

Studies on the Translation and Communication Model for Chinese Literature Going out

【作者】 鲍晓英

【导师】 冯庆华;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 “中国文学‘走出去’译介模式研究”从传播学理论出发,以译介学为理论支撑,以莫言英译作品在美国的译介为例,探讨中国翻译文学“走出去”有效译介模式,以实现其在译入语文化尤其是西方强势文化的传播。译介学认为翻译的本质是传播,通过翻译将中国文学推向世界不是简单的文字或文学翻译而是文学译介,“译”即翻译,“介”的主要内容是传播。翻译文本的产生只是传播的开始,在它之前还有选择译什么怎么译的问题,在它之后还有文本交流、影响、接受、传播等问题。译本的接受和传播受到国家外交关系、意识形态、诗学、翻译规范、赞助人、翻译政策、读者期待、传播渠道等因素的制约。文学译介要考察的不仅是翻译文本是否达到目标语国家的语言要求、文本内容是否符合目标语主流意识形态和诗学,更要看文本的传播各环节是否有效,传播往往是文学译介成功如否的关键。如何实现有效传播一直是传播学研究课题,拉斯韦尔传播模式对传播过程进行了深入研究和总结,明确了传播过程模式和要素,是传播学理论经典,对实现有效传播有着积极的指导意义。拉斯韦尔传播模式认为传播均由“谁”、“说什么”、“对谁说”、“通过什么渠道”、“取得什么效果”即“传播主体”、“传播内容”、“传播途径”、“传播受众”和“传播效果”五大基本要素构成。文学译介是文化传播行为,同样包含拉斯韦尔传播模式的五大要素,将拉斯韦尔传播模式应用到文学译介,即是包含“译介主体”、“译介内容”、“译介途径”、“译介受众”、“译介效果”五大要素的译介模式,对中国翻译文学的译介主体、内容、途径、受众和效果进行深入研究有助于探索中国文学“走出去”有效译介模式。中国文化“走出去”是国家战略,译介中国文学是实现中国文化“走出去”的途径之一。通过翻译中国文学促使中国文化“走出去”一直是国家努力实现的目标。当前,一方面,西方文化霸权严重影响着中国国际形象和威胁着中国文化安全,中国文化迫切需要“走出去”,国家投入了巨大财力译介中国文学,设立了“中国文学百部精品对外译介工程”、“中国文化著作翻译出版工程”、“经典中国出版工程”、“中国文学海外传播”工程等数十个重大中国文学译介项目工程,但是中国文学译介项目作品域外接受不佳、中国图书进出口贸易逆差严重,中国文学向西方的译介一直步履维艰,远远没有达到预期的译介效果。中国文学“走出去”译介理论研究成为时代要求,迫在眉睫。另一方面,国内对中国翻译文学在国外传播研究相对滞后。译介学早在上个世纪九十年代已开始关注中国文学对外“译”与“介”的问题,然而该研究只是在外汉译“译入”研究数十年后的今天,在谢天振、许钧、吕敏宏、潘文国、马会娟等翻译研究学者相关研究成果的推动之下才日益成为国内翻译研究热点。本论文研究契合了国内外研究热点、顺应了时代要求,首次提出中国文学“走出去”译介模式,极具创新意义和现实意义。本论文采取定性研究和定量研究相结合的方法,从传播学理论出发在译介学理论的指导下对中国文学译介所面临的内部和外部矛盾进行客观地分析和研究,厘清中国文学译介困境的实质。论文通过对莫言英译作品不同类型受众的问卷调查、借用国外EBSCO、WORLDCAT、OCLC等搜索系统、直接联系莫言作品出版机构等方法挖掘如收藏莫言作品世界图书馆馆藏量、莫言英译作品发行量、美国主流媒体莫言提及率等数据,在这些数据基础上进行推导、演算、分析、解释和判断,总结莫言英译作品“走出去”的经验和教训,就中国文学“走出去”译介主体、译介内容、译介途径、译介受众和译介效果模式提出不同的观点,针对这五大译介要素所提出的观点共同构成了中国文学“走出去”译介模式,具体内容为:一、译介主体:中国文学译介主体应该采取以非官方学术机构为平台和桥梁,中外合作译介主体模式,即国外汉学家或学者与中国学者优势互补,合作翻译,以西方汉学家为翻译主体,以精于中国文学翻译的中国学者为中文向导和翻译辅助,双方取长补短的模式。二、译介内容:中国文学译介内容模式应该是所选作品应避免与译入语意识形态诗学正面冲突、既具备世界文学的普适性又具有中国文学的异质性、基于古代文学侧重现当代作品、所选翻译策略以归化为主模式。三、译介途径:中国文学“走出去”译介途径应采取加强国内外出版机构多种形式合作、加强优秀文学作品影视拍摄、利用国外书刊杂志媒体宣传、利用国际书展等国际销售平台、引入文学代理人制度、利用国际学术平台、增加政府对海外翻译家资助等多渠道译介途径模式。四、译介受众:中国文学“走出去”应确立以受众为中心、专业读者和大众读者并重、契合西方受众期待视野审美意识,顺应其心理效应、顺应西方语言习惯、采取民间姿态等译介受众模式。五、译介效果:中国文学译介应该重视译介效果,科学制定译介主体、译介内容、译介途径和译介受众模式,遵循传播规律,才能取得译介效果。就翻译文学在译入语文化传播问题,歌德总结了翻译文学进入译入语文化的三个阶段,即让翻译作品披上译入语文化外衣的起始阶段、吸收源文本思想将其伪装为译入语思想加以传播的渐进阶段、译文与原文完全一致的全译阶段。中国文学向西方的译介还处在最初尝试的第一阶段,中国文化和文学在国际上还是处于弱势地位,这些都决定了中国文学“走出去”所选译介模式重点考虑的是译入语语言文化要求,只有这样才能确保中国翻译文学对译入语世界普通读者的可接受性,帮助中国文学在译入语国家渐渐形成稳定的持久场域。针对中国文学“走出去”所提出的译介模式结论是具有开放性的,随着中国文化“软实力”的不断增强、中国文化和文学国际地位不断提高、中国文学“走出去”译介研究的不断加深拓展,中国文学“走出去”译介模式会在实践中不断地得到检验、调整、改变和完善。

【Abstract】 “Studies on the Translation and Communication Model for Chinese LiteratureGoing out” probes into the translation of Chinese literature and especially itscommunication in the target cultures, in particular in the western cultures, from theperspective of communicative principles and with the translation studies’ theories as itstheoretical basis and Mo Yan’s English translations in America as an example.Translation studies’ theories hold that translation is in itself communication and thatChinese literature going out is not simply an act of translation but literary translationand communication and that after a text is translated, there exist the problems ofexchange, communication, influence and reception, which are determined by a varietyof factors such as diplomatic relations of the countries, social ideology, poetics,translation norms, translation sponsors, readers’ expectations, ways of communicationand so on. Translation and communication of the translated literature must take intoconsideration not only the transference of languages but, more importantly, its smoothcommunication, which is the key to successful entry into the target culture. How toachieve better communication is always the focus of communication studies. HaroldLasswell’s communication model, regarded by many communication and publicrelations scholars as “one of the earliest and most influential communication models”,concludes that any act of communication contains five basic elements: Who, Says What,In Which Channel, To Whom, With What Effect. Translation, an act of communication,therefore, also has the five basic elements, that is, who translates, what to translate, inwhich way to translate, to whom and with what translation effect. The answers to thefive questions constitute the communication and translation model. Studying the fiveelements of Chinese translated literature is instrumental to the exploration of effectivetranslation and communication models of “Chinese culture going out”.“Chinese culture going out” is our national goal and the translation andcommunication of Chinese literature is one of the ways to help achieve the goal and alsoa constant effort of the country. Currently, on one hand, the western culture hegemonyhas pictured a negative image of China in the world, posing great threat to Chinese culture. It is time for Chinese culture to go out to show a true China to the world. Inorder to do that, the government has invested tremendous money and sponsored dozensof translation and communication projects but only in vain. The facts of Chinesetranslated literature not being well received in the west, the unfavorable balance of booktrade and so on show that it is difficult for Chinese translated literature to becommunicated in the west and that Chinese literature going out hasn’t attained theexpected effect. It is high time to conduct theoretical studies on how Chinese literaturecan go out. On the other hand, the theoretical studies of Chinese culture going out islagged behind when compared with the studies of the translation from foreign languagesinto Chinese. In fact, early in the late1990s, the translation studies theories began topay attention to the translation and communication of Chinese culture, but the researchhas not become the focus of studies only until today with the help of a number ofscholars in the field such Tianzhen Xie, Jun Xu, Wenguo Pan, Huijuan Ma and so on.This paper intends to put forward the translation and communication model ofChinese literature going out by doing questionnaires on Mo Yan and his bookstranslated by Goldblatt, finding out the number of world libraries that contain Mo Yan’sbooks, the number of Mo Yan’s books sold and the rate of Mo Yan’s being mentioned byUS media with the help of the academic search systems like EBSCO、WORLDCAT、OCLC. The translation and communication model for Chinese literature going out canbe:On “who translates”: The translators of Chinese literature should be foreign expertsin Chinese who shoulder the main task of translation with Chinese translators workingas assistants so as to maximize their respective advantages.On “what to translate”: The literary works to be chosen to be translated should bemodern and contemporary books that are not in obvious conflicts with the westernideology and poetics with the universal features of both the world literature and theuniqueness of Chinese literature and more contemporary works of literature should bechosen and the main translation strategy should be domestication translation.On “in which channel”:“Chinese literature going out” should seek ways to achieveits goals, such as various cooperation among Chinese and foreign publishing institutions, the filming of excellent literary works, the promotion of Chinese literature with thehelp of western media, the introduction of literary agent system, making use ofinternational platforms for sales, the increase of government investment and so on.On “to whom”:“Chinese literature going out” should consider the receivers as itsfocus of translation and communication, lay equal emphasis on professional andordinary readers, meet the expectations of the western readers, follow their psychologyand their language habits and make use of nongovernmental platforms..On “with what effect”: In “Chinese literature going out”, importance should beattached to the effect of translation and communication, scientifically formulating themodels of who translates, what to translate, in which channels, to whom and with whateffects, following the principles of translation and communication so as to achieveproper effect.Early in the late eighteenth century, Goethe concludes that there are three phasesof translated literature entering the target cultures, the first phase being the beginningone in which domestication translation strategy is employed to adapt to the targetlanguage and culture, the second phase being one where the ideas of the original text aredisguised in the domesticated language and the third phase being one where the originaltext is fully translated and foreignized regardless of the differences between the originaland target languages and cultures.“Chinese literature going out” is still in the first phase, which is the reason whywhen the translation and communication models are chosen, the focus of attention is onthe demand and necessity of the target languages and cultures. With the furtherdevelopment and promotion of Chinese literature and culture,“Chinese literature goingout” will gradually enter the second phase of literature translation, in which thetranslation and communication models of Chinese literature will be adjusted.

  • 【分类号】H315.9;I046
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】4913

