

A Study of Li Wenjun’s Literary Translation

【作者】 王春

【导师】 查明建;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 翻译家李文俊(1930-),译述成果丰富,所译介的代表作家阵容壮观,如卡夫卡、福克纳、海明威、塞林格、麦卡勒斯、艾略特、艾丽斯·门罗等,尤其对威廉·福克纳在中国的译介,引导了几代中国读者的阅读兴趣,深刻影响着当代中国文学的发生发展。就其译作的数量、质量和影响而言,理应被当作一个重量级翻译家进行专门研究,但截至目前,却罕有专门的深度评述。本研究旨在一定程度上填补这一缺憾,对社会学视域下的翻译家研究、比较文学视域下的福克纳影响研究,以及翻译家的当代翻译文学史地位研究等方面,都具有相当重要的意义和价值,研究成果也将为学界的进一步穷其精髓,提供有价值的参考。翻译家李文俊成长于文化碰撞衍生的时代,这个时代是思想、方法论不断推陈出新的时代。有机会从中国现代“文艺复兴”的成果中汲取丰富的滋养,并受教于那些承前启后、继往开来的文化先行者们,多元的文化影响与沉淀,契合了将一种语言所表达的思想艺术最大限度的用另一种语言等值再现的文学翻译工作。作为译者,李文俊功力深厚,中英文俱佳,在各种文体的翻译中均有所优异表现,尤长于翻译美国作家的作品,其所译福克纳的作品,均为上乘之作,被奉为经典,所产生的深刻影响成为当代中国文学史上的重要一笔,为当代中国文学不仅仅“创造新词和新的表达模式”,更在创作思想、艺术审美等诸多方面为当代作家提供了借鉴和参考。2011年因其卓越的翻译成就,李文俊获中国译协颁发的“翻译文化终身成就奖”。本文以比较文学和翻译社会学理论为研究视角,考察、描述和挖掘当代中国文学不断变换的语境下,翻译家李文俊在新中国成立后各不同时期的文学译介活动和翻译思想,尝试对其基本特征进行归纳总结,做理论层面上的升华。换言之,一方面,研究借鉴了社会学理论,社会学理论给翻译家研究提供了全新的视野,从社会、历史、文化等多重角度探讨译者与社会的关系问题,捕捉其生存心态影响下的翻译观和翻译策略,有助于全面考察其翻译活动的复杂性与特殊性;另一方面,从比较文学的“互文”视角,将外来文学影响、当代文化语境以及民族文学传统等因素纳入研究视野,以期在影响研究中对翻译家的社会价值进行重新审视。本研究意义体现在如下几个方面:1)跨学科意义:自上世纪八十年代以来,李译福克纳深刻影响了中国当代文学的创作和生产,并在文学传播、文学评论、比较文学、审美文化等方面刻下了深深的烙印,对李译福克纳的研究,是认识当代中国文化史和思想史脉络的重要途径之一。2)文学意义:福克纳等作家及作品的译介是美国文学研究的组成部分,映射了二十世纪美国文学的诸多发展特征,李文俊的翻译为国内学界美国文学研究提供了文本基础,对其翻译思想和翻译策略等进行探讨,是洞察、把握美国文学的价值观、创作理念、艺术手段最新变化的有效途径。3)实践意义:注重资料收集和研究方法的实证性,通过对译者的深度访谈、译者“副文本”的分析,以及译者影响力的文献计量研究,考察李文俊文学翻译行为和思想策略;此外,当下学界对尚且健在、翻译工作活跃、译著较多的翻译家鲜见关注,翻译家的研究不应沦为一种形式上的“考古学”,应突破那种“盖棺”方可“定论”的惯性思维。本文采取共时描写与历时比较的方法:横向以新时期文化语境为背景,共时描写当代翻译家的集体特征,揭示其受时代语境操控和影响下的文学翻译活动与当代中国文学的发展建设之间的互动关系;纵向以时间为坐标(1958-2012),以李文俊不同时期的福克纳翻译为研究对象,借助比较文学中的影响研究,将李译福克纳的经典建构和演变轨迹置于一个“互文性”参照之中,以形成一个由多视角、多层面构成的系统研究成果。具体而言,在比较文学层面上,本文以描写研究为基础,在尽可能收集所有相关资料后,进行全面客观的描述和详尽分析;在此基础上,采用科学、成熟的实证研究方式,辅以译本个案研究、翻译家影响力研究等实证方法。在翻译社会学层面上,切入社会学主要概念的视角,廓清研究范围;深化惯习、场域等社会学概念及其本质属性的认识,厘清其与翻译家研究的相互关系;从李文俊翻译活动的梳理上升至其翻译思想的理论高度,共时比较当代翻译家的集体特点,揭示他们受时代社会语境操控和影响下的文学翻译与当代中国文学建设之间的互动关系。对本研究的预期目标和当下意义做逻辑递归,尝试对社会学视域下的翻译家研究提出参考性意见,从研究方向和内容方法上做实践基础上的前瞻。

【Abstract】 The translator Li Wenjun (1930-) is excellent in both skills and moral integrity, whohas translated numerous works of famous writers, such as Kafka, Faulkner, Hemingway,Salinger, McCullers, Alice Munro and so forth, especially William Faulkner’s translation inChina, which has increased generations of Chinese readers’ interest in reading and made aprofound impact on the development and progression on contemporary Chinese literature.In terms of number, quality and effect, his translation of William Faulkner deserves anexclusive study as an important translator. However, up to now, there is little deep reviewon it. The dissertation aims to fill in study gaps to some degree, it is believed verysignificant and valuable for research of translators from sociology perspective, Faulkner’sinfluence study from comparative literature perspective and translators’ status incontemporary translation literature history. Research finding will also provide valuablereference for further academic study.Growing up in an age where cultural clash happens, where ideology and methodmetabolize constantly, Li wenjun has a chance to learn from achievements of Chinamodern “Renaissance” and culture pioneers who connect the past with future and carryforward, which accords with translating one language to reproduce the thought and artwhat another language expresses equivalently and maximally. As a translator, Li Wenjundoes well in both Chinese and English, who is especially good at translating Americanwriters’ works. For instance, his translation of Faulkner has been accepted the best. Peopleregard it as classics which play an important role in contemporary Chinese literaturehistory because of the profound influence it has made. Apart from this, it not only “createsnew words and expression patterns”,but also provides references to contemporary writerson creative thinking and artistic aesthetics. He was awarded “Translation and CultureLifetimeAchievementAward” by the Translators Association of China in2011.This study uses an entry point of the theories of comparative literature influence studyand translation sociology; explores and describes Li Wenjun’s literature activities andtranslation thought in each period after the found of New China in constant changingChinese literature context; tries to conclude and summary the basic feature and sublimatethe theory. In other words, on the one hand, research uses sociology theory for reference in that it provides a new ken, explores the relationship between translator and society frommultiple perspectives such as society, history, culture and so forth, helps to investigatetranslation activity’s complexity and specificity comprehensively; On the other hand, from“intertext” perspective of comparative literature, research puts foreign literature’s effect,contemporary culture context, nation literature tradition and other factors into researchvisions, hoping to take a new look at translator’s social value in effect research.The meanings of this dissertation show up in following aspects:(1) Interdisciplinarymeaning: Since the1980s, Li Wenjun’s translation of Faulkner not only has made profoundeffects on the creation and production of contemporary Chinese literature, but also left anindelible impression on literature communication, comparative literature and aestheticculture. It is one of the most vital ways to understand contemporary Chinese literature andideological history by studying Li Wenjun’s translation of Faulkner.(2) Literary meaning:Translations of Faulkner and Hemingway play an important part in researches of Americanliterature, which reflect much features of American literature development in the20thcentury. Researching the style and thought of Li Wenjun’s translation is a useful way for usto grasp and look into the newest variation of value, creative concept and artistic means ofAmerican literature.(3) Practical meaning: We do not pay much attention to the alivetranslators who have translated a lot and actively. Research of translators should not beregarded as a kind of “archaeology”, which means the inertial thinking of “finaljudgment”.Method: synchronic description and diachronic comparison, horizontally uses new eraculture context as background, describes contemporary translator’s common feature,reveals interact relationship between literature translation activity under manipulation andinfluence of contemporary context and contemporary Chinese literature development;longitudinally sets time as a coordinate(1958-2012), makes Li Wenjun’s representativetranslations in different period as research object, puts Li Wenjun’s translation classicconstruction and track of evolution into an “intertext” consult in order to form a systematicresearch achievement from multiple perspectives and dimensions. To be specific, on thelevel of comparative literature, based on description research and scientific, matureempirical study mode, accompanied by version case study, translator influence study and other empirical study methods, research gives a panoramic, objective description anddetail analysis after collecting all the relevant materials.

  • 【分类号】I046
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1349

