

Research on the Development of Small Cities in Yangtze River Economic Zone of Hubei Province

【作者】 周飞

【导师】 刘嗣明;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 人文地理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 经历了大城市的发展浪潮后,小城市将在今后的经济发展、经济增长中占有重要地位。作为未来中国城镇化的主力,中国小城市将在吸纳农村人口、完成中国社会转型方面发挥重要作用。研究中国小城市的发展路径和发展战略,能够更加准确地作出中国未来城镇化的空间部署和发展规划。本文综合运用实证与理论分析的方法,在实地考察与文献阅读的基础上,结合国际、国内小城市发展历史与现状,对湖北省长江经济带小城市的空间布局、经济发展、社会发展、生态文明建设作出理论性的分析,并提出相应的对策。从对湖北长江经济带中小城市发展现状的考察中,可以得出一个基本认识,武汉市一城独大,发展程度高的地级市与周边省份同等城市相比差距还不明显,而到小城市一级就与周边省份有不小差距,湖北省的城市格局呈“倒金字塔”形状。从而得出结论,湖北长江经济带如果要在整体实力上大幅度提升,必须加快发展中小城市,尤其是发展小城市及其所辐射的小城镇。本文的重点是四至七章,探讨湖北长江经济带小城市的空间布局、经济发展战略、社会发展战略和生态文明建设。关于空间布局,小城市应从本地地理环境、资源禀赋、产业基础、人力资源等实际情况出发,对产业发展方向和城镇体系综合考量,使二者实现空间交汇,达到产城融合,形成错落有致的城镇网络,各类产业协调发展。整个湖北长江经济带小城市空间布局需要宏观上的把握,才能形成健康有序发展的城镇连绵带。整个经济带的发展布局,应采取分段开发的策略。经济带东段强调武汉市对整个经济带尤其是对鄂州、黄冈、黄石、咸宁的带动作用,西段突出省域副中心城市宜昌对周边中小城市的辐射力,中段则为解决湖北省“中部塌陷”而实施“壮腰工程”的具体途径。交通干线是产业和城镇发展的大动脉,一定要加大投入,建设水、空、公、铁一体化的综合交通系统,使湖北长江经济带发生整体的互联互动。要在民生优先、安全为重、绿色优质三个原则指导下,加强基础设施建设,市区内公共设施达到规范化、标准化要求。城市建筑的空间布局要做到融入大自然,延续城市历史文脉,使群众生活舒适愉悦,乐在其中。关于经济发展战略,重点放在优化产业结构上。分析三大产业结构,湖北长江经济带小城市第一产业比重偏高,第三产业比重偏低。发展的对策,农业方面主要是科技兴农,推进产业化经营,以品牌营销促进产业升级;工业方面主要是培育主导产业,以科技创新拓展产业延伸能力,打造名牌产品;服务业主要是全面满足社会需要,发展科技服务行业。带内小城市对外贸易依存度偏低,改进措施是培育竞争优势,拓宽贸易方式,推进市场多元化。坚持深化以产权为中心的经济体制改革,在金融体制上以市场化手段完善金融服务体系,建立金融服务多元化的投融资体制;在管理体制上确立政企分开等原则,提高管理效益;对城区和农村土地制度,要分别以土地管理和产权为中心加以调整,农村土地的流转将给农民落户城镇带来更多的资金和就业机会。关于社会发展战略,强调的是以人为本和“人的城镇化”。对人口集聚,小城市要尽快放开户籍限制,使人口城镇化跟上土地城镇化的步伐;要通过调整城镇布局,建立就业服务体系,提高城镇就业率;发挥政府的宏观引导作用,培植深厚的人力资源。对社会服务,要重点解决社会保障和教育医疗体系中存在的问题,使人人公平享受市民的合法权益。关于生态文明建设,带内小城市已经取得一定进展。今后的工作重点,主要是推进经济发展方式的绿色转型,建立全面高效的污染防治体系,完善环境保护的生态补偿机制,走绿色发展、循环发展、低碳发展的城镇化之路。对带内小城市的大量人文资源,也要以生态文明的理念去维护和开发。从人文资源中提炼城市精神、开发旅游资源、激活地方特色产业和产品、营造精神家园。通过自然环境和人文资源的维护和开发,获取经济社会的可持续发展,还给老百姓一片蓝天白云、青山绿水。

【Abstract】 After the development of big cities, small cities will play an important role in economic growth and development in the future. As the main force of China’s urbanization, China’s small cities will play a supportive role in absorbing China’s rural population and in Chinese social transformation. The study on China’s small cities development path and development strategy can make more accurately China’s future urbanization space deployment and development plan.Applying both empirical and theoretical analysis method, on the basis of field survey and literature reading and combined with international and domestic small cities development history and present situation, this paper analyzes theoretically spatial distribution, economic development, social development, construction of ecological civilization of small cities in the Yangtze River Economic Zone of Hubei Province, and puts forward corresponding countermeasures. A basic understanding can be got from the research on the present situation of development of small and medium-sized cities in the zone that Wuhan is the most developed city while the prefecture-level cities are as better as those in the surrounding provinces, but the small cities are less developed than the surrounding ones, that is, Hubei city pattern is the reversed pyramid pattern. Conclusion can be drawn from the research that the zone should speed up the development of medium-sized and small cities, especially the development of small cities and their economic radiant towns.The focus of this article is from the forth chapter to the seventh, discussing spatial distribution, the strategy of economic development, social development strategy, and the construction of ecological civilization of the Yangtze River Economic Zone of Hubei Province. In regard to spatial distribution, considering the practical situation, small city should base on practical situations of local geographical environment, the resources endowment, industrial foundation and human resources, take industry development direction and the town system into consideration comprehensively and make the two merge together so that town network could be formed orderly and all kinds of industry develop coordinately. City zone in healthy and orderly development could be formed on the condition that the spatial distribution of the small cities is handled macroscopically. The strategy of developing section by section should be taken in the development distribution of the whole zone. Eastern part of the zone emphasizes on Wuhan’s leading role in the whole zone, especially among Ezhou, Huanggang, Huangshi, and Xianning; Western part highlights the radiating capacity of Yichang, the provincial sub-central city, among surrounding small and medium-sized cities; The central part implement the "strong waist project" in order to solve Hubei province’s "central-sunken" problem. Main road is the artery of industrial and urban development. It is imperative to increase input in main road to construct water-air-highway-railway integrated transportation system, making the zone interact integrally. Under the guidance of three principles, that is, livelihood of the people first, safety first and green-high quality, small cities should strengthen infrastructure construction to meet the requirements of normalization and standardization of urban public facilities. Spatial distribution of urban architecture should be integrated into the nature continue urban historical context, make people’s life comfortable and happy, and make people enjoy it. In regard to economic development strategy, the optimization of industrial structure should be focused on. By Analyzing the three industrial structures, we can learn that the proportion of primary industry of the small citied is on the high side, while the proportion of primary industry is on the low side. The development countermeasures lie in three aspects. In the aspect of agriculture, it is to develop agriculture through science and technology, promote industrial management, and promote industrial upgrading through brand marketing; In the aspect of industry, it is to cultivate leading industries, expand industrial extension capacity, and create brand-name products; In the aspect of services, it is to fully meet the needs of the society and develop scientific and technological service industry. The small cities’dependency on foreign trade is weak. The improvement measure is to develop competitive advantages, expand trade mode, and promote market diversification. In order to adhere to deepen the economic system reform which takes property right as center, three aspects of measures should be considered. In financial system, it is to improve financial service system by market-oriented means, and establish investment and financing system of diversified financial services; In management system, it is to establish the principles of separating government functions from enterprise management and improve the management efficiency; in urban areas and rural land system, it is to adjust the system taking property rights as center. The transfer of rural land will bring more funds and employment opportunities for farmers’settlement in town.Social development strategy emphasizes on the "people-oriented idea" and "urbanization of people". In regard to population agglomeration, small cities should ease its restrictions on household registration as soon as possible, making the population urbanization keep up with the pace of the land urbanization; set up the employment service system, and improve the employment rate in cities and towns by adjusting the urban distribution; play the government’s role in macroscopic guidance and cultivate rich human resources. In the aspect of social services, the key is to solve the problems existing in social security, education and medical system, making everyone share legitimate rights and interests of citizens fairly.Small cities in the zone have made some progress in the construction of ecological civilization. The focus of the work in the future is to promote the green transformation of economic development mode, to establish comprehensive and effective pollution control system, to improve the ecological compensation mechanism of environmental protection and to take the path of urbanization of green development, cyclic development, and low carbon development. The large amount of human resources in the small cities should be maintained and exploited with the concept of ecological civilization. The measures are to get city spirit from the humanistic resources, exploit tourism resources, activate the local industry and products, and create spiritual homeland. We could obtain the sustainable development of economy and society through the maintenance and exploitation of natural environment and human resources and return blue sky white clouds, green hills and blue waters to common people.


