

A Diachronic Study of the Chinese Contracted Sentences with Connectives and the Contracting Mechanisms

【作者】 赵雅青

【导师】 储泽祥;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文以汉语有标紧缩句为研究对象,从历时视角,采用语义、形式、语用、认知多角度验证的方法,考察有标紧缩句的地位、性质和类别,描写有标紧缩句的历时使用情况,探讨有标紧缩句形成的过程、机制和动因。全文的重点在于描写和解释形成有标紧缩句的紧缩机制,包括语义整合机制、句法紧接机制和语用缩选机制。语用层面的机制是有标紧缩句最高层面的运作机制,是小句选择整合成有标紧缩句的触发因素。从认知角度可以更好地解释有标紧缩句的形成动因。象似性原则既为有标紧缩句语义整合机制与句法紧接机制的对应性运作提供了动因,也解释了有标紧缩句形成、构造的规律及其存在价值。“爱x就/不Y”这一个案的研究为我们总结和归纳有标紧缩句的形成阶段、机制、动因提供了典型证据。文章共分为八章,现将各章主要内容简介如下:第一章是绪论,简要介绍本文的研究对象、理论方法及前人的相关研究成果,指出有标紧缩句研究存在的问题及我们研究的意义和思路。第二章探讨汉语有标紧缩句的地位、性质和类别。从小句整合的角度审视紧缩句的地位,认为紧缩句是汉语小句整合体序列中的一个环节。对有标紧缩句性质的判定主要根据其基本的句法和语义特征。有标紧缩句按照主语情况、整合度、逻辑语义关系、句法模式等角度可以得到不同的分类结果。第三章以有标紧缩句基本的逻辑语义关系类别为框架,以紧缩标为线索,描写有标紧缩句在各历时阶段的使用面貌和特征,并从历时视角对有标紧缩句及紧缩标使用的总体特征进行归纳。第四章主要探讨有标紧缩句语义层面的形成机制——语义整合机制。历时视角下考察有标紧缩句的语义关系主要从有标紧缩句紧缩项之间的语义关系和有标紧缩句主要构成成分之间的语义关系这两个角度展开。有标紧缩句概念的生成主要有双域型整合框架和单纯型整合框架两种方式,其语义整合得到的浮现意义是“强调更为严实紧密的逻辑语义关系”。第五章主要探讨有标紧缩句形式层面的形成机制——句法紧接机制,并用象似性动因解释有标紧缩句形式机制与语义机制的对应性运作规律。我们从音节量、主语的省略、紧缩标的词性、构成成分、语气等角度分析有标紧缩句的形式特点。有标紧缩句的句法紧接机制包括紧凑机制和接续机制两个内容。紧凑机制包括缓存机制、简约机制;接续机制包括重项前倾机制、语气合并机制、标记高效机制和时序机制。复杂性象似与独立性象似是有标紧缩句最主要的形成动因,小句需要达成形义上的相对复杂性与相对独立性,才能促使其通过语义整合机制与句法紧接机制的对应性运作,整合成有标紧缩句。第六章主要探讨有标紧缩句语用层面的形成机制——语用缩选机制。有标紧缩句的语用价值是“主观性的表达以及对语势的加强”;有标紧缩句主要使用在口语语体与文艺语体中,并且以叙事结构类为主要篇章分布类型。有标紧缩句的语用缩选机制包括省力机制、适应机制和信息机制三个内容。第七章通过个案“爱A就/不B”的研究,验证并归纳有标紧缩句的形成阶段、机制和动因。第八章是结语,总结全文的主要观点和研究结论,并指出研究中存在的不足及今后研究的设想。

【Abstract】 This dissertation studies the Chinese contracted sentences with connectives. It, diachronically, explores the position, features and classifications of the sentences, describes their application in history, and analyzes their forming process, mechanism and motivation, by the method of multi authentication of language form, meaning, use and cognition. The paper focuses on the description and explanation of the contracting mechanisms of the Chinese contracted sentences with connectives, and they are semantic integration mechanism, syntactic simplification-and-combination mechanism, pragmatic compression-and-selection mechanism, among which the pragmatic compression-and-selection mechanism is the most influential and triggers the clauses to integrate into a contracted sentence. However, the cognitive explanation serves the best for the motivation of the sentences, as the principle of iconicity interprets the interactive operation of semantic integration mechanism and syntactic simplification-and-combination mechanism, as well as the evolving stages, constructing rules and existing value. Finally, the case study of the contracted sentence "爱(Ai)X就/不(Jiu/Bu)Y" counts to conclude the shaping, mechanism and motivation of the contracted sentences with connectives.The dissertation is divided into8chapters and the main content of each chapter is as follows.Chapter One is the introduction. It introduces the study object and method, outlines the previous research with comments on the problems, and states the significance and contents of the present study.Chapter Two explores the position, features and classifications of the Chinese contracted sentences with connectives. It’s argued that the contracted sentence is a part of Chinese clause syntagm sequences when examined from the perspective of clause integration. The features of the contracted sentences are determined mainly by their syntactic forms and semantic properties. And the contracted sentences are categorized into different types by different criteria such as the use of the sentence subject, the degree of integration, the logical-semantic relation of the composing clauses and the syntactic pattern of the sentence.Chapter Three describes the application and characteristics of the contracted sentences with connectives in all historical periods, based on the framework of the main semantic relation of the composing clauses and guided by the connectives in the sentence. Furthermore, it sums up the general features of both the Chinese contracted sentences and the connectives used in the sentences.Chapter Four analyzes the construction of the Chinese contracted sentences with connectives in terms of meaning---the semantic integration mechanism. The semantic relations are expounded from the relation among the clauses and among the main components of the sentence. It is believed that the concept of the Chinese contracted sentences with connectives is generated by two patterns:the double-scope network and the single-scope network. The emergent meaning of the integrated sentence is to protrude a closer and tighter logical-semantic relation.Chapter Five discusses the construction of the Chinese contracted sentences with connectives in terms of form---the syntactic simplification-and-combination mechanism, with the principle of iconicity to interpret the interactive operation of this mechanism and the semantic integration mechanism. The characteristics of the Chinese contracted sentences with connectives are tackled from the number of syllables, the omission of the subject, the class of speech of the connectives, the other components and even the mood of the sentence. The syntactic simplification-and-combination mechanism includes the simplification mechanism and combination mechanism, the former involving cache mechanism and condensed mechanism, and the latter having chunk forward mechanism, mood merged mechanism, efficient connectives mechanism and temporal sequence mechanism. Complexity iconicity and independence iconicity are the main motivations to produce contracted sentences in that relatively enough complexity and independence the involved clauses reach can promote the interactive operation of the semantic integration mechanism and the syntactic simplification-and-combination mechanism to integrate the clauses into a contracted sentence.Chapter Six probes the construction of the Chinese contracted sentences with connectives in terms of application---the pragmatic compression-and-selection mechanism. The value of the sentence is to present the subjectivity and intensify the mood. The contracted sentences with connectives are mainly found in informal materials like spoken or literacy discourses, especially in narration. The pragmatic compression-and-selection mechanism includes the least effort mechanism, the context adaptation mechanism and the information processing mechanism.Chapter Seven verifies and concludes the formation, mechanism and motivation of the contracted sentence with connectives by the case study of"爱(Ai)X就/不(Jiu/Bu)Y".Chapter Eight is the conclusion. It sums up the major points of the whole paper and states the limitation and the topic for the follow-up research.

  • 【分类号】H146
  • 【下载频次】260

