

CO, O3and CH4Anomalies of Remote Sensing Geochemistry Occurred before and after Great Earthquakes

【作者】 崔月菊

【导师】 张德会; 杜建国;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地球化学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 大地震给人类带来巨大灾难,通过监测和预测地震减轻地震灾害是迫切的社会需求。地震发生前后由于构造应力场作用,大量的地球内部气体(CO、CO2、H2、Hg、He、Rn和CH4等)会沿断裂向上逸出到地表。利用新兴的卫星高光谱遥感技术监测地震带地下逸出气体,研究气体异常与地震活动的关系,不仅在科学方面能揭示地震活动过程中地球化学变化过程,而且能丰富地震监测的技术手段,在减轻地质灾害方面有应用价值。本文利用AIRS获取的2003~2012年CO、O3和CH4数据,建立了全球不同月份的CO、O3和CH4背景场。通过剔除背景的影响,提取了2003~2012年全球113个7级以上地震(震源深度<35km)的CO、O3和CH4异常,分析了其在地震前后的异常特征,进而探讨了异常形成机制及其与地震的关系。论文主要取得如下结果:(1)113个震例中,出现CO、O3或CH4异常的概率达到63.7%。CO异常震例54个,占研究震例的47.8%,异常强度范围为0.88~11.92×1017molecules/cm-2;O3异常震例65个(57.5%),异常强度范围为11.72~74.56DU;CH4异常震例34个(30.1%),异常强度范围为1.17~5.05×10-8。(2)CO、O3、CH4异常大多在震前3个月出现,只有四分之一左右的震例在地震当月或者震后出现气体异常。CO和O3异常持续时间较长,从1到12个月以上不等,大多在6个月以上;CH4异常持续时间相对较短,多在6个月以下。(3)CO、O3和CH4气体地球化学异常主要是由地震孕育过程中的地球脱气增加造成的。地下脱出的气体在大气中发生各种物理化学过程,最终导致了这些气体地球化学异常。(4)CO、O3和CH4之间相互反应、相互依赖,关系密切。CO和CH4是O3的重要前体物,都受OH浓度的影响,研究它们之间的关系和异常特征有利于了解地震活动的演化过程。

【Abstract】 Great earthquakes usually cause great calamity. It is the pressing social needs tomitigate earthquake disaster by monitoring and predicting earthquake. Plenty of gases(CO, CO2,H2, Hg, He, Rn and CH4) emit along the fault zones from the solid earth tothe atmosphere under the action of tectonic stress before and after the earthquakes. Tomonitor the variation of gas emission from the seismic zones using the hyper-spectralremote sensing technique developed in recent years is not only scientificallysignificant in investigating genetic mechanisms of the gas anomalies duringearthquake activities, but also provides new technique of earthquake monitoring andfavors mitigating earthquake disaster.The monthly background fields (values) of total column CO, O3and CH4VMRwere calculated using the AIRS data from2003to2012. Anomalies of total columnCO, total O3and CH4VMR before and after113earthquakes with M>7.0and focaldepth less than35km, which occurred throughout the world from2003to2012, wereextracted based on the background data. Consequently, the characteristics andmechanisms of the obtained gas anomalies were discussed.The results can be briefly summarized as following:(1) It was found that63.7%of the studied earthquakes were accompanied withCO, O3and/or CH4anomalies. The data showed that the54studied cases (47.8%oftotal) were accompanied with the CO anomalies, of which the strength had a range of0.88~11.92×1017molecules/cm-2;65studied earthquakes (57.5%) with the O3anomalies with an abnormal strength range of1.72~74.56DU; and34earthquakes(30.1%) with CH4anomalies with an abnormal strength range of1.17~5.05×10-8.(2) The anomalies of CO and O3concentrations and CH4VMR appeared mostlyin3months before the earthquakes, while appropriately a quarter of the gas anomaliesappeared in the month of earthquake occurrences or after the events. In general, thedurations of total CO and O3anomalies ranged from1to12months (more than6months mostly). However, the durations of CH4VMR anomalies were usually lessthan6months. (3) The geochemical anomalies of CO and O3and CH4VMR associated withearthquakes can be mainly attributed to the gas emission from the lithosphere duringthe earthquake activities as well as the physical and chemical alteration of the emittedgaseous components in the atmosphere.(4) CO, O3and CH4altered by chemical reactions. Both CO and CH4acted asthe precursors of O3under the OH catalysis. The results are conducive tounderstanding the process of seismic activities.

  • 【分类号】P315.7;P593
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】102
  • 攻读期成果

