

The Research on Development of Huxiang Landscape Architecture

【作者】 刘枫

【导师】 胡希军;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 通过对大量文献史料、考古实证及民间传说的梳理,结合实地调研,对湖湘园林的历史发展脉络进行剖析,力求系统地、全面地揭示湖湘园林从起源到发展各历史时期的本来面目,总结湖湘园林发展的规律及其特点。希望本文的研究成果对湖湘园林的进一步深入研究起到抛砖引玉的作用。本文的主要研究成果有以下几点:(1)湖湘园林起源于迄今6500余年前的原始社会晚期。澧县城头山“中国第一城”考古发现的祭坛、稻种、墓葬等遗迹,证明湖湘园林起源于原始的宗教信仰、图腾崇拜等祭祀活动及其附属设施。(2)对湖湘园林发展各历史时期进行了分析,总结出湖湘园林的发展经历了以下七个阶段:①秦统一以前,为湖湘园林的起源萌动期。湖湘园林起源于迄今6500余年前的原始社会晚期,城头山遗址的城门、护城河、祭坛、墓葬、稻田等遗迹齐全,具备了园林的基本要件。②秦汉三国两晋南北朝时期,为湖湘园林的初始发展期。该时期,王室园林、陵园园林、衙署园林形成基本格局,塔、庙、宫、观等园林建筑悄然兴起。③隋唐五代时期,为湖湘园林的高速发展期。宗教园林、贬官园林及马楚时期兴建的王室园林,达到历史最高的水平。④宋元时期,为湖湘园林的平稳过渡期。书院园林兴起,在全国占有重要地位。潇湘八景的出现,丰富了湖湘园林的文化内涵。元代实行土司制度,促进了少数民族聚居区园林文化的发展。⑤明清时期,为湖湘园林的发展成熟期。宗教园林、私家园林、衙署园林、王室园林、会馆园林等进入了快速发展的阶段。此时的湖湘园林,数量多、门类全、品位高,是进入成熟发展期的主要标志。⑥近现代(1840-1949),为湖湘园林的中外融合期。中西园林艺术的融合交流,对湖湘园林的发展起到了积极的作用。⑦中华人民共和国成立至今,为湖湘园林的全面发展期。城市公园、森林公园、地质公园、湿地公园等公共园林的相继兴起,各类型园林全面发展。(3)通过对湖湘园林历史发展脉络的梳理,总结归纳出以下主要园林类型及特点:①祭祀园林:起源早,生命力强,园林布局大多中轴对称,较大规模的建有亭台楼阁。②王室园林:择地于权力中心,集王宫、园苑为一体,楼阁殿堂、廊榭亭台与自然山水景观互为衬托。③陵园园林:大多选址风水宝地,园林布局规整,广植树木,隐蔽性强。④衙署园林:一般设在所辖中心区域,园林空间布局以前衙门后庭苑为主,园林绿化程度较高,古树名木也很常见。⑤湘西园林:以湖湘西部少数民族聚居地所营建的园林为主。依山面水、因地制宜、就地取材是其主要特征。⑥寺观园林:多择名山胜地,强调中轴对称,主次分明,古树名木多有栽植。⑦私家园林:造园手法灵活多样,占地面积大小不等,亭台楼阁、山水植物等园林要素依园主的意愿营建。⑧庄园园林:常建于城郊,规模宏大,园林布局以田园式风格为主,常凿池、建亭廊等。⑨贬官园林:多在贬官活动区域内选址营造,以祠、庙、阁、楼等园林建筑形式为主,园林文化内涵丰富。⑩书院园林:一般在环境清静、自然景观秀美的地方修建。园林布局以讲堂为中心展开,中轴对称,多重院落组合。天井、连廊及四周常设有园林小品。⑩会馆园林:是集聚会、商谈、食宿、娱乐等功能于一身的综合性园林。大院高墙,门楼宏伟,园林建筑装饰精美。选址多在繁华商业重镇交通便利之处。⑩公共园林:功能齐全,形式多样,具有公共游览性,兼收传统与现代不同的造园风格和造园理念。(4)本文尝试性地提出了“贬官园林”这一概念,即指被流放、贬谪、罢黜的官员,亲身设计并营造,以及后人营造的,与流贬官员关系密切的文化氛围厚重的各类型园林。

【Abstract】 Through a large number of historical documents, archaeological evidence and combing folklore, combined with field research on the historical development of Huxiang Garden analyze, and strive to systematically and comprehensively reveal the development of Huxiang Garden from its origins to the true colors of the various historical periods, summarizes the development of the law of Huxiang Garden and its characteristics. And hope that further study of the results of this study of Huxiang Garden play a valuable role. The main results of this study are the following:(1) Huxiang Garden originated in the late primitive society far more than6500years ago. The altar, rice, tombs discoveried in Lixian Chengtoushan proved that Huxiang Garden originated in primitive religion, totem worship and other ritual activities and ancillary facilities.(2) For each historical period of Huxiang Garden development were analyzed, summarized the development of Huxiang Garden through the following seven stages:①The period of Qin unified is the origin of Huxiang Garden germination period. Huxiang Garden originated in the late primitive society far more than6500years ago, Chengtoushan site gates, moats, altars, tombs, rice and other relics equipped with the basic elements of the garden.②Qin and Han Dynasties period Sanguoliangjin for an initial period of development of Huxiang Garden. This time, the Royal Garden, Cemetery Garden, Government Office Garden form the basic structure, tower, temple, palace, and outlook on landscape architecture quietly rising.③Sui and Tang dynasties is the period of rapid development of Huxiang Garden. Religious Garden, Relegation Garden and the construction of the Royal Garden constructed by MaChu Epoch reached to the highest level in history.④Song and Yuan dynasties is a smooth transition of Huxiang Garden. Academy Gardens rose, occupied an important position in the country. Eight scenic spots appeared, enriching the cultural connotation of Huxiang Garden. The chieftain system in Yuan dynasty promote the development of landscape cultural in ghettos.⑤Ming and Qing Dynasties, is the development of mature of Huxiang Garden. Religious Garden, Private Garden, Government Office Garden, Royal Garden, Assembly Hall Garden entered a stage of rapid development. At this time, the quantity, category, high grade of Huxiang Garden, is entering the mature phase of the main logo. ⑥Modern (1840-1949), is the integration of foreign gardens of Hunan. AC fusion of Chinese and Western landscape art, the development of Huxiang Garden has played a positive role.⑦People’s Republic of China has been established is the overall development of Huxiang Garden. Successive rise city parks, forest parks, geological parks, wetland and other public gardens, the comprehensive development of all types of gardens.(3) Through the historical development of Huxiang Garden combing, summarized the following main garden types and characteristics:①Sacrifice Garden:origins early, vitality, most of the garden layout axial symmetry, built larger pavilions.②Royal Garden:the choice of sites in the center of power, set the palace, Park Court as a whole, the pavilion hall, gallery pavilion pavilions each other and the natural landscape landscape backdrop.③Cemetery Garden:most sites poised, neat garden layout, planting trees, subtle and strong.④Government Office Garden:generally located in the central area of jurisdiction, garden space layout before the bureaucratic Ting-based, high degree of green gardens, old trees are also common.⑤Xiangxi Garden:to the west of Hunan ethnic enclaves dominated by the construction of the garden. Mountain surface water, local conditions, local materials are its main features.⑥Temple Garden:alternatives mountain resort, stressed axial symmetry, prioritize, multi-old trees are being planted.⑦Private Garden:gardening practices flexible, covers an area of varying sizes, landscaping, landscape plants and other garden elements according to the wishes of the main park construction.⑧Manor Garden:often built in the suburbs, large-scale, garden layout to pastoral style, often chisel pool, built Tinglang so on.⑨Relegation Garden:demotion multi-activity area within the site to create, in the form of landscape architecture, Temple, Temple, Tower, floor, etc, the rich garden culture.⑩Academy Garden:generally quiet environment, a place to build beautiful natural landscape. Garden layout to expand the center auditorium, axial symmetry, multi-compound combination. Standing there patio garden ornaments, corridor and around.(11) Assembly Hall Garden:a gathering will discuss, accommodation, entertainment and other functions in an integrated landscape. Compound walls, gatehouse magnificent landscape architecture beautifully decorated. Multi-location in the bustling commercial center of the Department of Transportation is convenient.②Public Garden:fully functional, in various forms, with public tours of and incorporate traditional garden with a different style and modern gardening ideas.(4) This paper attempts to put forward a "Relegation Garden" concept, referring to the exiled, banished, deposed officials personally design and create, and build the future generations, and the flow demoted officials close to the cultural atmosphere thick various types of gardens.


