

A Study on Translation Activities in Yan’an Times and Its Influences

【作者】 袁西玲

【导师】 张健;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 国内现有的延安学研究对延安时期翻译活动的关照缺乏,致使目前的研究成果不能完全涵盖和反映延安时期社会文化的全貌。从翻译角度而言,国内众多的翻译史研究成果对延安时期的翻译活动也鲜有提及,致使延安时期的翻译命题成为中国翻译史研究中一个缺失的环节。本论文以延安时期翻译实践活动为研究对象,采用翻译史研究常规的描述性、社会性和“翻译考古”的方法,以翻译政治、翻译生态学、翻译伦理三大理论为支撑,从延安时期翻译活动的社会需求问题入手,宏观考察延安时期翻译活动的社会历史语境、翻译活动的整体特征、影响与学术意义;并对此时期的翻译现象、翻译类型,翻译机构、译者群体与翻译作品从翻译对于国际话语权、宣传与外交的作用进行历史的评价与跨文化解释,归纳这些翻译活动起到的社会功能与发挥的历史作用。论文指出研究延安时期翻译专题史对中国翻译史研究的意义。延安时期的翻译活动对新中国的对外编译局、外交部门、高等外语学校的发展都奠定了基础,是中国翻译史研究、口译史研究、应用翻译研究不可忽视的对象。论文强调延安时期的翻译者们作为历史见证者和文化创造者身份和地位的重要性;指出延安时期翻译实践的时代特征,延安时期翻译活动的翻译政治学和社会学特征与意义;论文最后以史为鉴,提出了延安时期翻译活动对当前中国外宣翻译的借鉴意义。论文对延安时期翻译活动的社会性、政治性、跨文化性进行综合考察与深入分析,并以意识形态建设、文化建设、外交的大视野,观照延安时期翻译活动的政策、困境与成就,指出延安时期的翻译活动对中国应用翻译研究的特殊贡献。延安时期的马列著作翻译、外电国际新闻翻译、对外英语广播和外宣文稿翻译、国际友人采访的口译翻译活动、战地军事翻译等活动都具有显著的战争时代视域下的应用翻译特征,不仅在内宣上成为延安时期马列思想与国外文化输入的主流渠道,在外宣传播上也促进了当时延安与国际世界的交流,还对塑造与提升延安的国际化形象以及形成积极正面的舆论宣传起到推动作用。延安时期翻译活动的经验对当前国际化语境下做好中国形象与文化的对外传播研究具有现实意义。

【Abstract】 The comprehensive study of Yan’an times has been a promising study and research field in China’s mainland. However, the researchers and current academic achievement on this issue paid little attention to the translation activities in Yan’an times, which resulted in a lack of study focus concerning the integrity of Yan’an Times Study. Regarding the studies on China’s translation history, the translation period of Yan’an times has been ignored, and thus caused the incompleteness of study frame of China’s translation history. This dissertation focuses on the translation activities in Yan’an times, analyses the factors that affected those translation activities in terms of social, ideological, and diplomatic background in Yan’an times, and summarizes the roles and significance that those translation activities has played.The paper is composed of seven chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, presenting the forming of the research topic, the general content construction, study approaches and the significance of the paper. Chapter2is the literature review, including the academic achievement on the study of translation history both abroad and in China, and the rationale of the study, namely translation and power, translation ecology, and translation ethics. Chapters3-6are about the different aspects of translation activities in Yan’an times. Chapter3deals with the social discourse of the translation activities, including the social background of the translation activities and the relative translation agencies, and points out the translation ecology in Yan’an times. Chapter4introduces the translation figures like the professional translators and the grass rooted interpreters and their social and historical recognition. Chapter5reviews the translation training programs and its functions in Yan’an times, and its influences on Foreign language Schools in New China. Chapter6analyzes the various translation works including the translation of Marxism classics, the translation of news articles from foreign magazines and radio broadcasting, the interview interpretation between foreign journalists and Chinese Red Army leaders and soldiers, and summarizes the propaganda and publicity purpose of these translation works. The last chapter is the conclusion, which summarizes the academic significance and the implication of translation activities in Yan’an times. The paper highlights the political discourse of the various translation activities in Yan’an times, and points out its unique contribution to the international communication, publicity and diplomacy of the CCP in Yan’an times. Therefore, the author believes that the translation activities in Yan’an times are a typical case study of translation and power, and it shares the common features of the applied translation.The paper employs the descriptive approach to the translation history study to interpret and analyze the historical materials and translation events, and suggests the translation activities in Yan’an times corresponded with the then ideological, social, military, diplomatic needs and the necessity of international communication as well. The paper suggests that translation activities in Yan’an times in general was a helping and powerful factor both to the final victory of the Anti-Japanese War and to the international recognition of Chinese Communist Party, and it played a solid foundation for the establishment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Colleges of Foreign Languages, and the Compilation and Translation Bureau of New China.The paper also indicates the weakness of those translation activities due to the discourse of the war time, and points out the possible reasons for the current ignorance of the study of translation activities in Yan’an times. However, the translation activities in Yan’an times is a unique section in China’s translation history, and the study of it is rewarding to the exploration of China’s translation history.It is the author’s hope that this groundbreaking dissertation will arouse more researchers’ interest and attention to the integral translation activities in Yan’an times so that a more clear and complete picture of China’s translation history will be portrayed.

  • 【分类号】H059;K265
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】3704

