

The Study on Student Self-government in the Earlier Stage of the Republic of China

【作者】 向华

【导师】 余子侠;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 民国时期的学生自治,导源于西方模式。随着清末民初西方民主、自由思想在中国传播,学生自治随之进入中国教育者视野。北京、浙江、江苏等地,陆续出现了各种学生组织,以及由学生主办的报纸杂志。早在清末,尽管当时教育管理十分严格,但在民族与民主意念的催动下,一些自治性学生组织已在校内悄然出现。如广州岭南学堂、安徽高等学堂、陕西宏道学堂、湖南常德府中学堂、中国公学等,均先后成立了名称迥异但富有自治精神的学生组织。这些自动组织起来的学生们,企望通过“自治”反抗封建专制,借以实现各种救亡图存之梦想。“五四”运动爆发时,正值杜威旅华讲学。经由教育界大力倡导,美国“学生自治会”制度引入中国校园,运用于学生管理变革。受杜威“教育即生活”、“学校即社会”观念影响,学生自治开始注重丰富的团体生活、学生学会生活以及服务社会能力的培养。这一时期,从小学到大学的学生自治活动都有开展,自治组织出现联合扩大趋势,由校内组织推进至区域性团体乃至发展成全国性学生联合会。1920年,第六届全国教育会联合会发布《学生自治制纲要案》。此后,以“学生自治会”命名的学生自治组织,迅速在各校设立起来,“于是学生会之组织,举所有有学校之都市,所有有学生之学校,视同必需,否则即足以显示其无人”①。就在学生自治如火如荼展开的同时,有关批评之声也随之而起。其矛头主要对准两个方面:一是在实践过程中视学生自治为时尚,过于追求其时髦形式,不求自治真意,不讲实际训练;二是在学生组织实际操作中,“自治”与“管理”矛盾难以调和,导致各种问题产生。这种矛盾既存在于学生自治会与校方管理之间,亦存在于学生自治会组织内部。学生自治会的混乱现象,导致后来国民党政府对其进行强制整顿。1928年,第一次全国教育会议通过《确立教育方针实行三民主义的教育建设以立救国大计案》。该议案对学生自治会明确提出整顿办法,严格规定自治会的成立、注册、权限、解散和改组事项。客观说来,这种举措有利于学校管理的有序进行,但学生组织“自治”的性质却因此遭到严重削弱。论文第一章,首先对学生自治的历史渊源进行了简明梳理。西方学生自治之源头,可前溯至中世纪时期的“学生”大学。这类学校由学生全权管理校务,学生极富自主自治特性,但后来逐渐被教会管理、教授治校取代。18、19世纪,经由“洪堡理念”与“美国教改”之影响,学生自治形式得以复苏,且呈现诸多崭新理念。若言中国教育史上的类通之处,则官学中的“斋长制”与书院中的“高足弟子代管制”等,也大体展现了学生自我管理、独立自治的精神。第二章,阐述学生自治引入中国的思想基础,包含政治理念、文化变迁和教育新潮三个方面。西方学生自治模式在民国前期引入国内,存在一定的政治条件、文化基础以及教育方面的考量。“自治”本是政治概念,中国乡绅自治传统与近代西方地方自治理念,经由国内对传统文化礼制的批判与学生群体力量的崛起,在教育界引起反响,并由此推及学生管理。与此同时,西方先进的教育思想不断地输入中华教育界,并成为学生自治在国内发生、发展的理论基础。第三章,学生自治的时代条件。专门就引发学生自治潮的直接诱因、表现形式以及当时教育界的普遍反应与认识成果进行详细论述。中国近代新式学校伴随着教育宗旨的重新厘定,早期出洋留学一代的“海龟回游”,杜威访华以及“五四”运动的爆发等,促成与推动了学生自治成为民国前期各类学校——尤其是高等院校学生管理的一种流行风潮。近代中国,秉承“教育救国”的教育先辈们倡导学生自治,其目的始终在于培养人格健全的现代国民,借以复兴我中华民族。第四章,学生自治的实践表现。本章对当时学生自治的实践进程、活动表现、组织团体以及积极影响等进行考察与梳理。教育一线上的各级各类学校,积极响应,开展校内学生自治实验。学生在校方支持、教师指导下,成立组织、开展活动,积极进行自我管理,在自治过程中得到锻炼,并产生了一些积极影响。教育界引进学生自治模式开展校园实践,其主要目的和动力,在于“教育救国”;除为人才兴国外,更为摒除旧式教育、培养新式国民,以全面提升国民素质而来。第五章,学生自治的理想与现实矛盾。学生自治在实际操作中,存在界限不清、学潮不断、纪律松弛以及学业难以为继等现实情况。这些情况,可根据其缘由划分为两类:一由社会问题引发而来;二因校园内部各方关系相互碰撞而生。盲目照搬美国模式以及该模式在本土上的冒进式发展,使得国内教育界对学生自治缺乏系统而充分的实验与研究,致使其在短期内就呈现“舶来之品”水土不服的现象。在探索历史原因时,文章最后从我国人文传统、政治环境、教育改革以及人的因素等方面,对学生自治中的问题之潜在病因作出探讨。关于民国时期的学生管理,有两点值得关注:一是“自治”,即学生自治;一是“管治”,即学校对于学生的规束。民国前期的学生自治,因其与学生运动、学校风潮丝丝相连,引发教育管理系统的反省与审思,遂而对学生自治施以强制管控。学生自治潮的最后临界点,是在南京国民政府成立之后。南京政府大行“训政”,对学生施行特务监管,学生自治内核因此发生严重变异。学生界进步分子,就正当的学生自治权与学运权,同教育当局、校内反动组织展开了复杂而持久的周旋与斗争。

【Abstract】 During the late of Qing Dynasty and the early period of the Republic of China, the thoughts of western democracy and freedom constantly made much impact in China. At the same time, they brought Chinese education a fresh breath——"self-government". That was a new kind of student management way, and it got attention of some higher students. The students began to set up various student-organizations, sponsored newspapers and magazines in Beijing, also in Zhejiang, Jiangsu and several other provinces. Although the schools were quite strict in student-management, a few "students self-government" organizations sporadically appeared in some schools. They hoped they could resist the feudal autocratic by the way, and could make a new country which would be powerful and rich.American educator John Dewey had been in China for giving lectures during the period from1919to1921. At that time, American "students elf-government"mode was brought in China campuses for changing students-management way. Influenced by Dewey’s thoughts of "education,society and life", nearly all sorts of schools began to use "student self-government" to train students’abilities in grouping, living, serving communities and so on. At that time,"student self-government" system was carried out in different forms. Nearly all kinds of student-organizations got development, and even jointed into a national students’union later. Since "the platform for students self-government" was published In1920by the Sixth National Education Association,"students self-government"was established as an important system for the school and student management.When "student self-government"mode spread in China like a raging fire, it also was questioned and criticized by some people. The criticism focused on two aspects.One was "seeing’student self-government’ as a fashion", the other was "the conflict between students self-government and school management". In fact, many students did not know what they should do when they were asked to be in charge of themselves. Various problems arose in daily school management, also in "student self-government" organizations. Thus, National Education Conference in1928approved a bill:we should carry out "Three People’s Principles"——Nationalism, Democracy and People’s Livelihood, and should establish the relevant education policy for saving the nation. The bill strictly ruled the "student self-government" organizations’establishment,enrollment,limits of authority, dissolution and restructuring matters. Since then, all kinds of "student self-government" organizations were asked to rectified, and "autonomy"in student-organizations was severely weakened.There are five chapters in the paper besides the introduction and the conclusion.The first chapter named "the history of student self-government". It is to do the simple combing for the historical side of the matter."Student self-government" firstly appeared in some universities of Western Medieval period. In such universities, students took the overall management of schools. The autonomy of students was quite strong at that time. After16th Century,"student self-government" mode had been replaced by the church and the "faculty governance" gradually. After a long period of silence,"Student self-government" had emerged again cause of Humboldt Reform and American Education Reform during18th and19th centuries. In fact, the form that students were entrusted to take charge of some school matters also appeared in our ancient academies. Students’ independent and autonomous spirit also showed in the system of "Best Pupils Participating in Management".The second chapter’s main content is to devote the ideological foundations of "student self-government". It contains three aspects:political philosophy, domestic cultural change and the new trend of international education at that time."Self-government" or "autonomy" is a political concept originally. There were some factors that jointly promote "student self-government" development in the early of the Chinese Republic. One was the combination of Chinese old gentry autonomy tradition and western mature local autonomy experience. Another was the conflict, struggle, rebelling or mixing between domestic traditional culture and foreign advanced culture. Of course, the change of education was another important reason, such as ideas’change, new groups of students, the rise of students’ power and so on.The third chapter named "Age Conditions of Student Self-government"."Student self-government" developed rapidly after the New Culture Movement and the May4th Movement. What was the direct cause? How it carried out? What was the response in education and in society? These questions are accounted in this chapter. Cause of the new educational aim’s drafting, the efforts from the former returned overseas students’, Dewey’s visiting China and the May4th Movement,"Student self-government" had been a fashionable student-management pattern with strong democracy and autonomous features. Those education experts and some famous people who were enthusiastic about education, embraced the "saving nation by education" ideal and eagerly hoped the new education could do something for saving the nation from danger.The forth chapter’s theme is to describe the performance of "student self-government" in practice. Education field started "student self-government" movement, and all kinds of schools responded positively. They helped students to set up their own organizations, and encouraged them to conduct autonomous activities. Besides setting up different students’ associations, they could manage themselves in some aspects, and participate in the school management partly. At the beginning,"student self-government" pattern run smoothly. It trained students’ autonomous abilities and made some good influence."student self-government" pattern had many different forms in different schools, but all had kept the democratic, independent and self-discipline training spirits. The pattern made some contributions, such as for Chinese education reforming, the new national spirit training, enhancing the quality of citizens and so on.The fifth chapter focuses on discussing the problems arising from students self-government, and analyzing the potential factors. There were some problems in the course of students’ practical exercises, such as their confusion of the right boundaries, self-government triggering students protests easily, seven damaging schools’ order and disciplines. These problems could be divided into two sorts: one was caused by the social problems, the other was from the contradictions between the different groups of a school."Student self-government" was an exotic mode, so it was new for many people of that age. There was no time for them to study systematically because it developed too fast. Of course, there were other potential factors which restricted the "student self-government" mode’s normal development. The last section of this chapter is used to analyze the deep-seated reasons which will be from the humanistic tradition, the political environment, the process of education reform and the youth themselves of that time.There were two keys in the students-management in the early stage of the Republic of China. They were students "self-governance" and "governance" from school. Cause the close relationship between self-government students, the student movements and the student protests, the education field began to rethink the legitimacy of "self-government". Later, especially after the foundation of the Nanjing National Government, the government departments strengthened the control and management of students. The elites from the students communities started to strive for their legitimate rights, and it had been going for a long time for them to struggle against the unreasonable system and the school rebels.

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