

A Study on C-E International Publicity Translation of Ethnic Cultures in Guizhou from the Perspective of Skopostheorie

【作者】 乐萍

【导师】 张健;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着世界多极化和经济全球化趋势不断加快,对外宣传的重要性也日益凸现。对迅速发展中的中国而言,搞好对外宣传工作的重要性和必要性不言而喻,尤其是我国的少数民族地区文化的对外宣传翻译。近年来少数民族地区的发展越来越快,同时该地区的少数民族文化也日益走向世界。因此,少数民族文化的多样性受到各种内在和外在因素的冲击,在跨文化交际过程中就出现了文化空缺和文化冲突等现象,从而影响了不同民族文学的互输与接收。在我国西南地区的贵州主要生活着布依族、侗族、苗族、水族等十多种少数民族,在历史长河中各少数民族形成丰富多彩的生活习俗,创造别具一格的民族文化。贵州少数民族文化与相邻文化如,桂文化、蜀文化、滇文化等少数民族文化形成多元文化的相互交融。这种多元文化的传承与共生现象,不仅在国内,而且在世界上也是十分罕见,给人类留下了珍贵的文化遗产。本文结合了对外宣传翻译的特点和原则,以目的论为理论框架,在文化传播和交流中运用外宣翻译策略和方法诠释贵州少数民族风俗习惯和语言特征。对外宣传翻译策略成为各民族间文化交流的基本形式,外宣翻译研究实际就是文化互动的研究。贵州少数民族的民族习惯、民族地域环境和对事物的理解与态度是语言中民族特点的基本形式。本文以文化学和翻译学为理论基础,运用目的论中目的原则、连贯原则和忠实原则结合了对外宣传翻译的面向目标受众原则、可互译性原则和信息守恒原则分析讨论贵州少数民族的外宣翻译研究。笔者认为在跨文化交际中处理民族文化对外宣传翻译的内容可以从历史背景、生活习俗及风土人情、宗教信仰、地域文化的差异等方面进行研究。这就要求翻译工作者运用对外宣传翻译策略,从宏观和微观维度审视少数民族文化意识,解决文化交流中的文化冲突和文化空缺等问题,从而宣传少数民族的民俗和民风,传达民族文化信息和促进文化的交流。全文分为六章:第一章综述本文研究的目的、意义、方法、主要内容、论文结构与创新之处。第二章分析外宣传翻译和目的论国内外研究现状、定义、分类、研究意义、特征和功能等。介绍了文化的定义、分类、特点以及贵州少数民族文化和我国少数民族翻译的现状。第三、四、五分别把目的论的三个原则与外宣翻译三个原则相结合,分析了贵州少数民族中苗族、侗族和布依族的文化特征以及文化构成,即风俗习惯、历史因素、宗教信仰、环境与地域文化的差异、思维模式等方面的外宣传翻译研究。采用了释义法,加注法,删减法,增补,改写,归化和异化等翻译策略有效的对外宣传贵州少数民族文化。本文的创新之处:目前有分别解读少数民族文化学,目的论和外宣翻译的相关文献,但把三者结合在一起研究的少之又少。本研究不仅仅针对贵州少数民族文化的外宣翻译研究,只是把贵州少数民族文化的外宣翻译作为个案分析,目的在于更有效地解读少数民族文化的对外宣传、传播和交流,使异民族的文化交流成为可能。本文将目的论三原则与外宣翻译的三原则对应并具体化是对目的论新的解读与运用。通过研究目的论的三个原则、外宣翻译、贵州少数民族文化的基本特征以及实例分析,得出在跨文化交际过程外宣翻译的翻译策略和技巧,向世界呈现了贵州少数民族在漫长的历史长河中逐渐沉淀出有别于他民族的独特的文化体系,体现贵州少数民族智慧和生活的多样性,达到少数民族文化的对外宣传目的。不仅对目的论、外宣翻译而且对少数民族的风俗、民风的研究,将产生积极的影响。

【Abstract】 With the acceleration of multi-polarization and economic globalization, there hasbeen an increasing need for further development of international business andcross-cultural communication. Therefore, the C-E international publicity translation isbecoming more and more significant. For a rapidly developing country like China, it isimportant and necessary to develop the C-E international publicity translation,especially the translation of the ethnic cultures in the ethnic areas of China. In recentyears, these ethnic areas have been developing more and more quickly, and at the sametime, the ethnic cultures of the areas increasingly go to the world. Therefore, thediversity of ethnic culture is impacted by all kinds of internal and external factors. Inthe cross-cultural communication, cultural default and cultural conflict appear and theyhave an influence on the transmission and acceptance of literatures originating fromdifferent ethnic groups. There are mainly more than ten national minorities such as theBuyis, the Dongs, the Miaos and the Shuis in Guizhou. These national minorities havedeveloped colorful lifestyles and customs in the long history. In addition, they havecreated the unique ethnic cultures. The rich ethnic cultures in Guizhou have integratedinto multi-cultures from neighboring areas such as Guangxi culture, Chu culture andYunnan culture that intermingle with each other. It is rather rare not only in China butalso in the whole world that such diversified cultures well inherit and coexistharmoniously. They are precious cultural heritages for the whole human race.The thesis combines the rules of Skopostheorie with the laws of the C-Einternational publicity translation and adopts the translation strategies and techniquesto deal with the customs and language features of Guihzou national minorities incultural transmission and communication according to the Skopostheorie. Thetranslation strategies and techniques are the fundamental forms of culturalcommunication about different national minorities. The research of the C-Einternational publicity translation is actually the study of cultural interaction. Thecustoms, geographical environments and comprehension or attitudes towardscircumstance show the sign of national characteristics. The thesis combines the Skoposrule, coherence rule and fidelity rule with the law of target language receiver-orientedness, the law of intertranslatability and the law of informationconservation to be investigative clues on the theoretical basis of culturology andtranslatology. In cross-cultural communication, the translators can study the contentsof the publicity materials about the ethnic cultures from the angle of historicalbackground, lifestyles and customs, local conditions and customs, religious beliefs andthe differences of regional cultures. It requires that the translators apply translationstrategies to survey the ethnic cultural consciousness from the macroscopic andmicroscopic views and solve the problems of cultural default and conflict, whichpublicizes the ethnic cultures and customs, transmits the information of ethnic culturesand promotes the cultural communication.In Chapter One, the thesis sums up the purpose, significance, methodology, maincontents, structure and innovative points.In Chapter Two, the thesis states the C-E international publicity translation andthe Skopostheorie from the research review, definition, classification, researchsignificance, characteristics and the function. It also introduces the definition,classification and features of culture, including the ethnic cultures of Guizhou andoverview of ethnic cultural translation in China.In Chapters Three, Four and Five, the thesis combines the three rules ofSkopostheorie with the three laws of the C-E international publicity translation toanalyze the C-E international publicity translation of the ethnic cultural features andstructures of the Miaos, the Dongs and the Buyis in Guizhou from the perspectives ofcustoms and habits, historical factors, environment and geography, religious beliefsand thinking patterns. This thesis has adopted translation strategies and skills such asparaphrasing, explanation, deletion, supplement, rewriting, domestication andforeignization to effectively publicize the ethnic cultures in Guizhou.This thesis shows the main innovative points as follows: up to now, someresearchers have respectively studied the ethnic cultures, Skopostheorie and the C-Einternational publicity translation, but there are a few studies about the combination ofthem. This study not only aims at Guizhou national minorities but also regards them asa case analysis. The purpose of study aims at efficiently analyzing the publicity, transmitting and communicating ethnic cultures as well as making the culturalcommunication of different nationalities possible. The thesis reinterprets and reappliesthe Skopostheorie by corresponding or embodying the three rules of Skopostheoriewith the three laws of C-E international publicity translation. It also studies the threerules of Skopostheorie, the C-E international publicity translation and the elementarycharacteristics of ethnic cultures in Guizhou including a case analysis. In addition, itconcludes the translation strategies and techniques of the C-E international publicitytranslation in cross-cultural communication to analyze the unique ethnic cultures inGuizhou, which develop for a long history and are different from other nationalities.The special culture reflects diversity of Guizhou national minorities’ intelligence andlife. Therefore, it can achieve the purpose of publicizing the ethnic cultures and have apositive impact on Skopostheorie, C-E international publicity translation and thecustoms of national minorities.

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【下载频次】1258

