

The College Entrance Examination Chemistry New Curriculum System of the Testing Research

【作者】 孙建明

【导师】 王后雄;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文运用教育测量评价与诊断学两大基础理论,以部分省份几十万份阅卷数据资料、大量问卷调查以及对近几年所有新课程高考化学试题的质性分析为平台,使用“美国SEC模式(Surveys of Enacted Curriculum)的波特(Porter)一致性函数P”与“约翰·比格斯(John Biggs)教授的SOLO分类理论”为工具,对新课程高考化学学科试题命制的社会满意度、存在问题的成因、与课程标准的一致性程度、试题的内部结构、试题类型及其功能、试题考查的能力结构及亚层结构等进行了详细的剖析,尝试提出了实现新课程高考化学学科试题命制质量控制的策略和方法。全文各个章节内容安排如下:绪论阐明研究选题的缘起及意义;在梳理了大量文献资料的基础上,进一步明确了研究的方向;对核心概念,例如化学新课程、高考化学命题等进行了清晰准确的界定;阐述了研究的内容、方法与框架。第一章新课程高考化学学科试题命制的诊断分析。这一章主要是对新课程高考化学学科试题命制进行实证研究与质性分析。首先,通过问卷设计、样本选择以及数据的处理对新课程高考化学学科试题命制的总体评价、公平性问题、与中学教学的关系问题以及命制质量的基本维度进行了充分实证研究;其次,开展了新课程高考化学学科试题命制与课程标准一致性研究,采用美国SEC模式,通过对最近几年新课程高考化学试题的“内容要素分布”和“认知层次分布”的横向与纵向的比较研究,得出新课程高考化学试题与课程标准的一致性亟待提高的结论;再次,对新课程高考化学学科试题命制的常见问题进行了诊断分析,指出新课程高考化学学科试题命制存在着诸多问题;最后是新课程高考化学命题与化学学习关系的诊断。第二章新课程高考化学学科试卷的内部结构。首先,本章对新课程高考化学试卷结构的设计包括化学学科试卷结构的分析和化学试卷参数指标体系的设计,进行了较为细致的分析研究;阐述了新课程高考化学试卷的基本特征和新课程高考化学试题的特点;其次是对新课程高考化学学科试卷的组卷技术包括编排项目合成试题技术、项目权重(分数)的确定技术、试题“等值复本”编制技术、试卷初定和版式设计以及前测与试题终审技术等进行了探讨。最后是新课程高考化学学科试卷评分标准的案例研究。第三章新课程高考化学学科题型分类与题型功能分析。本章共分为五个部分:第一部分新课程高考化学题型选择的意义及总的分类体系;第二部分是新课程高考化学学科试题的题型分类与题型功能分析;第三部分是新课程高考化学学科试题的编制方法,根据试题构成的四个要素详细介绍了选择题的编制原则和方法以及非选择性试题的编制方法,同时研究了试题设计的规范和试题设计中核心知识的处理方法;第四部分是试题的分类和结构规范及功能简介;第五部分主要是使用SOLO理论对新课程高考化学学科试题的内部结构进行细化研究与案例研究。第四章新课程高考化学学科能力及能力亚层分析。本章主要有两大部分:第一部分是新课程高考化学学科能力及能力亚层分析,依据能力指标与能力亚层指标给化学新课程课标中规定的一些主体知识内容定位。第二部分是新课程高考化学试题包含最小知识颗粒的能力结构层次定量纵向与横向比较研究,以SOLO法能力结构理论为工具,纵向定量比较研究了2009、2010、2011、2012和2013年新课程全国高考理综化学试题最小知识颗粒SOLO法能力结构层次,横向定量比较研究了2013年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试全国卷、海南卷、江苏卷、山东卷以及上海卷化学试题最小知识颗粒SOLO法能力结构层次。研究表明,新课程高考化学学科试题所包含的最小知识颗粒SOLO法能力结构各层次分布比例基本是一致的。第五章实现新课程高考化学学科命题质量控制的策略首先,借鉴国际发达地区经验提高命题质量,提出通过改革考试内容及方式、注重试题的情境性、增强试题的开放性与实践性、增加科学思维和实验设计的考查等策略提升新课程高考化学学科试题命制的质量。其次是明确命题原则提升命题质量,主要包括:科学性原则、公平性原则、选择性原则、创新性原则、有效性原则、协调性原则和导向性原则。再者提出整合学科思想方法提高命题质量,界定了学科思想方法的内涵、分类及特征;分析了学科思想方法的教育价值;提出了基于学科思想方法整合的高考化学命题策略。最后是运用相关参数指标科学评价命题质量,介绍了新课程高考化学试题命制的效度、信度、难度、区分度的科学评价技巧以及新课程高考化学学科试题定性评价的方法。研究的结论与展望

【Abstract】 Based on the basic theories of diagnostics and educational measurement and evaluation, this paper adopts "Porter consistency function p in Surveys of Enacted Curriculum (SEC)" and "SOLO Taxonomy proposed by professor John Biggs" to analyze the data of several hundred thousand exam papers in some provinces, many questionnaires and qualitative analysis of New Curriculum chemistry tests in College Entrance Examination (CEE). The author has analyzed in detail the design of CEE chemistry test in terms of its social degree of satisfaction, causes of problems, its consistency with curriculum standards, the internal structure, question types and functions, and the ability structure and sub-layer structure tested by the exam. This paper then offers strategies and methods in quality control of CEE chemistry test. This dissertation is divided into the following sections:Introduction Introduce the research background and significance; specify the research focus based on sufficient literature review; define core concepts clearly such as new chemistry course and the design of CEE chemistry test; illustrate research questions, methods and framework.Chapter one. Diagnostic analysis of the design of new curriculum CEE chemistry test. This chapter focuses on empirical study and qualitative analysis of the design of CEE chemistry test. First, empirical study is conducted with regard to the overall evaluation, fairness, its relation with middle and high school teaching, and the test quality of CEE chemistry test through questionnaire design, sample selection and data analysis; Second, this chapter examines the consistency between the design of CEE chemistry test and curriculum standards through American SEC model. Horizontal and vertical comparative study has been carried out in "content elements distribution" and "cognitive level distribution" of CEE chemistry tests of the past few years. It is found that the consistency needs to be improved; Third, the author conducts diagnostic analysis of common problems in the design of CEE chemistry test and points out that there exist many problems; Last, the author evaluates the relationship between new curriculum CEE chemistry test design and the study of chemistry.Chapter two. Internal structure of CEE chemistry exam papers. First, this chapter analyzes in detail the structure design of chemistry test including the design of exam paper structure and the parameter index system, and elaborates on the basic features of chemistry exam papers and characteristics of chemistry questions in CEE exam papers; second, the author discusses techniques adopted in the design of CEE chemistry test including the techniques for arranging and synthesizing exam questions, specifying score for each question type, compiling "equivalent forms", formulating exam paper drafts, and pretesting and final editing. The last part of this chapter is a case study of evaluation standard of CEE chemistry test. Chapter three. Analysis of question types and functions. This chapter is divided into five parts: Part one introduces the significance and classification system of new curriculum CEE chemistry question types; the second part focuses on the analysis of question type categorization and functions; part three addresses the methods adopted in compiling CEE chemistry test. This part expounds on the principles and methods for designing multiple-choice questions and other types of questions, and studies design norms and ways of addressing core knowledge points in exam papers; Part four briefly introduces the classification, structure norms and functions of exam questions; Part five is a detailed case study of the internal structure of new curriculum CEE chemistry exam based on the SOLO Taxonomy.Chapter four Analysis of the subject ability and its sub-layer in the new curriculum CEE chemistry test. This chapter is divided into two parts:Part one analyzes the subject ability and its sub-layer in the new curriculum CEE chemistry test, and then orientates the contents of knowledge in accordance with the standards of subject ability and its sub-layer regulated in Chemistry new curriculum. Part two makes a horizontal and vertical quantitative study of the ability structure level which includes the smallest knowledge item in the new curriculum CEE chemistry test. It uses the SOLO Taxonomy as a tool to study the ability structure level of the new curriculum CEE chemistry test in2009,2010,2011,2012and2013, and to compare the ability structure level of the national new curriculum CEE chemistry test with that of Hainan, Jiangsu, Shandong and Shanghai. The result shows the smallest knowledge item in the new curriculum CEE chemistry test distributes in proportion with the ability structure level resulted from the SOLO Taxonomy.Chapter five Strategies of controlling the quality of new curriculum CEE chemistry test design. First of all, the author suggests drawing on the experience of developed countries to improve the quality of the new curriculum CEE chemistry test design by adopting strategies like reforming the test contents and methods, paying attention to the situationality of the test paper, enhancing the openness and practicalness of the test paper and adding the test of students’ abilities in scientific thinking and experimental designing. Second, the author sets the designing principles to improve the quality of test design which include principles of being scientific, fair, selective, innovative, effective, coordinative and orienting. Third, the author advocates integrating academic thinking methods to upgrade the quality of test design; defines the contents, categories and features of academic thinking methods; analyzes the educational values of academic thinking methods and puts forward the test designing strategies on the basis of integrating academic thinking methods. At last, the author makes use of the relevant parameters to evaluate the quality of test design and introduces the scientific evaluating techniques on the validity, reliability, difficulty and discrimination of new curriculum CEE chemistry test design and qualitative evaluation methods of it. Conclusion and expectation

  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】2497

