

【作者】 陈默

【导师】 吴友富;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 国际关系, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 中国对非洲的援助在数量上大幅增长的同时也逐渐建立起一种新的援助模式——安哥拉模式本研究将中国经济崛起的内部因素与对非洲的援助相联系,重新理解中国对外援助的内在逻辑,分析中国崛起过程中的内部因素是如何以及在多大程度上对中国的对非援助进而对非洲的发展产生影响本研究认为对外援助并不是孤立的外交行为,而是与援助国国内的发展路径紧密相联的,受到其国内发展历程和发展现实的极大影响本研究从纵向与横向两个维度论证这一观点:结合中国对非洲援助的历史(纵向),分析不同历史时期国内发展路线和工作重点的变化与中国对非洲援助的政策调整从上世纪50年代末期到70年代初期意识形态占主导的发展导致对非洲超出国力的非理性援助行为,到中国模式中务实主义的发展思路与追求双赢的对非援助通过与传统援助国对非洲援助的对比(横向),探讨不同的国内发展模式下对非洲援助特点的差异西方国家主张制度建设优先,进而在对非洲的援助中强调民主建设;中国主张自主探索,所以对非洲的援助不附带政治条件本研究认为在战略思想层面上安哥拉模式的形成可以视为中国模式在对外援助领域的延伸和具体化中国援助对非洲发展的影响与中国援助的特点是紧密相关的总体上而言,中国的援助对非洲的影响既有积极的,也有消极的本研究认为受到不附带政治条件的政策制约,中国援助对非洲发展的影响主要集中在经济增长方面,对非洲受援国的政治和社会发展方面的影响则相对有限由于对外援助的政策和特点是与援助国国内的发展模式相联系的,所以中国援助对非洲的影响也受到中国自身发展路径的制约中国援助对非洲经济增长有很大的促进作用,尤其是在基础设施建设和打包式援助的带动下而在人权和环境等方面的消极影响则需要在中国国内彻底解决这些问题后才能有所好转同时,非洲政府在这一过程中应该起到更加积极的作用此外,随着中国在非洲利益的不断延伸,中国援助在非洲政治和社会层面的影响也会慢慢扩大中国对非洲援助的快速发展促使现有的国际援助体系正经历着一场无声的变革本研究认为,在中国的发展路径——中国模式逐渐被其他国家接受的同时,中国援助的非洲模式也会慢慢的被现有的国际援助体系所吸收虽然目前这种趋势刚刚出现,但长期而言二者之间会建立起一种合作关系,共同调整并丰富国际援助体系

【Abstract】 China’s foreign assistance to Africa is growing rapidly during the past decade.Meanwhile, China is developing a new way to provide foreign assistance. In the presentresearch, the internal factors of China’s rise are given much consideration in the analysis ofChina’s foreign assistance to have a better understanding about how and to what extent thatChina’s rise has impacts on its foreign assistance, and on Africa’s development.It has been concluded that foreign assistance is highly influenced by the donors’ ownway of development. Historically, China adopted different ways of development indifferent periods during the past60years or so, from ‘Soviet Model’ in the1950s to1960sto ‘Beijing Consensus’ in the21stcentury. Accordingly, the policy of China’s foreignassistance to Africa kept changing, from ideology dominated to pursuing ‘win-win’relationship. Comparisons are also made between China and Western states. Institutionalconstruction is highly valued by the Western states whose foreign assistance in Africastresses on democracy. In contrast, China advocates independent exploration indevelopment and adopts the ‘no-strings’ policy in foreign assistance. Thus, in the presentstudy, the ‘Angola Model’ is considered as an extension of ‘Beijing Consensus’ in the fieldof foreign assistance.China’s foreign assistance has brought both positive and negative impacts on Africa.Being constrained by the ‘no-strings’ policy the impacts of China’s foreign assistance aremainly constrained into the perspective of economic growth, while the impacts on thepolitical and social perspectives are limited. China’s foreign assistance focuses oninfrastructure construction and combines with trade and investment, which play animportant role in promoting Africa’s economic growth. For the problems brought byChina’s foreign assistance in human rights and environment, they will only be solved afterChina has dealt with the similar problems in the domestic market. With the extension ofChina’s benefits in Africa, China’s foreign assistance will play a more vital role in Africa’spolitics and society.The current foreign assistance system is undergoing ‘silent revolution’ stimulated byChina’s foreign assistance to Africa. In the present study, it is believed that China’s foreignassistance is going to be absorbed gradually by the current foreign assistance system as China’s way of development——‘Beijing Consensus’ is accepted by the rest of the worldsteadily.

  • 【分类号】D822.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1395

