

Research about the Forced Liability Insurance System of Primary and Middle School

【作者】 杨定玉

【导师】 李晓燕;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 “天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。”风险是导致损害事件发生的一种客观可能的存在。积极预防风险、合理化解风险,应当成为人们现代生活的一种重要态度和方式。保险正是这样一种合理处理风险的制度化工具。强制责任保险,是指国家法律法规要求某些特殊的群体或行业对其可能承担的某种特殊责任,不管其愿意与否都必须参加投保的责任保险险种。中小学强制责任保险,是指基于公共利益的政策考量,由国家法律规定在中小学教育这一特殊的行业,要求学校的举办者必须对学校的教育风险责任进行投保,保险公司必须承保的一种强制责任保险制度。学校强制责任保险的设立,具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。从社会正义的角度看,学校责任保险是利用社会化的风险管理机制,实现财富在不同人之间的合理分配,实现分配正义;从教育公平的角度看,学校强制责任保险是对教育公平发展的必要补充;从政府管理的角度看,学校强制责任保险是对市场实现科学监管的重要举措。国外比较完善的学生伤害事故赔偿制度,为我国学校强制责任保险制度的构建提供了良好的经验借鉴。在美国,学校责任保险由学区实施,统一选择保险公司进行投保,统一缴纳保费。但其特许学校有较大的自主性,可以自主决定如何购买,政府对其采取“放任”的管理模式和态度。日本对学生的安全保障则有很大不同,它对学生伤害事故赔偿采用的是灾害共同救济给付制度,即由国家、学校举办者、家长三方共同负担建立互助共济制度。加拿大则成立互惠保险公司(如CURIE和0SBIE),它是由大学或地方教育局以会员形式加入相应保险公司,共同承担学生伤害事故赔偿与处理。我国现阶段校方责任保险的理论与实践,对构建学校强制责任保险制度奠定了基础。其具体实施模式是法律法规引导、政府行政强制推动的统一投保模式。这种模式在一定程度上解决了学校办学的后顾之忧,但也带来了一系列的问题:一是法律强制性缺失;二是保费缴纳主体混乱,政策不统一;三是各省市各自为政,地区发展差异较大;四是保险人承保范围过窄,保险条款前后矛盾;五是理赔程序复杂,纠纷解决困难。因此,鉴于现行校方责任保险制度存在的缺陷和不足,需要构建和完善学校强制责任保险制度,使受害学生的权利得到充分保障。在现行制度的基础上,需构建中小学强制责任保险制度。首先,要确定学校强制责任保险制度立法的目标及原则。其次,在对立法目标及原则分析的基础上,进一步明确学校强制责任保险的主体、内容(包括保险标的、保险责任、保险理赔和争议处理)。第三,对学校强制责任保险中的第三人直接请求权进行了分析。认为应通过修改,赋予第三人直接的损害赔偿请求权。第四,明确学校强制责任保险中保险人的参与权和抗辩权。在责任保险中,被保险人与第三人的索赔与抗辩直接关系到保险人的利益,为了平衡各方利益,降低道德风险,应允许保险人参与抗辩。

【Abstract】 Nothing is so certain as the unexpected. Risk has been in existence objectively for the occurrence of damage incidents. It should be one of the important attitudes and methods in modern life to prevent risk positively and resolve risk reasonably. Insurance is such a kind of reasonable institutionalized tool. Compulsory liability insurance refers to a special responsibility that the state laws and regulations require some special group or industry should bear, whether they like it or not. Compulsory liability insurance of primary and secondary schools, based on the interests of the public policy considerations, is stipulated by the state laws and regulations that require a special industry such as primary and secondary schools to cover insurance and insurance company must accept it. The establishment of school compulsory liability insurance has important theoretical significance and practical value. From the perspective of social justice, the school liability insurance is using the social risk management mechanism to realize the reasonable allocation of wealth between different people and the justice of distribution; From the perspective of the education fair, school compulsory liability insurance is a necessary complement to the development of education fairness; From the perspective of government management, the school compulsory liability insurance is an important measure to achieve scientific regulation for the market.The better injury accident compensation system of foreign countries provides a good example for the construction of compulsory liability insurance system at school in our country. In the United States, the school liability insurance is carried out by school districts, making unified choice and unified cost to cover the insurance. But schools have wide autonomy, and they can decide how to buy it, and the government holds a "laissez faire" management mode and attitude. Japan has a quite different system, in which people share disaster relief payment together, namely, by the state, the schools and parents, and the three sides burden the consequence to establish a mutual aid system. Canada sets up a mutual insurance company, such as CURIE and OSBIE, which is formed by the join of the university or the local bureau of education in the form of membership and bear the compensation and processing for students’ injury accident.The theory and practice of our school liability insurance at the present has laid a solid foundation for the construction of school compulsory liability insurance system. Its concrete implementation model is the guiding of compulsory administrative laws and regulations and promotion of the unification of the insured by the government. This model, to a certain extent, solves the worries of school education, but also brings a series of problems:the missing of the legal mandatory; the disorder of subjects who pay insurance and the unified policy; the fragment of provinces and cities, which leads to differences in regional development; the narrow insurance coverage and the inconsistence of clauses:the complexity of claims procedure and the difficulty of settling disputes. As the current school liability insurance system has defects and deficiencies, it is needed to build and improve the school compulsory liability insurance system to make full protection of the victims’ rights.On the basis of the current system, it is necessary to construct the system of compulsory liability insurance of primary and secondary schools. First of all, set goals and principles of the school system of compulsory liability insurance legislation. Second, based on the analysis of the objectives and principles of lawmaking, further define the subjects and contents of the school’ main body of compulsory liability insurance, including the subject-matter insured, the insurance liability, insurance claims and dispute processing. Third, the third party’ direct claim to the school is analyzed and it should give the third party for compensation for the damage directly by modifying the clauses. Fourth, clear the insurer’s the rights of participation and defense in school compulsory liability insurance. In liability insurance, the claim and defense of insurant and the third party is directly related to the interests of the insurer, so it is needed to reduce the risk of moral hazard and allow insurers to participate in the contest to balance the interests of all parties.


