

Study of Vietnam Urban Cultural Life

【作者】 黄文基

【导师】 夏玉珍;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 社会学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 城市是人类创造的,它与自然界的奇伟分毫不差。有人把城市比喻为“第二自然”,是因为其按照自己的规律和周期运行,也是人类的生活环境。城市化已经使人们的政治、经济和文化等活动发生变革,生活更加丰富,发展更加全面,人类社会与自然环境之间的和谐要求更高。人类社会已历经许多时代,不论物质还是精神方面所取得的成就都是与城市化进程不可分割的。可以说,城市化是社会发展必不可少的过程,它也是衡量一个国家文明发展水平与程度的价值尺度之一,同时也是不同时期的文化发展水平及方式的表现形式。但是,人们常常通过生态环境、科技进步、基础设施和人们的生活条件来评价城市发展水平。而关于城市文化方面,越南乃至世界就被很少谈到。城市按照人们的需求和愿望而不断地发展。城市为人们的生产、贸易、服务和销售等社会活动提供了方便,满足了人们的各项社会需求。城市文化也在这样的进程中应运而生,它象一条红线贯穿于整个城市人民的生活历程,照亮了人类文明史,是人类生活环境进步的重要标志。越南正处在工业化进程中;全体人民正在为成为一个工业化国家而努力奋斗。为了实现民富国强、公平正义、文化繁荣这一目标,我们不可忽略建设与发展城市文化事业。正是在这样背景下。论文选题以越南城市文化生活为研究对象,论文分为六大部分;第一部分简要地介绍了越南城市化过程中的文化生活背景,说明其研究意义及思路。论文较全面地综述了国内外关于城市化及城市文化生活的研究成果,确立了论文研究方向。第二部分论文回顾与分析了世界与越南城市化的进程,即城市化发展的重要意义,城市化发展的事实,城市化发展的表现,城市生活与农村生活。关于越南城市化过程方面,主要探讨了越南城市化的几个阶段及若干特点。论文考察了越南城市化进程中面临的社会问题,即城市和农村经济问题、社会基础设施问题、城市的贫困问题、居民住房问题、就业及环境保护问题,等。第三部分论文分析研究了越南人民城市文化生活的需求,需求表现在六大方面,即物质生活需求、婚姻需求、教育需求、政治活动参与需求、宗教信仰需求和娱乐休闲需求。并且进一步地研究六大文化需求的表现与内容,讨论了六大文化需求的发展趋势以及建设方略,等等。第四部分论文客观的分析研究了越南城市社会文化生活的现状,主要以越南河内、胡志明市、岘港市、平阳省的城市社会文化生活为研究对象。在研究方法上,首先通过问卷调查的方式进行实证研究,按照调查结果对人们的六大文化需求进行了系统的分析。通过分析比较了四个省市人民社会文化生活质量水平的差别。第五部分论文讨论了越南城市化发展进程中需要解决的一些问题。要建设管理好一座城市,首先要找出合理分配利益的办法以及发展集体福利的措施;建立完善的社会保障制度;建立责任明确,相互协作的地方政府机构,按照合理的程序解决每一级的问题,以此促进相互信任,达成共识,完善评价机制,增强各项事务的透明度。第六部分论文在结语与建议部分,先对论文进行概括和总结,然后通过上面的研究分析,提出城市建设的总体政策及其构想,并且针对越南城市文化生活质量的提高,提出了一些具体的政策建议。

【Abstract】 City is created by human products. It is decoration with nature perfectly. The human compared to the city "The Second nature", because it is in accordance with the law and operation cycle, and it is the human living environment. Every time there change of economic, political, social and cultural activity. Make people’s life has become increasingly rich and colorful. Promote peoples all-round development balance between natural and social environment.The human society has been through many times. All cultures and civilizations, material and spiritual value and achievements as well as space and time and the city process can not be separated. City is the essential process, is the value measure of civilization development level and degree, but also the different time cultural development level and mode of expression. However, people often talk about city civilization, ecological space is determined by historical events, theories, the progress of science and technology, the advent of material conditions and lower facilities construction. Vietnam and the world are rarely talked about the city culture, or care only about the individual phenomenon, the public life of the contemporary cultural and art activities etc..City cannot do without the production area, which is not fixed, contrary to its according to people’s needs and aspirations in-space and time constant motion and change. The city is the source of life and growth, but connected, meet the social needs of people; at the same time, the production, trade, services and sales activities and become the motive force of development. In my opinion, city culture is like a red line throughout the history of human civilization, is mankind living environment.Vietnam is the economy industrialization cause, strive to basically become an industrial country. In order to achieve rich, powerful, democracy, justice, civilization of this goal, we cannot ignore the construction and development of cultural undertakings, This theses is "Study of Vietnam Urban cultural life". It is divided into six Chapters.The first Chapter is introduction "About the life of the city process at home and abroad" Introduces the research background, significance, ideas and reasons.The second Chapter of the "World and the Vietnamese city process of review and analysis" firstly, the significance of city, city of the fact, the performance of city, city life and rural life. Vietnam city process, mainly discusses several stages of Vietnam city and several characteristics. Modern Vietnamese society faced several problems the city and rural economy, social problems, poverty, city accommodation, employment and environmental protection problems. The third Chapter of the "City culture and Biochemical" including six cultural demand system of human beings:material needs, need for marriage, need for education, demand for political activities, religious belief and entertainment. The six cultural demand system of human beings continue to biochemical research on the development trend of culture. Here we construction etc..The fourth one "Studies the actual situation of city culture society". The mainly study on city life in to City of Ha Noi, Ho Chi Minh (HCMC), Da Nang and Province of Ping yang (Binh Duong). The first questionnaire investigation, according to the survey results of six cultural demand system research and analysis of human. From the analysis results of the difference in the provinces and city where the people’s quality of life, here we can see the big difference is entertainment and create demand.The fifth Chapter of Vietnam need to solve some problems in the process of urbanization. A city to build good management, first to find out how to reasonable distribution of benefits and the development of collective welfare measures; The establishment of a perfect social security system; Establishing clear responsibility, mutual cooperation of local government institutions, according to a reasonable program to solve the problem of each level, to promote mutual trust and consensus, perfect the evaluation mechanism, strengthen the transparency of the transaction.The sixth Chapter is conclusion and suggestion. The paper first and then through some conception of total above research and analysis of policy construction overall.

【关键词】 城市化城市文化生活政策建议越南
【Key words】 UrbanizationUrban CulturePolicy of suggestionVietnam
  • 【分类号】C912.8
  • 【下载频次】282

