

An Acttion Reseaerch on Cultivating Listening and Speaking Competence of Chinese Adult English Learners Within Continuing Education System

【作者】 彭梅

【导师】 陈坚林;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 随着构建学习型社会以及终身教育理念的不断推广,高等继续教育受到了国家越来越多的重视。继续教育英语教学近年来虽然取得了较快发展,但教学改革力度总体较小,教学内容和方法创新不够。从教师角度看,课堂教学基本上仍以教师为中心,忽视学生的学习主体作用和交际能力的培养;从学习者角度看,成人学生听说能力尤其薄弱,他们迫切希望提高听说技能。本文针对继续教育英语教学的现状,采用行动研究法的原则和步骤,结合定性和定量研究方法,对继续教育英语专业成人业余学生的听力和口语培养过程展开研究(共四轮),试图探索出一条培养继续教育英语专业成人业余学生听说能力的有效途径。研究者对学生听力的培养重点通过以听写为主要手段的一系列教学活动来进行,对口语能力的培养重点通过以小组合作式英语短剧排演为主要手段的一系列活动来进行。同时,笔者在研究过程中对语言学习策略培训和形成性评价对教学效果的影响方面也进行了有益的探索。研究者主要通过测试、问卷、访谈、学生书面报告、教师日记和录像等方式收集数据,利用描述统计分析、T检验、相关分析和标注归纳等方法分析数据。研究结果表明,通过四轮行动研究,笔者实施的听写和短剧排演教学有效提高了学生的听力和口语水平,他们不仅听写水平和口语表达能力都得到了比较明显的提升(听写成绩均分从5.25分提高到11.03分,口试成绩均分从79.83分提高到86.80分),其语法使用、词汇量、拼写准确性、团队合作能力、自信心、兴趣、态度、动机、学习策略和交流技巧等方面也得到了不同程度的提高。最后笔者得出结论:针对学习者特点实施的听写和短剧排演是非常有效的提高学习者听力和口语水平的教学手段和方法;同时,在教学中对学习者施以有针对性的学习策略培训并且合理利用形成性评价也是教学成功的重要因素。本研究主要在以下三个方面有所创新:1)研究对象的创新:本文的研究对象是继续教育英语专业成人业余学生,在国内现有英语语言文学专业博士论文中较少见。该学习群体具有明显区别于普通全日制高校大学生的学习者特点,因此如何在教学研究中不断深化对该学习群体的认识、总结其学习外语的特征有助于拓宽国际二语习得研究领域中究对象的广度和深度。2)研究内容的创新:本文的核心内容为如何创造性地利用“听写”和“合作式短剧排演”活动、结合语言学习策略培训和形成性评价来培养成人学生的英语听说能力,相比该领域之前以理论式探讨和教学经验总结为主的英语教学类研究,本研究内容比较有创意。3)研究方法和研究时长的创新:本研究主要采用教师行动研究法,对学生的听说能力培养进行了4个学期(共4轮)的行动研究,研究方法和时长在我国高等英语教学领域比较少见,具有一定的开拓性。本篇论文由六个章节构成。第一章绪论主要介绍论文的研究背景、目的和意义,指出对英语专业成人业余学生的听说能力进行深入系统研究的必要性和意义。第二章为文献综述。作者重点从以下方面进行文献回顾和评析:成人外语学习者特点、听力和口语教学研究、外语教学中的小组合作学习、语言学习策略培训以及形成性评价和终结性评价。在文献综述基础上笔者阐明本研究的理论基础。第三章为研究设计,包括研究环境和对象、初步研究、研究问题、研究方法、研究工具和研究过程简述。第四章作为本论文最核心的章节,主要从听力和口语两个层面同时展开。对听力和口语能力的培养分别通过以“听写”和“合作式短剧排演”为主要手段的系列活动来进行,按照行动研究开展的特点,逐一对四轮研究过程进行具体描述、分析、评价和反思。第五章是总结与反思。笔者以鸟瞰的角度对四轮行动研究结果进行归纳式总结,对本文四个研究问题做出正面回答,肯定了听写教学和短剧排演教学的积极效果,概括出比较有效的听写和短剧排演教学的策略和方法,同时对在研究过程中起到重要辅助作用的学习策略培训和学生学业评价体系进行描述、讨论和总结。最后一章结语部分首先在总结全文的基础上得出结论,继而从应用层面讨论本文对继续教育英语教学产生的教学启示,反思了本研究的局限性并对未来的研究方向进行展望。

【Abstract】 With the popularization of the concepts of“constructing a learning society”and‘lifelong education’, continuing education has received increasing attention from thegovernment. Although English teaching in the area of continuing education has madesome rapid progress in recent years, innovations in terms of teaching contents andmethods are far from adequate. From the perspective of teachers, classroom teachingis basically characterized as “teacher-centered”, ignoring learners’ agency and thecultivation of communicative skills; from the perspective of learners, adult studentsare particularly weak in listening and speaking and are eager to improve theircommunicative skills.Based on the current situation of English teaching in the field of continuingeducation, this study, which adopted the action research approach together withqualitative and quantitative research methods and lasted for4academic terms,attempted to explore the effective ways of cultivating learners’ listening and speakingcompetence, which were largely characterized by activities centering on “dictation”and “cooperative drama performance”. Meanwhile, in the research process, theresearcher also explored the role of strategy training and formative assessment on theeffect of teaching listening and speaking. Data were collected via tests, questionnaires,interviews, learners’ written reports, teaching journals and videos, and were analyzedusing descriptive statistical analysis, T-tests, correlation analysis, and markedinduction method. The findings show that, through four cycles of action research, notonly the participants’ overall listening and speaking competence saw a markedincrease in terms of dictation ability and speaking competence (with the mean ofdictation tests rising from5.25to11.03, and the mean of oral tests from79.83to86.80), their performance in grammar use, vocabulary capacity, spelling, team work,self-confidence, interest, motivation, attitudes, learning strategy and interpersonalcommunication skills were improved to varying degrees as well. On the basis of theresearch findings, the researcher reached the conclusion: dictation and cooperative drama-related activities tailored for learners are fairly effective teaching methods todevelop their listening and speaking competence, and meanwhile, it is of greatimportance for teachers to conduct strategy training and make good use of formativeassessment which are designed particularly for their learners.The findings of the research are of innovative and academic values in threeaspects:1) Participants: Participants are part-time adult English majors in continuingeducation who are barely seen in existing doctoral dissertations in the area of Englishlanguage and literature in China. This learning group is distinctively different fromfull-time college students in terms of learner characteristics. Therefore, how to deepenour understanding of them and summarize their language learning characteristics canhelp enlarge the width and depth of participants in the field of SLA research.2) Research content: The core content of this dissertation is how to creatively use“dictation” and “cooperative drama-related activities” together with strategy trainingand formative assessment to develop learners’ English listening and speaking skills.Compared with previous studies which mainly focus on theoretical discussion andsummaries of teaching experiences in the field of adult English teaching, the studycontent is significant.3) Research methodology: Based on the action research methodology, this study lastsfor four academic semesters (four cycles). In the domain of adult English teaching,the research method and time span are rare and comparatively pioneering.This dissertation consists of six chapters. Chapter One makes an overallintroduction to research background, purpose and significance. The author points outthe necessity of making profound, systematic pedagogical research into part-timeadult learners’ listening and speaking competence. Chapter Two provides a generalreview of relevant literature concerning the present study, which includes: thecharacteristics of adult language learners both abroad and in China, existing researchon teaching of listening and speaking, cooperative learning in language teaching,language learning strategy training, and formative and summative assessment. Basedon literature review, the author clarifies the theoretical foundation of this dissertation. Chapter Three is devoted to research design, including research environment andparticipants, preliminary studies, research questions, methodology, instruments andresearch process. Chapter Four is a detailed description of and discussion on theresearch process which is implemented from the aspects of listening and speaking in aparallel way. Concentrating on “dictation” and “cooperative drama-related activities”,four cycles of action research are conducted with detailed analysis, evaluations andreflections of each cycle. Chapter Five is the overall summary of and reflection on thewhole study. The author takes a bird’s eye view of the four cycles of action research interms of listening and speaking, affirms the positive role of “dictation” and“cooperative drama rehearsals” and generalizes the effective teaching strategies.Meanwhile, she also gives a detailed description of and discussion on how to conductstrategy training and take advantage of formative assessment, which plays importantsupportive parts in the whole study. The last chapter first generalizes the whole studyand draws the conclusion, then it moves on to discuss the pedagogical implications foradult English teaching, reflect on the limitations of this study and point out futureresearch directions in the end.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1714

