

The Study on the Transformation of Compulsory Education Equilibrium Development Mode

【作者】 姚永强

【导师】 范先佐;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育经济学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 义务教育均衡发展方式是实现均衡发展目标的方法、途径和模式的概括,一定的教育发展方式既适应于特定的教育发展目标,又会产生相应的教育发展结果。受动力因素、体制因素、经济因素和教育因素的影响,在不同时期和不同教育环境下,人们会选择不同的教育发展方式。在推进义务教育均衡发展过程中,人们对发展方式也在不断地进行着探索与完善。在公共产品理论、公平理论以及规模经济理论的影响下,各级政府相继出台了一系列义务教育均衡发展法规政策及实施措施,在长期的实践过程中形成了相对稳定的义务教育均衡发展方式。当前,义务教育均衡发展方式主要表现为充分发挥政府主导作用,不断完善教育政策法规;千方百计增加教育投入,积极构建义务教育经费保障机制;大力改善农村学校和薄弱学校办学条件,着力缩小城乡和校际差距;高度重视教师队伍建设,竭力培养和造就大批优秀中小学教师;努力加大财政转移支付力度,不断支持落后地区义务教育发展;着力推进学校布局调整,全力提高教育资源利用效率等特征。随着县域内资源配置的基本均衡,义务教育均衡发展的主要矛盾和主要任务也随之发生转移,提高教育质量、促进学校多元发展成为义务教育均衡发展又一新的阶段性目标。发展目标的变化必然要求发展方式的转变,但受义务教育均衡发展认识上的偏颇、义务教育管理体制的制约、经济学的思维方式、办学条件等同于办学水平观念的误导以及社会意识的偏差等因素的影响,我国现行义务教育均衡发展方式重教育经费投入,轻资源有效利用;重外在条件改善,轻内在质量提升;重政府外在推动,轻自我内在驱动;重规模经济效应,轻教育自身规律;重同质发展,轻特色办学;重城市和示范学校发展,轻农村和一般学校建设,这与义务教育均衡发展的现实需求和目标要求不相适应。因此,要在2020年实现区域内义务教育发展基本均衡,整体提高区域办学水平和教育质量,就必须从注重教育资源投入、依赖政府力量驱动、强调同质发展和过度规模发展的均衡发展方式转变为以质量提升为中心、依赖学校自我发展驱动、注重多元发展和适度规模发展的均衡发展方式。义务教育均衡发展方式转变是一项长期而艰巨的任务,只有创新发展观念,厘清发展思路;改革教育管理体制,保障学校主体地位;优化资源配置,提高资源利用率;加强学校管理,提高教育质量;实施多元评价,鼓励学校特色发展,才能实现义务教育均衡发展方式的有效转变。

【Abstract】 The balanced development mode in compulsory education is the generalization of mode and approach to realize the goal of the balanced development in compulsory education. A certain educational development mode not only can be adjusted to the certain educational development goals but also can lead to the corresponding educational results. Different educational development modes will be chosen in different times and different educational environments under the circumstances of motive factors, system factors, economy factors and education factors.The balanced development modes in compulsory education will be explored and improved. Affected by public products theories, fair theories and scale economics theories, local governments at all levels published a series of laws, policies and measures of the balanced development of compulsory education and formed the relatively stable balanced development modes during the long practical process. Nowadays, The balanced development modes in compulsory education mean formulating the laws and policies, emphasizing the subject role of the government, increasing the educational input, building the support systems, improving the education conditions of the poverty schools and countryside schools, emphasizing the service training of the teachers in countryside and poverty areas, transferring the resources to the poverty and countryside schools and improving the profits through scale schools.With the relative balance of the resources allocation of the county, the principle contradiction and main tasks has changed. The staged objectives are to improve the educational quality and promote multivalent development of the schools. The change of the objectives requires the change of the development modes. While affected by some factors, such as the different opinions of the balanced development of the compulsory education, the relatively concentrating educational management systems, the thinking patterns of viewing economics, the inertial of the elite education, the wrong idea of regarding the school conditions as the school standards and emphasizing the common evaluation indexes and criteria, the balanced development mode in compulsory education of our country has some problems. It emphasizes the education funds input while neglecting the proper use of the resources; emphasizes the outside conditions improvement while neglecting the inner quality; emphasizes outside government propelling while neglecting inner driving; emphasizes the effects of scale economics while neglecting the inner laws of education; emphasizes the homogeneous development while neglecting the characteristics; emphasizes the development of the urban schools and model schools while neglecting suburban schools. These phenomena are not adaptable to the requirements and objectives of the balanced development modes in compulsory education. Therefore, to realize the balanced development modes in compulsory education of county areas in2020and improve the educational quality and criteria, some measures should be taken, such as the input of educational resources, the dependence of government, the emphasis of the homogenous development, the transferring from over scale development mode to quality centered and inner-driven development mode and the emphasis of multivalent and proper scale balanced development mode.In order to transform the balanced development modes in compulsory education effectively, it requires the creative developmental approaches and the clear developmental patterns; it needs to reform the educational management systems to ensure the subjective role of the schools; it needs to optimize the resource allocation to improve the efficiency of the resources use; it needs to promote the management of the schools to improve the education quality; it needs to carry out the multi-evaluation systems to realize the characteristics of the different schools.


