Translation for China’s Globalcomminication:a Narrative Account
【作者】 胡兴文;
【导师】 张健;
【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2014, 博士
【摘要】 在全球化背景下,我国政府有着强烈“走出去”的内在愿望,国际社会也有了解中国的热切需求,外宣翻译是一条沟通两者至关重要的途径,因此展开外宣翻译研究尤为必要。目前外宣翻译研究虽然取得了一些成绩,但还存在以下问题:第一,作为学科发展的基础,外宣翻译缺少统一、完整的理论话语体系,系统架构还需完善,一些基本概念也需澄清、厘定;第二,在研究手段上,外宣翻译目前大多是采用定性分析的实证研究,很少利用较为先进的语料库进行定量分析,研究手段比较单一;第三,在理论研究上,外宣翻译中大多数研究仍旧停留在随感式的经验总结上,已有的理论研究也多是套用“译入翻译”理论,缺少兼顾宏观和微观、理论与实践,符合外宣翻译特点的系统性、深层次、跨学科的“译出翻译”理论成果。针对上述问题,本研究认为外宣翻译研究要进一步发展,须从基础研究、实践研究和理论研究三个方面进一步完善。本论文着力于第三个方面,尝试在理论研究方面进行探索。叙事学的发展历经经典、后经典,从单一走向多元,从封闭走向开放,从静态走向动态,拥有了兼具微观与宏观、理论与实践的学术阐释功能。外宣翻译是翻译的一种特殊形式,是在全球化的大背景下,把大量有关中国的各种信息和观点从中文翻译成外文,通过各种媒介和渠道向国外受众传达的跨国界、跨语言、跨文化的对外传播活动,目的是通过以我为主的信息交流和思想传播,让世界了解中国,建构中国良好的国际形象,增强中国文化的软实力,为中国现代化建设创造良好的外部环境。本论文尝试求证将叙事学用于阐释外宣翻译的可行性。事实上,叙事学和外宣翻译的确存在交集:首先,从定义上讲,两者都是“讲故事”。叙事是讲述“我们赖以生存的日常故事”(Mona Baker,2006:3),而外宣翻译是用世界接受的语言向国际社会讲述中国故事。其次,从功能上看,叙事和外宣翻译都是一种交流行为。经典叙事学的叙事交流虽然只囿于文本内部,但后经典叙事学走出了文本的桎梏,开始重视语境和读者,回归了交流的本意。外宣翻译是一种具有传播性质的特殊翻译形式,因此也是一种交流行为,而且是一种的跨国界、跨语言、跨文化的对外交流活动。在这一点上,叙事和外宣翻译也有着共同点。此外,从理论层面,叙事学和外宣翻译存在发生化学反应的可能。经典叙事学的叙事时间、叙事视角、叙事结构等结构概念可以用于对外宣翻译进行微观的文本分析,后经典叙事学对读者、语境、意识形态等非结构的关注可用于对外宣翻译进行宏观的意识形态解读,以及对译前选材和译后接受的阐释。由此可见,叙事学是外宣翻译研究可以借鉴的理论之一。在对叙事学进行批判继承基础上,论文汲取经典叙事学关注文本的优势,后经典叙事学(特别贝克的叙事理论)关注读者、语境、意识形态的优势,从译前的叙事选材、译中的叙事建构(再叙事)、译后的叙事接受三个方面对广义的外宣翻译过程进行系统的叙事学阐释,重点落在译中的叙事建构上即狭义的外宣翻译过程上,从而将叙事学应用于非文学的外宣翻译研究。通过研究,论文得出以下结论:在译前的叙事选材中,外宣译者应在我国对外宣传的叙事框架下,兼顾叙事赞助人的意识形态、叙事接受者的接受需求和对外传播规律,做到三者的有机统一。在译中的叙事建构中,外宣译者应从微观的文本层面(叙事时间、叙事视角、叙事结构)和宏观的意识形态层面(时空建构、文本素材的选择性采用、标示式建构、参与人的再定位)进行再叙事协调,其目的是在文本层面架设桥梁,进行叙事交流,在意识形态层面设置藩篱,进行叙事竞争。在译后的叙事接受部分,外宣译者要根据叙事接受者的差异、外宣翻译的双重属性,采取“归化”、“异化”二元并存的翻译策略,适度使用“中国英语”,同时面向叙事接受者,采用删减、增添和重构等“编译”手段,以切实提高外宣翻译的叙事接受效果。叙事学以研究文学叙事,特别是小说叙事为主,本研究将叙事学应用于文学之外的外宣翻译领域,既拓展了叙事学的研究范畴,也开阔了外宣翻译研究的视野;在批判继承叙事学的基础上,本研究从译前的叙事选材、译中的叙事建构(再叙事)、译后的叙事接受三个方面对广义的外宣翻译过程进行了系统的叙事学阐释,尤其是揭示出译中的叙事建构即狭义的外宣翻译过程本质上是译者针对中外叙事差异从微观的文本层面和宏观的意识形态层面进行的一种再叙事协调,其目的是在文本层面架设桥梁,进行叙事交流,在意识形态层面设置藩篱,进行叙事竞争;通过叙事学与外宣翻译的跨学科联姻,本研究将形成兼顾微观和宏观、理论与实践,符合外宣翻译特点的系统性、深层次、跨学科的“译出翻译”研究成果。我们期待本研究不仅能揭示叙事学视域下的外宣翻译本质,拓展外宣翻译研究视野,进而丰富整体的翻译研究,也能从理论和实践层面服务于我国文化“走出去”的国家战略。
【Abstract】 In the context of globalization, our government has a strong desire of―goingglobal‖and the international community has an eagerness for knowing China as well.Translation for China‘s Global Communication (TCGC) is an important channel formeeting wishes of both sides, and therefore Studies on TCGC is of great significance.Currently though some progress has been scored in this field, Studies on TCGC stillhas the following problems: First, as a foundation for its own development, Studies onTCGC is yet to clarify some of its basic concepts, develop its unified theoreticaldiscourse and improve its overall structure. Next, Studies on TCGC needs to updateits research approach from solely employing qualitative analysis to combining bothqualitative analysis and quantitative analysis such as by using corpus. Last but not theleast, the previous studies of TCGC mainly summarize their practical experiences inthe TCGC, or indiscriminately apply the―in-coming‖translation theories to theTCGC. Therefore, Studies on TCGC calls for a systematic, profound,cross-disciplinary―out-going‖translation theory, which should not only conform tothe features of the TCGC, but also strike a balance both in the micro and macro wayor both theoretically and practically in the Studies on TCGC.In view of those problems, it is suggested that Studies on TCGC should enhanceitself from framework building, practical research and theoretical study for itssustained development. This paper will venture an exploration into the theoreticalstudy of TCGC. As is known, narratology has developed from the phase of classicalnarratology to that of post-classical narratolgy by evolving from being singular tobeing plural, from being close to being open, from being static to being dynamic, thushaving its potential for interpreting academic questions both in the micro and macroway or both theoretically and practically. TCGC, as a special form of translation, is atransnational, inter-lingual, cross-cultural international communication activity inwhich all kinds of China‘s information and ideas are turned into foreign languagesand transferred to foreign receptors through various media and channels. By actively communicating China‘s information and ideas, its purpose is to make Chinaunderstood by the world, constitute a good international image, enhance the softpower of Chinese culture and build a favorable international environment for China‘smodernization drive. This paper explores the possibility of applying narratology to thestudy of TCGC.In fact, narratolygy and TCGC indeed share some common points. Above all,both claim to―tell stories‖in terms of their definition. Narration is defined as telling―everyday stories we live by‖(Mona Baker,2006:3). TCGC is to tell China‘s storiesto the world with internationally-accepted ways of expression. Second, both are acommunication activity in terms of function. Though classical narratology confinesnarrative communication to text only, post-classical narratology has shattered thefetters of text and shifted their focus to context and reader, hence restoring the originalmeaning of communication. TCGC, as a special form of translation with thecommunicative nature, is also a communication activity; moreover, it is atransnational, inter-lingual and cross-cultural communication activity. Therefore, atthis point both also meet. In addition, narratology and TCGC have a theoreticalpotential for chemical reactions. Some key structuralist concepts in the classicalnarratology such as narrative time, narrative perspective and narrative structure can beadopted to analyze the micro text of TCGC; non-structuralist concepts like reader,context and ideology in the post-classical narratology can also be employed tointerpret TCGC ideologically and analyze the narrative material selection and thenarrative reception of TCGC. Therefore, narratology is one of the theories whichTCGC can draw inspirations from.Then this paper, by drawing on the strong points of classical narratology andpost-classical narratology (Mona Baker‘s narrative theory in particular), makes acomprehensive narrative account of the translation process for China‘s globalcommunication in the broad sense, namely, the narrative material selection, thenarrative reframing process and the narrative reception of non-literary TCGC, with afocus on the narrative reframing process, in other words, the translation process forChina‘s global communication in the narrow sense. After that, several conclusions are obtained: In the narrative material selection, the TCGC translator should select thenarrative materials in the narrative framing of TCGC while taking the ideology of thepatronage, the requirements of the narrative receptor and communicative rules intoconsideration. In the narrative framing process, the translator has to make are-narration both on the micro textual level (from narrative time, narrative perspectiveto narrative structure) and on the macro ideological level (from temporal and spatialframing, selective appropriation of textual material, framing by labeling torepositioning of participants). In doing so, the translator intends to build a textualbridge for narrative communication and an ideological fence for narrative competition.In the narrative reception, the translator should adopt a dual strategy by combingdomestication and foreignization, and employ China English when necessary, for(s)he has to consider the dual nature of TCGC on the one hand and the narrativereceptor‘s reception ability on the other hand. Meanwhile, for the sake of the narrativereceptor, the translator should also make use of transediting such as deletion, additionand recasting in the translation process to improve the narrative reception effect.From above, it is obvious that this paper has three shining points: First, literarynarratology is applied to non-literary TCGC, which broadens both the scope ofnarratology and the horizon of Studies on TCGC. Second, this paper, by applyingnarratology to TCGC critically, makes a comprehensive narrative account of thetranslation process for China‘s global communication in the broad sense from threeaspects, namely, the narrative material selection, the narrative reframing process andthe narrative reception and reveals in particular that the narrative reframing process,that is, the translation process for China‘s global communication in the narrow sense,is a renarration both on the micro textual level and on the macro ideological level. Inthe former, the translator means to build a textual bridge for narrative communication;in the latter,(s) he intends to make an ideological fence for narrative competition.Third, a systematic, profound, cross-disciplinary―out-going‖translation theory isproposed, which not only conforms to the features of the TCGC but also strikes abalance both in micro and macro way or both theoretically and practically in theStudies on TCGC. It is expected that this study can not only reveal the nature of TCGC in the light of narratology, contribute to in the Studies on TCGC andTranslation Studies at large, but also serve the―going global‖strategy of Chineseculture both in practice and in theory.
【Key words】 Translation for China‘s Global Communication; narratology; renarration; narrative communication; narrative competition;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 上海外国语大学 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期
- 【分类号】H315.9
- 【被引频次】62
- 【下载频次】6737