

Relationship between Cognitive Ability and Consecutive Interpreting Competence

【作者】 刘猛

【导师】 戴惠萍;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 翻译学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 口译能力构成研究起步较晚。从研究范式上来看,口译能力研究主要借鉴外语学能研究和翻译能力构成研究的成果,认为口译能力是由一系列子能力构成。然而现有研究并没有说明这些子能力在重要性上有多大差异、这些子能力在口译训练中提高的难度差异、以及口译能力中的认知能力是否与口译表现有关联。本研究在已有研究的基础上,首先提出口译能力构成体系,阐述了认知能力的认知神经心理学基础,从而提出四个具体的研究问题:1)口译能力各项子能力在重要性上有何差异,认知能力是否是其一项重要构成要素?2)口译能力各项子能力在口译训练中提高难度有何差异,认知能力是否很难提高?3)认知能力的差异是否有助于口译员的选拔?4)认知能力的差异是否能够预测交替传译的学习效果?本研究采取定量与定性相结合的研究方法。针对第一、第二个研究问题,本研究设计了一套调查问卷。调查的对象主要是与口译实践活动紧密相关的三类人,即职业译员、口译教师、口译学生。调查问卷在题干设计上采用Likert五级量表形式,便于对这三类人员对口译能力各项构成要素的态度进行定量研究。针对第三个研究问题,本研究采用威斯康辛卡片分类测试(WCST)收集了国内开设翻译硕士专业学位(MTI)院校的笔译硕士(MT)与口译硕士(MI)各自认知能力的相关数据,用于对比两类学生在认知能力上是否存在差异。针对第四个研究问题,本研究设计了一套交替传译测试,利用测试结果与认知能力做相关性分析,研究认知能力与口译能力的关系。本研究采用概率抽样和非概率抽样方法,在样本的数量和地域代表性上,比以往的相关研究有较大突破。问卷调查部分共涉及包括自由译员、国家部委专职译员、翻译服务机构译员在内的31名职业译员、全国15个省份20所院校的48名专任口译教师、以及10省份16所院校的140名MI学生。为研究MT与MI学生认知能力是否存在差异,笔者收集了三所院校六个班级71名MT学生与65名MI学生的WCST数据;为了验证认知能力与交替传译学习效果之间的关系,笔者选择了三所院校三个班级54名MI学生参加了为本研究专门设计的交替传译测试。研究结果表明:第一,口译能力各项子能力在重要性上存在差异,重要性由重到轻排序结果依次是语言能力、心理耐力、认知能力、实践能力、百科知识、口译技能、生理耐力、职业意识、交际能力、合作能力、演讲能力、工具能力,其中认知能力是口译能力的一项重要构成要素,位列第三。第二,口译能力各项子能力在口译训练中提高难易程度有明显差异,提高难易程度由重到轻排序分别为心理耐力、认知能力、实践能力、语言能力、口译技能、生理耐力、交际能力、百科知识、演讲技能、合作能力、工具能力、职业意识,其中认知能力提高的难度很大,位列第二。第三,认知能力高低的差异有助于口译员的选拔。研究的结果表明,在同一所院校内,MI学生的总体认知能力高于MT学生,两类学生在认知能力上存在显著性差异,这说明认知能力高低的差异有助于区分这两类学生。第四,认知能力的差异对交替传译学习效果有预测价值。研究结果表明三所院校MI学生的认知能力与各自的交替传译成绩成正相关,说明认知能力较高的学生比认知能力相对较低的学生更容易在交替传译学习中取得进步,认知能力的不同能有效预测交替传译学习的效果。本研究对口译理论与实践的贡献主要体现在三个方面:第一,首次用定量的方法明确了口译能力各项子能力在重要性上的差异以及这些子能力在实践中提高的难易程度差别,完善了口译能力体系构建研究,使得口译教学重点突出,教学层次更加清晰,内容安排更加科学,可以有效避免口译教学中资源和精力的浪费,最终能够促进口译教学效果的提高。第二,从跨学科角度探讨了认知能力的认知神经心理学基础,阐释了认知能力对口译学习重要性的机理,丰富了口译理论。第三,借助心理学测量工具—威斯康辛卡片分类测试第一次将认知能力量化,验证了认知能力在预测口译学习效果上的准确性,为口译员筛选提供了新的视角。

【Abstract】 Study on the components of interpreting competence (IC) is rather a late start. Derived from the combination of foreign language aptitude study and study on the components of translation competence, the interpreting competence includes a number of subcompetences.However, no previous study has adequately dealt with the differences of those subcompetences in terms of their importance to IC, the various challenges of improving those subcompetences in interpreting training, and the correlation between cognitive ability (CA) and interpreting performance.Based on the literature review, this paper first proposes a model of IC.Then it explores the cognitive psychological basis of CA followed by four research questions to address areas that have not been discussed in literature:1) What are the differences of those subcompetences in terms of their importance to IC, and is CA itself an important component of IC?2) What are the challenges of improving those subcompetences in interpreting training, and is CA difficult to improve?3) Is the identification of CA variance in candidates helpful in interpreter selection?4) Does CA variance have predictive value to the effect of consecutive interpreting study?The study took a combined use of quantitative methods and qualitative methods.To address the first two research questions, a questionnaire was employed. The research participants mainly included three groups of people who were of different degrees related to interpreting activities, namely professional interpreters, interpreting teachers and students of Master of Interpreting. A5-point Likert scale was applied to the items of the questionnaire in order to quantitatively measure the attitudes of the above-mentioned three groups. To address the third research question, the data of Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) was administered to compare the CA variances of students of Master of Translation (MT) and students of Master of Interpreting (MI) among China’s MTI institutions. To address the fourth research question, a consecutive interpreting (CI) test was designed, in line with the WCST test, to examine the relationship between CI and CA.The study employed both probability sampling and non-probability sampling, and the representativeness of sample size and sample coverage was much higher than that of the previous studies. The respondents of the questionnaire included31professional interpreters from three different agencies,48interpreting teachers from20universities in15provinces, and140MI students from16universities in10provinces. To compare the CA variances of MT and MI students, the WCST data of71MT students and65MI students from six classes of three universities were collected. To explore the correlation between CI and CA,54MI students from three classes of three universities took the CI test.The results of the study were as follows.1) Among the subcompetences of IC listed in the order of decreasing importance, viz., language competence, psychological endurance, cognitive ability, practical ability, encyclopedic knowledge, interpreting skills, physiological endurance, professional ethics, communicative competence, cooperative ability, public speaking skills, and search-tool-use competence, cognitive ability was a fairly important one.2) Among the subcompetences of IC listed in the order of decreasing difficulty in interpreting training, viz., psychological endurance, cognitive ability, practical ability, language competence, interpreting skills, physiological endurance, communicative competence, encyclopedic knowledge, public speaking skills, cooperative ability, search-tool-use ability and professional ethics, cognitive ability was fairely hard to improve.3) CA variance is helpful in interpreter selection. The results showed that the CA levels of MI students in all three participating universities were significantly higher than those of the MT students, which proves that CA variance is helpful in distinguishing MI and MT students.4) CA variance has predictive value in CI study. The results showed that the CA levels of MI students in three universities were positively correlated with their respective CI scores, which illustrates that those students with higher CA levels are more likely to make greater progress in CI training than those with lower CA levels and CA variance has predictive value in CI study.The contributions of the study to interpreting theory and practice are manifested in three aspects.1) The study, for the first time, differentiates the importance and improvement difficulty of twelve IC subcompetences in practice, and it helps improve the IC system, and makes the emphasis of interpreting teaching more clear and scientific, avoiding waste of resources and energy due to lack of understanding of the differences of those subcompetences. As a result, teaching efficacy will be improved.2) The nero-psychological basis of cognitive ability is explored from a cross-disciplinary respective and the underpinnings of cognitive ability to IC are explained as well, which expands interpreting theory.3) Cognitive ability is, for the first time, quantitatively measured by WCST, a psychological measurement tool and it is demonstrated that cognitive ability is positively correlated with interpreting study, thus providing a new perspective in the selection of potential interpreters.

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1062

