

Research on the Development of Jade-Like Mineral Resources Industry in Henan Province

【作者】 高殿松

【导师】 张德会;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 资源产业经济, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 我国玉石文化历史悠久,是全球最早使用玉石的国家,自古以来国人就有爱玉佩玉的习俗。随着我国经济的高速发展,人们的物质生活水平得到了很大的提升,对玉石的需求将会极速攀升,未来我国宝玉石市场前景广阔。河南省是我国玉石产业大省,对河南省玉石类矿产资源产业发展进行研究,有利于摸清家底,合理制定规划,抓住发展机遇。本文系统探索了河南省玉石产业发展的产业基础,资源潜力,在分析河南省玉石产业发展历史及趋势的基础上,构建评价指标体系,通过层次分析法对河南省玉石类矿产资源产业竞争力及发展优先顺序进行了系统的评价。1、运用“矿床模型综合地质信息预测技术”对河南省六种玉石类矿产的资源潜力进行了预测评价。通过对已有玉石类矿床的地质信息提取和处理,确定预测要素及要素组合,据此划分预测单元,利用数学模型计算预测单元的成矿有利度,经评级、优选后,圈定最小预测区,利用模型区的含矿系数,对资源潜力进行评价。2、提出了玉石类资源产业不同于其他资源产业的明显特征,玉石资源产业与资源、产业、市场、企业、加工密切相关,资源优势并一定能转化为产业优势,资源产业大省也并不一定具有资源优势。3、玉石资源产业与文化产业密切相关,文化因素对玉石产品价格及玉石产业的巨大影响,可以大幅提升玉石产品的价格,促进玉石资源产业的发展。4、通过构建评价指标体系,运用层次分析法对河南省玉石类矿产资源产业竞争力进行评价。基于玉石资源产业的特征,确定了由资源、产业、市场、企业、加工构成一级评价指标,一级指标包括若干二级评价指标。评价对象选取具有代表性的几个典型资源大省新疆、云南、河南及产业大省北京、广东。资源产业竞争力的评价结果依次为广东、北京、新疆、河南、云南。5、通过构建评价指标体系,运用层次分析法对河南省六类玉石类矿产资源产业的优先发展顺序进行了分析。确定了由资源、产业、市场、企业四个一级评价指标和若干二级评价指标,评价结果为:独山玉—虎睛石—密玉—伊源玉—梅花玉—牡丹石。6、运用SWOT分析法分析了河南省玉石类资源产业的优势、劣势、机遇和威胁,提出了河南省玉石资源产业的发展构想:①合理开发资源,注重环境保护;②创建知名品牌,提高品牌效应;③延伸产业链,促进产业升级;④规范市场秩序,引导健康发展;⑤加强人才引进,提升核心竞争力。

【Abstract】 China, the country using jade the earliest in the world, has a long story of jadeculture. Appreciating and wearing jade has been a custom of Chinese since the utmostancient. The material living levels of people are promoted substantially due to therapid development of economy, and thus the desire for jade products will rise speedilyand the jade market will be very promising in the future.Henan is one of the largest provinces of jade-like resources industry in China.Study on the development of jade-like resources industry in Henan province, ishelpful for understanding the reserves and potential of jade resources, reasonableplanning, and seizing the development opportunity. This paper systematicallydiscusses the development foundation and the resources potential. On the basis ofanalyzing the history, the current situation and the trend of jade-like resourcesindustry in Henan province, this paper uses the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) toappraise systematically the competitive power and the preferential order of thedevelopment of the industry by the means of constructing an appraisal index system.1. This paper applies Deposit Model Integrated Geological InformationPrediction to appaising the resources potential of six kinds of jade-like minerals inHenan province. Prediction elements and elements assemblies are eatablished afterextracting and processing geological information from those known deposits,therefore Prediction units are partitioned. After rating and optimizing mineral vantagedegrees of the prediction units which are calculated by introducing mathematicalmodel, thus minimum prediction areas are determined. Thereafter resources potentialsare evaluated using mineral-bearing coefficients of the model areas.2. The paper presents a significant characteristic of jade-like mineral industrydifferent from other resources industry that this industry is closely related to resources,industries, enterprises, markets and processing. Resources advantages are unnecessaryfor transforming to industrial advantages, and those large industry provinces may nothave advantageous resources.3. Jade-like resources industry is interrelated with cultural industry. Culturalfactors have a marked impact on jade-like resources industry, multiplying the prices ofjade products and accelerating the industrial development..4. By constructing an appraisal index system, this paper introduces the analytichierarchy process to appraise systematically the competitive power. Taking the characteristics of jade-like resources industry into consideration, this paper selects5Level1appraisal indexes, i.e. resources, industry, makets, enterprises and processing,which comprises some Level2appraisal indexes. Several provinces such as Xinjiang,Yunnan and Henan, are selected as representatives of large resources provinces, andBeijing and Guangdong are taken as the samples of large industry provinces, whichconstitue appraisal objects. The appraisal result is Guangdong, Beijing, Xinjiang,Henan and Yunan in sequence by their ranks of competitive power of jade-likeresources industry.5. By constructing an appraisal index system, this paper also uses the analytichierarchy process to analyze the preferential development order of the six jademinerals in Henan province. A conclusion is drawn that the ranked order is Dushanjade, Tiger’s eye, Mixian Jade, Yiyuan jade, Plum blossom jade and Peony stone insequence.6. SWOT analysis is used to analyze the strenth, weakness, opportunities andthreats of jade-like resources industry in Henan province, and thereafore this paperputs forward some measures as following for the development of jade-like resourcesindustry in Henan province, i Reasonable exploiting resources and focusing onenvironment protection, ii Creating outstanding brands and enahancing brand effects,iii extending industry chains and promoting industry updating, iv standardizingmarket and guiding to healthy development, v strengthening intelligent recruiting andincreasing core competitiveness.

  • 【分类号】F426.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】694

