well as the sun’s own prescription. The phenomenon of synonym and the prescription naming motivation are researched. At the end of the chapter, we summarize all the types of dosages and the new dosages appeared in the book such as zhusan and zaodou.The seventh chapter carries on the summary to the full paper, from the language features, souses of the word, concept and entity, naming motivation and other aspects of the content of five kinds of medical nouns are summarized.This article is sub-item of nation social sciences foundation item "the research of Chinese medicine nouns"(11BYY068).

【关键词】 备急千金要方名物词医学
【Key words】 Beiji Qianjin Yao FangNounsMedicine

