

A Study of the Korean Students’Acquisition of Chinese Correlative Adverb

【作者】 宋扬

【导师】 汪国胜;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 对外汉语教学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 汉语作为第二语言习得研究目前以传统的句法层面考察、对比处理为主,这样做的好处是通过量化的统计研究可以使我们对学习者中介语中某个语法项目的使用情况有比较清晰的了解,缺点是对考察项目的共性特征的揭示和解释还做得不够,中介语研究往往局限于本领域内的探索,对学者者内部因素和外部因素的关注过少,难以据此提出具体可行的教授法,在“理论—实践”的转化上动力不足。本文以韩国留学生关联副词的习得考察为例探索二语习得研究的新视角,其目的—是对学习者使用关联副词时带有规律性的习得特点进行系统的归纳梳理,在观照汉语作为第二语言习得研究的同时,也对汉语本体研究有所助益;二是希冀通过研究对象的泛化和细化,对关联副词整体使用进行语表考察后,就其特点进行个案分析(如副词“还”和“也”个案考察),以探索由点及面,以微观个案反映宏观概貌的研究路径并实现研究方法上“量化—质化”的结合,研究领域上中介语语言特点与影响习得的外部因素(教学策略)、学习者内部因素(学习策略)相结合,在全面描写关联副词各语言层面表现特征的基础上,完成对考察项目共性特征的揭示和解释,完成汉语习得研究山“描写到解释”、“理论到实践”的转化,山“中介语—学习者—教学者”三方面构成一个完整闭合的习得研究系统。文章在确定研究目的和方法并阐述所依据的理论背景上,对关联副词的性质和功能作出了定义和描述。从关联副词和他类副词、关联副词和连词的同一性和差异性的角度为关联副词确立了现代汉语中的语法地位。采用了目前学界相对宽松的关联副词分类标准,将关联副词分为典型性关联副词“也、又、再、才、却、就、便、倒、更、还”和非典型性关联副词“非、不、越、都、既”两类,并最终确定了十个待考察的常用关联副词“也、又、再、才、却、就、还、越、都、既”。文章还对现阶段关联副词的研究现状进行了回顾,基本的阐述思路是首先明确关联副词的基本意义用法,然后从本体研究到二语习得研究领域就有价值的学术结论进行梳理和总结。第三章基于留学生中介语语料库的数据统计,使用语料库研究法和对比研究法,考察了韩国留学生十个常用关联副词的使用情况。文中选取了北京大学语料库检索系统(CCL)作为韩国留学生对比性语料,中介语语料来自暨南大学中介语语料库(约30万字),HSK动态作文语料库(约150万字)。分布对比显示,汉语母语者关联副词平均每十万字出现40.28次,暨南大学中介语语料库关联副词平均每十万字出现54.43次,HSK动态作文语料库关联副词平均每十万字出现68.76次。韩国学习者更频繁的使用关联副词进行句法关联。其中,关联副词单独使用、与连词组成固定搭配句型、成对使用这三种使用方式的平均使用率,韩国留学生要高于汉语母语者;关联副词与副词、关联副词与连词的非固定搭配用法,韩国留学生要低于汉语母语者。我们进一步分析对比两个中介语语料库的关联副词使用率、不同水平等级学习者的使用数据以及学习者的偏误情况,发现关联副词在初级阶段正确率即可达到相当水平,但山初级到中级及以上等级相当长一段时问里,学习者的习得水平并没有得到显著提高,而是出现了一定的反复。高频副词“也、就”和中频副词“还、又、越”的使用率从初级到中高级阶段有着显著的增加,而低频副词“才、既、再、却、都”的使用率虽有所增长,但相对幅度较小。过度使用高频词是韩国留学生使用关联副词最主要的表现特点,涉及到过度使用的副词在句法形式上多表现为:单独在句中关联分句或句法成分、相同或不同关联副词搭配使用。偏误率方面,关联副词可划为四个等级,高偏误率:也、还、就;较高偏误率:既、又;较低偏误率:才、都、再却;低偏误率:越。偏误类型主要由误代、遗漏、错序、赘余、杂糅和其他六类构成,其中,主要的偏误类型为前四类,偏误量按降序可排列为:误代>遗漏>错序>赘余。文中还详细考察了八个常用关联副词的使用情况,考察的基本脉络为“副词各次类使用频率对比→韩国留学生和汉语母语者使用情况对比→关联副词的正确使用→关联副词的偏误情况→从句式角度考察偏误情况”,这—过程为我们揭示了各关联副词具体的习得过程以及偏误情况,有利于我们从微观个案角度理解关联副词总的习得特点,实现对关联副词“总—分—总”的描述、剖析、解释过程。第四章采用了量化研究中的测验调查法,通过“确立测验目的—测验设计—施测—结果统计分析”四个环节,考察非自主输出条件下韩国学习者关联副词的使用状况。结果显示,两种不同样本中的统计数据有同有异。相同之处表现为习得表现、习得规律、学习梯度、习得过程四方面,不同之处为二者拟建的习得难度顺序和统计的具体下位句式的正确率不完全一致。为了解释关联副词习得特点,我们根据测验目的将语料根据逻辑类型、句法特征、搭配方式的不同分为三类,分别进行数据分析的结果表明:基于逻辑类型分类的折线图在三个水平区间上的正确率差比小于基于句法特征和搭配方式的分类,后两者对习得过程有比较显著的影响。此外,关联副词的内部兼类量也影响习得效果,副词兼类数量和习得难度成正比。对关联副词习得顺序的考察采取了将两种语料(自然输出和非自然输出)数据相结合的办法并根据不同的语料收集方式采用不同的推导方法。中介语语料库数据采用正确率和正确相对频率进行考察;测验数据主要使用传统的正确率方法,并辅之蕴涵量表法,通过复用系数或量表系数对排列的顺序进行检验。十个关联副词的习得难度等级分为三等,低等难度习得副词为:都、才、越、却;中等难度习得副词为:既、再、就;高等难度习得副词为:也、又、还。第五章和第六章以个案的形式系统全面地考察了偏误率和使用率最高的两个关联副词“也”和“还”的使用情况。文中首先对两个副词的用法和分类进行了归并,确定了关联副词各句式的格式和用法,通过不同句式统计出的使用率、正确率,总结副词的基本习得特点和规律,描述不同阶段学习者副词的正确使用情况和偏误情况,并在此基础上归纳偏误类型,解释偏误原因,通过正确使用相对频率的计算方法得出副词各句式的习得顺序。文中还从语际对比的角度分析了副词“也”与韩语“(?)”的区别与联系,从而阐明了学习者的习得障碍并据此提出了教学建议。第七章重点探讨了关联副词的学习策略。通过质化研究中的问卷调查法,对收集到的数据进行集中的统计和分析,探讨影响习得效果的主要因素。统计发现,学习者学习策略的使用分三个层次,最常用的是补偿策略和认知策略,其次是元认知策略和社交策略,最不常用的是记忆策略和情感策略。统计还反映出优生和差生在元认知策略、认知策略和社交策略三个学习策略的使用上存在差异。在情感策略的使用上优生和差生没有明显差距。另外,在元认知策略的复习及预习策略上二者的区别也不大。第八章就关联副词的教学策略展开论述,具体考察了现行对外汉语大纲和通用对外汉语教材中关联副词知识点的设置和编排。根据得出的研究结论,对教材和大纲中不符合学习者实际学习规律的部分提出建议。文中进一步对影响习得教学的主要因素展开调查,发现优生和差生对教学策略的选择趋势是一致的,学习者对关联副词的课堂教学情况感到满意,乐于接受的词汇学习方式是让教学者说明该词使用的具体语法规则和语用条件,并对能够提供较多语言参数的练习形式表现出了更多的喜好。据此,我们分别探讨了关联副词的教学原则,提出了“构式—语块”教学设计模式,并列举了部分关联副词的练习题型以供参考。

【Abstract】 The acquisition of Chinese interlanguage grammar item at present is in the traditional investigation and comparison of the syntactic processing. The benefits of doing this is by quantitative statistical research can make us have a clearer understanding of the usage of some grammatical items in learners’interlanguage, the disadvantage is that the research reveals the features of the common points and interpretation is not doing enough.Interlanguage research often confined to explore within the field, not pay enough attention to the acquisition internal factors and external factors.It is difficult to make a concrete pedagogy and hard to convert the theory to the practice.The study based on the acquisition of the correlative adverbs by the south Korean students,give a new perspective to the second language acquisition study. The study induce and comb the regularity acquisition characteristics of the interlanguage system.In reflection on the Chinese as a second language acquisition research and also it is helpful to the research of Chinese ontology; Through the generalization and elaboration of the object, make the analysis on the characteristics of the classify, implement the combination of "quantitative-qualitative" research method, the combination of interlanguage and the external factors and internal factors. On the basis of comprehensive description of the interlanguage features, complete the appointment of revealing the interlanguage common features and the explore of the whole acquisition field.The articles defines and describes the character and function of correlative adverbs by determining the research purpose and the background. From the identity and difference between the typical correlative adverbs and general adverbs,the correlative adverbs and the conjunction,establish the position of correlative adverbs in the modern Chinese grammar. We adopted a relatively loose classification standards, correlative adverbs can be divided into2types. Typical correlative adverbs "(也)also,(又) again,(再) again,(才) just,(却) but,(就) then,(便) then,(倒) but,(更) furthermore,(还) also".General correlative adverbs (非) not,(不) not,(越) the more and (都) all,(既)as well as". Finally determines the ten common correlative adverbs "(也)also,(再) again,(又) again,(才) just,(却) but,(就) then,(还) also, also,(越) the more,(都) all,(既) as well as". The article also reviewed the researches at the present stage, the basic road is first make clear the basic meaning and usage of the correlative adverbs and then summarize the valuable academic conclusions from the ontology research and the acquisition field.The third chapter is based on the interlanguage corpus statistics, use the corpus study method and comparison method, investigates the usage of south Korean students ten common correlative adverbs. In this paper, we selected the corpus retrieval system of Peking University (CCL) as native speakers, interlanguage corpus from Jinan University (about300000words), HSK dynamic composition corpus (about1.5million words). According to the contrast, South Korean learners more frequent use adverbs in syntactic correlation. The correlative adverbs used alone, with conjunction in the fixed sentence patterns, in pairs are the three methods to use more frequent than Chinese native speakers; The usage of correlative adverbs and adverbs, adverbs and conjunction usage without a fixed collocation, south Korean students is lower than Chinese native speakers.We further analyzed Correlative adverb in the two corpus by different level of usage, and the learner’s errors, found in the primary stage, the students can be reached a high level, but from the beginning to intermediate level and above, quite long time, the learner’s acquisition level have no remarkably improved, but appeared certain repeatedly. Excessive use of high frequency words is the main performance characteristics of the south Korean students. Relates to the excessive use of adverbs in the syntactic form show those feature:single association in a sentence, pairs with other adverbs. As for the Error rate, relative adverbs can be divided into four grades, the highest error rate,(也)also,(还) also,(就) then; high error rate,(既) as well as,(又) again; and error rate:(才) just,(都) all,(再) again,(却) but; the lowest error rate:(越) the more. The types of errors mainly composed of misuse, wrong order, omission, redundant, blends and other. Among them, the main error types are the first four classes. We can arrange a descending order as:misuse>omission>disorder>redundant.The paper also investigates the use of eight common Correlative adverb, basic train of the thought is "adverb use frequency comparison, Korean students and Chinese native speakers use comparative, Correlative adverb errors, clause types of error". This process reveals the specific acquisition of each Correlative and the error case for us, can help us to understand the characteristics of acquisition in Correlative adverb from micro angle. Realization of Correlative Adverb "total-points-Total" description, analysis, interpretation of the process.The fourth chapter uses test method in the quantitative research, through the "establishment-design-test-statistical analysis of the results " four steps, Investigate the independent output.The results showed that, two different statistical data in the corpus samples is almost same as well as different. Similar performance for the acquisition expression, acquisition rules, learning gradient, the acquisition process four aspects. The differences are the two acquisition sequences and right rates of the concrete sentence patterns. In order to explain the acquisition characteristics, we according to the test purpose divided corpus into three categories:the logic type, syntactic features, different patterns. Respectively data analysis results show that:the logical classification of line charts in three horizontal interval difference less than the correct rate of classification based on syntactic features and patterns. The latter two have a significant influence on the acquisition process. In addition, the internal conversion of the correlative adverb is also influence the effect of acquisition.Investigation of Correlative adverb acquisition order by two kinds of materials (natural output and non natural output) data method according to the different data collection methods used different methods of derivation. Interlanguage corpus data using the correct rate and the relative frequency of correct rate method; test data mainly use the traditional correct rate method and the auxiliary scaling method. Ten correlative adverbs are divided into three classes, low degree of difficulty acquiring Adverbs:(都) all,(才) just,(越) more,(却) but; medium difficulty acquiring Adverbs:(既) both,(再) then,(就) is; higher difficulty acquiring Adverbs:(也) also,(又) again,(还) also.The fifth chapter and the sixth chapter investigate Correlative Adverb (还) and (也) by the case analysis.The study merge the usage and classification of the two adverbs first and then determines the pattern and usage of general correlative adverbs by sentence, by using different statistics of rate, correct rate, summarize the basic characteristics of acquisition and regularity of adverbs, describe the different stages of learning,find the errors and based on the type of error explain the reasons. The paper also from interlanguage contrast angle analyzes the differences and connections between the Adverb "也" and Korean "du", which illustrates the acquisition barriers faced learners and puts forward some suggestions for teaching.The seventh chapter discusses the learning strategies of correlative adverb. Through qualitative research of questionnaire survey, the statistical data collected and analysis to explore the factors related to the effect of acquisition. Statistics found that, The use of learning strategy can be divided into three levels, the most commonly used are compensation strategies and cognitive strategies, followed by metacognitive strategies and social strategies, the most unusual is the memory and affective strategies. Statistics also reflect the differences between high achievers and low achievers in the use of metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies and social strategies. Good learner and failure learner in the use of affective strategies have no obvious difference. In addition, on the review and preview strategies and metacognitive strategy the two leaner have not show obvious gap too.The eighth chapter makes the adverb teaching strategies discussed, and analyzes the current syllabus and textbook about the general setting and arrangement. According to the research, the study proposed some advises for materials and syllabus which could not in conform with the actual learning process. The paper further factors related to the acquisition of teaching investigation, found the choice of good learner and failure learner as to the teaching strategy is the same. The learner felt satisfied with the classroom teaching situation of Correlative adverb and willing to accept the way of practice that provide more language parameter.Based on the above features, we discuss the teaching principle of Correlative adverb, put forward the "construction-chunks" instructional models and lists some Correlative adverb exercises for reference.


