

Translation for China’s Global Comminication: a Narrative Account

【作者】 王业昭

【导师】 王恩铭;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 1920年8月,赋予美国妇女选举权的联邦宪法第19修正案正式生效。它既是美国女权斗争史上的里程碑,同时也拉开了女性参与选举政治的序幕。论文以社会性别理论为研究视角,深入剖析了后选举权时期(1920-2000)美国妇女参政的整体状况,及各阶段具体特征,并着重突出女性参政与社会性别演变的互动关系。在此基础上,论文探讨了妇女参政对美国社会发展和民主制度完善所起的推动作用。除绪论和结语外,论文共分三章:第一章重点分析后选举初期,女性在妇女组织、政党、各级政府中的参政表现,以及妇女参政群体的扩展。女性的上述参政行为虽打破了男女分属“公共领域”和“私人领域”的性别身份安排,但传统社会性别观仍是掣肘女性参政地位获得实质性提升的主要因素。总体而言,妇女选举权强有力地冲击了传统社会性别观,女性在选举政治中的角色由“局外人”转变为参与者,故此一时期可称为妇女参政的起步阶段。第二章主要论述二战至70年代末美国妇女参政的特征和社会效应。二战后,就业和第二次女权运动推动女性参政意识、能力的大幅提升。在此期间,尽管女性在各级政府(尤其联邦政府)中从政比例仍偏低,但她们已能在相关政策法规的制定、实施过程中体现女性因素。此外,虽然女权主义者试图全面消解传统社会性别观,但却遭到保守势力的强烈反对,且女性是反女权运动的主力军。正是在传统社会性别的渐进消融过程中,美国妇女主动获取政治权益的能力日益增强,逐步从政治边缘走向政治中心,这一时期亦成为其参政的发展阶段。第三章剖析了20世纪末妇女参政事业的发展,所面临的挑战,以及她们参政地位的升华。80年代,里根保守政府虽无法逆转女权事业向前发展的总体趋势,但挑战与发展并存是妇女参政的显著特征。进入90年代,女性在联邦政府中的地位得以升华。这既是她们参政地位全面提升的集中体现,也部分改变了男权政治的运行模式。与之对应,男女平等的全新社会性别观在美国社会基本确立,女性在选举政治中的身份也逐步从配角转变为主角,这一时期自然成为美国妇女参政的升华阶段。综上所述,通过自身努力与斗争,美国妇女的参政地位逐步提升,而社会性别因素在此过程中发挥着关键作用。根据习惯法,女性的社会性别身份只是贤妻良母。纵观美国妇女后选举权时期的参政历程,社会性别观与妇女参政之间相互影响,互为推动,且成正比关系。在美国的选举体制下,民众的男女平等观念越强,女性参政地位就越高。同理,更多女性进入各级政府决策机构,并发挥不可替代的作用,民众自然更易放弃传统社会性别观。毋庸说,美国妇女参政进程受到宗教、种族、阶层、地域等主、客观因素的影响与制约,社会性别只是其中之一。同样,社会性别观演变是诸多因素相互作用的结果,妇女参政也只是其中之一。限于篇幅和研究目的,论文仅集中探讨妇女参政和社会性别间的互动关系,未对其它因素做详细分析。新中国建立后,党和政府一直致力于提升妇女的政治地位,并在不同时期采取相应措施确保妇女积极、有效参政。虽然中美两国政治制度和选举体制不同,但美国妇女的参政经历对我国妇女参政事业仍具有借鉴意义。譬如,女性要用实践行动消除民众对妇女参政的偏见,这样才能实质性提升自己的参政地位。因此,论文研究成果希冀能为我国的妇女参政事业,以及相关政策的制定者、研究者提供一定借鉴与参考。

【Abstract】 In August,1920, the19thAmendment to the U.S. Constitution grantingwomen the right to vote came into force. The winning of women suffrage is notonly a milestone of American feminist movements, but also constitutes a preludeof women’s participation in electoral politics. Viewed from gender perspective,this dissertation examines the developments and features of women’s politicalparticipation in post-suffrage America (1920-2000), with its main focus on theinteraction between women’s political participation and the evolution of genderroles. Based on the above analyses, the dissertation further explores thesignificant roles of political participation to promote the developments ofAmerican society and democracy. Besides Introduction and Conclusion, thedissertation can be divided into three parts:Chapter One focuses on women’s political behaviors in women organizations,major parties, and local and federal governments in early post-suffrage America.Such political activities break the traditional gender rule, according to which menbelong to the public sphere, and women should stay in the private sphere. But atthe same time, gender is still one of the major obstacles to elevate Americanwomen’s political status. Generally Speaking, women suffrage greatly challengesAmerican people’s traditional gender perception, and American women becomesan insider in electoral politics. Therefore, early post suffrage era can be regardedas the initial stage of American women’s political participation.Chapter Two explores the features and social effects of American women’spolitical participation between the1950s and the1970s. After World War Two,stimulated by employments outside home and the second wave feministmovement, women greatly enhance their political consciousness and capacities.Although the proportion of women working in governments, federal governmentin particular, is still pretty low, they can substantively influence the making andimplementation of laws and policies about women’s rights. Meanwhile, feministsput all their efforts to eradicate the influences of traditional gender, but they meet strong resistance from the anti-feminists, especially conservative women. It is inthe process of dissolution of traditional gender notion that American women’sabilities to obtain political rights are improved step by step. Correspondingly,women’s political role in electoral politics moves from margin to mainstream, andthis period can be called the development stage of American women’s politicalparticipation.Chapter Three systematically analyzes challenges, developments, andsublimation in the process of American women’s political participation at the endof20thcentury. In the1980s, the Reagan administration can’t reverse the upwardtrend of women’s political participation, but challenges and advancementsco-existing is the distinctive feature in this period. In the1990s, as typicalexpression of women’s political status, their role in federal government has beensublimated, and political women are able to partly change forms of powercharacterized by patriarchy. Meanwhile, the idea that man and woman are equal toeach other has been established by and large, and women have come to playcertain leading roles in electoral politics. Therefore, it is the sublimation stage ofAmerican women’s political participation.In conclusion, American women’s status in political sphere has been elevatedstep by step, and gender plays a significant role in this process. Under theCommon Law, women’s gender roles are just housewife and mother. From theexperiences of American women’s political participation in post suffrage America,it is clear that gender and women’s political participation closely interact witheach other, and they are in direct proportional relation. In American electoralpolitics, if more people are convinced that men and women are equal to each other,more women are likely to be elected to top positions in local and federalgovernments. Similarly, if women equally share the power of governments, andmake indispensable contributions to U.S., it will be much easier for the public togive up their traditional gender perception.The progress of American women’s political participation is affected byvarious elements, such as religion, race, class, and region, and gender is just one of them. The evolution of gender notion is the result of numerous factors, andwomen’s political participation is one of them as well. Limited by the length andmain research purpose, this dissertation only focuses on the interaction betweengender and women’s political participation, without having detail analyses ofother factors.Since the founding of the PRC, the CCP and our government have taken aseries of measures to ensure women’s effective political participation. AlthoughChina and the U.S. have different political and electoral systems, we can stilldraw lessons and inspirations from the experiences of American women’s politicalparticipation. For instance, if women aim at obtaining equal political status to men,they have to eradicate the gender biases in people’s minds through actual deeds.So the research hopes to provide some instructive hints or suggestions for Chinesepolitical women, scholars and policy makers related to women’s politicalparticipation.

【关键词】 美国妇女选举权参政社会性别
【Key words】 American womensuffragepolitical participationgender
  • 【分类号】C913.68;K712
  • 【下载频次】1128

