

On Students’ Learning Behavior in Primary and Secondary Schools

【作者】 向葵花

【导师】 陈佑清;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 近半个世纪以来,随着有效教学理论探讨和实践探索的深入,教学行为研究在教学论研究中开始崛起。从构成体系上看,教学行为研究应包含教师教导行为研究、学生学习行为研究和师生互动行为研究。然而,现有教学论意义上的教学行为研究过多地关注了教师教导行为和师生互动行为研究,对学生学习行为研究涉及较少。反观当前教育教学实践,学生学习负担过重已是一个不争的事实。学生学得多、学得苦、学得累却学得被动、学得不好、甚至不愿去学,在很大程度上与学生学习行为的单一、片面以及机械行为的大量重复使用有关。只有对学生的学习行为进行科学研究和优化指导,才能从根本上解决学生学习负担问题。为此,本论文聚焦于学生的学习行为,试图在揭示学习行为研究价值和厘清学习行为及其相关概念的基础上,提出学习行为的“对象—操作—结果”三维分类框架,并对当前中小学学生学习行为运用情况、学生的生活状态与学生的发展状况进行调查,然后基于调查结果进一步探讨学生学习行为与学生生活、学生发展的关系,最后提出促进学生学习行为变革的策略与条件。本论文除导论和结语外,共分为六章:第一章,主要揭示学习行为研究的必然性和必要性。本章首先分析了有效教学研究、教学设计研究与学习方式变革研究的共同发展趋势,指出学习行为研究已然成为当代教学研究的一大新视域。然后阐述了学习行为研究的理论价值和现实意义:学习行为理应成为教学论研究的基础和重要组成部分,它有助于丰富对学习问题的认识,提升教学论研究的理论与实践品性,有助于缓解学习负担过重问题,提高学生学习生活质量,有助于引领教与学关系的变革,建立学习中心课堂,真正实现课堂教学的转型。第二章,主要探讨学习行为的内涵与类型。本章在对学习行为及其相关概念进行辨析的基础上,阐述了与学习行为分类相关的理论基础,并提出了学习行为的“对象—操作—结果”三维分类框架。其中,对象维度涉及的是“学什么”的问题,即从学习行为所指向的对象和领域来进行划分;操作维度涉及的是“怎么学”的问题,即从学习行为的操作方式及其特性的角度来进行划分;结果维度涉及的是“学得怎样”的问题,即从学习行为所要达到的结果或行为所负载的功能来进行划分。第三章,主要分析当下我国中小学学生学习行为状态。本章根据第二章提出的学习行为分类框架,设计调查方案开展实地调查,具体运用问卷调查法、课堂观察法和访谈法等多种研究方法,重点考察学生学习行为的主体性、学习行为的类型、学习行为的占用时间与分布空间以及学生主观生活感受和学生实际发展状况。调查结果表明,在学习行为的主体性方面,中小学学生虽然具备了一定的主体性水平,但还有待进一步提升。比较而言,小学生、小规模班级学生、城市学校学生和学生干部以及非住校生的学习行为主体性相对较高。学生的课堂互动学习行为呈现出被动依赖特征,其中,普通学校学生、农村学校学生受动性更为明显。在学习行为的类型方面,符号性学习行为居于主导地位,学生的作业类型也以书面作业形式为主。比较而言,小学生、小规模班级学生、学生干部的学习行为更趋向多样化。在学习行为的时间分布上,整体而言,学生在校学习时间偏长,课堂内符号性学习行为占据了教学的大部分时间。在学习行为的空间分布上,学生在校室外活动较少,大多被禁锢在教室内自己的座位上学习,而教室空间相对狭窄,不利于学生开展多样化的学习活动。在学生主观生活感受上,开启一天学习时感到快乐的学生相对较少,结束一天学习时有收获者以小学生居多,中学生的学习情绪状态明显差于小学生。在学生实际发展状况上,大多数学生都认为自己的主要收获是学习成绩,但对学习成绩感到满意者以小学生居多,中学生尤其是高中生对自身成绩的满意度不高。第四章和第五章,主要阐述学生学习行为与学生生活、学生发展之间的关系。第四章在分析学生学习行为知识立场的形成及其表现后,提出了生活立场中学生学习行为重建的依据与内容。第五章则在分析学习行为与学生发展的相关性后,提出了促进学生整体发展的学习行为多样化的实现策略。而这两章的关联在于,学生素质的全面发展、终身发展与个性化发展,需从教育回归生活的视角出发,以培养生活主体为基本价值取向。在生活主体培养理念的统摄下,学生的学习行为应基于增进学生的幸福生活而存在,并扩展至整个社会生活版块和社会活动范围,且指向当下现实和未来可能的生活领域,这一切都要求学习行为从单一走向多样,实现多样化。而学习行为的多样化可通过在课堂教学中落实学习行为的主体性、本体性和选择性而得以实现。第六章,主要探讨促进学习行为变革的策略与条件,具体涉及到学校教育系统内部的整体性改革策略和社会系统的支持性条件。

【Abstract】 Teaching behavior research is growing up in teaching theory research along with the theoretical and practical exploration of effective teaching in near50years. Theoretically, teaching behavior research should include teacher’s instructional behavior, student’s learning behavior and teacher-student interaction behavior research. However, teaching behavior research focus more on teacher’s instructional behavior and teacher-student interaction behavior than student’s learning behavior. Students’ learning burden is too heavy in current educational practice, which is an indisputable fact. Students learn more, hard and tiredly, but learn passively, badly, and unwillingly, which is related to students’ repetitive use of single, one-sided and mechanical learning behavior in a great degree. To relieve learning burden, we must carry out scientific research on and optimize students’ learning behavior. Therefore, this paper focuses on students’ learning behavior, attempts to reveal research value of learning behavior and clarify the implication of learning behavior and related concepts, puts forward an "object-operation-product" three-dimension classification framework of learning behavior, investigates primary and secondary school students’ learning behavior, their life state and developmental state, discusses the relationship among students’ learning behavior, students’ life and students’ development, and finally proposes the strategies and conditions for promoting learning behavior change. Besides the introducation and inclusion, this dissertation is divided into six chapters:Chapter1mainly reveals the inevitability and necessity of learning behavior research. This chapter first analyzes the common developmental trend of effective teaching research, instructional design research and learning style change research, pointing out that learning behavior research has become a new field of contemporary teaching research. Then this chapter expounds the theoretical value and practical meaning of learning behavior research:learning behavior should become the base and important constituent of teaching theory research, specifically, it conduces to enriching our understanding of learning, enhancing the theoretical and practical quality of teaching theory research, relieving the heavy learning burden, improving the quality of learning life, leading the change of relationship between teaching and learning, and constructing the learning-centered classroom to achieve the transformation of classroom teaching.Chapter2mainly discusses the implication and types of learning behavior. Based on the discrimination of learning behavior and its related concepts, this chapter expounds theoretical base related to learning behavior classification, and puts forward an "object-operation-product" three-dimension classification framework. In this framework, the object dimension involves "what to learn", which divides learning behavior from the objects and fields that it points to. The operation dimension involves "how to learn", which divides learning behavior from the characteristics of its operation style. The product dimension involves "how well do students learn", which divides learning behavior from the products it pursues or the function it undertakes.Chapter3mainly analyzes the current students’ learning behavior in primary and secondary schools. According to the learning behavior classification framework in chapter2, this chapter designs survey plan, applies a variety of research methods, such as questionnaire survey, classroom observation and interview, investigates students’ learning behavior types, subjectivity of learning behavior, space and time distribution of learning behavior, students’ subjective feelings of life and students’ actual developmental state. Research shows that, as far as subjectivity is concerned, students’ learning behavior, although with a level of certain subjectivity, still needs further improvement in primary and secondary schools. In comparison, the subjectivity of learning behavior of pupils, students in small-scale classes, city school students, student cadres as well as nonresident students is relatively higher. Students’ interactive behavior in classroom shows passive and dependent feature, meanwhile, normal school and rural school students’ passivity is more obvious. In terms of the type of learning behavior, symbolic learning behavior is in the dominant position, and the type of students’ assignments is mainly written ones. In comparison, there is more diversity in the learning behavior of pupils, small-scale classes and student cadres. In terms of the time distribution of learning behavior, overall, students’learning time at school is too long, and symbolic learning behavior occupies the most time of classroom teaching. In terms of the space distribution of learning behavior, students’ outdoor activities at school are less, and students are mostly confined in their seats in classroom. The classroom is too narrow for students to carry out various learning activities. In terms of students’ subjective feelings of life, students who feel happy when opening a day’s learning are small, most pupils feel fruitful when ending a day’s learning, and secondary school students’ emotion state is significantly worse than the pupils’. In terms of students’ actual developmental state, most of the students think the main harvest is their academic achievement, but most of the students who are satisfied with their academic achievement are pupils, secondary school students, especially high school students are dissatisfied with their academic achievement.Chapter4and chapter5mainly elaborate the relationship among students’ learning behavior, students’ life and students’ development. Chapter4first analyzes the formation of knowledge position of students’ learning behavior, then puts forward the reconstruction basis and content of life position of learning behavior. Based on analysis of the correlation between learning behavior and students’ development, chapter5puts forward some selection and organization strategies of learning behavior for promoting students’ effective development. Chapter4and chapter5are closely related. All-round development, lifelong development and individualized development need to start from the perspective of education returning to life, and take the cultivation of subject of life as their pursuit. Dominated by the idea of cultivating subject of life, students’ learning behavior should exist for enhancing their happy life, extend to the whole social life and social activities, and point to present life field in the reality and possible life field in the future. All these require learning behavior to change from single to diverse. The diversity of learning behavior can realize through implementing the subjectivity, ontology and selectivity in classroom teaching.Chapter6mainly discusses the strategies and conditions for promoting learning behavior change, including the overall reform in school education system and the supportive conditions coming from social system.


